Thursday, March 29, 2018

Keeping up with the Chao

Cheese, a well-known chao. 

Chao have appeared in many games but are only interactive in a few. So many people do not fully understand what they are (or how to pronounce their name!).

Chao ("Chow") are cute creatures raised as pets. Some talk but most utter baby noises or "chao-chao". They like to spend time roaming around, racing, and napping. They are born in eggs and are pretty customizable from there, though the most common form is blue with yellow highlights (the neutral chao).

Sonic Adventure first introduced us to these, with 2 per garden. The gardens are small areas, usually with some landscape and water, and they are where the chao generally live. Sonic Adventure 2 gave a new concept: hero and dark chao. Being raised by a hero character resulted in angelic traits, and spending time with a dark one gave the opposite.

The Tiny Chao gardens are the only other times we see the chao like this, although it is much more limited (small garden, no change in appearance, no racing, etc). Still cute though.
Other than that, it's mostly been cameos. The chao garden (if that's what it was) in Shadow the Hedgehog was pretty interesting...not to mention the "Chao in Space" series. Some chao are more known, such as Chocola or Cheese (Cream's buddy). Omachao, a "toy" chao, is an annoying little brat who tells you what to do in some games.

So what's up? Why don't we see chao like we used to?

A couple of points.

  • Its hard to explain chao to new players while keeping the old ones awake.
  • Do they fit in the story/match its tone? (Would a racing game like Sonic Riders benefit from raising chao--a rather slow process
  • Are there substitute gimmicks (like feeding Chip or exploring wisps) 
So chao are adorable, fun, and creative. I've wasted way too much time with them. But I'd love them to return to their pet-like roles. Maybe Sega could make an app out if them. It'd beat Runners.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

3D Classic Sonic--Hero from Hell

Sonic and his fat flicky friend. Big the Cat as a bird?
Art by me!
I've finished Sonic 3D Blast, thanks to the amazing "save" feature of Sonic Mega Collection Plus. Everyone is always praising Classic Sonic, but they only think of 1, 2, 3, & Knux, and CD. Maybe Chaotix, and now Mania. Everyone forgets the Gamegear titles, and, more relevant, the 3D ones.

There's a different side to Classic. 3D Classic.

Hard to control and annoying, 3D Classic's best feature seems to be his idle animations. The gold shield is useful, and gives a homing attack feel, but it--like the others--is extremely easy to lose. Once you get the hang of things, it's the Zones that start to take a toll, each becoming more torturous then the next (not to mention what happens when you lose your flickies--the fat green ones are especially annoying). The only "fun" levels are Volcano Valley and Diamond Dust.

And where's the rest of team hero? Tails and Knuckles are hiding around, waiting to steal your rings (to take you to the special stage--if you magically get 50 rings).

This version of Classic Sonic is often over looked. My advice--just play a modern game. It's not worth it. If you insist, then save yourself a lot of frustration and use the stage select.

Good Luck.

Quote of the Month

--Omega, Sonic Heroes