Sunday, September 8, 2019

Sonic 06 is better than Colors (Part 8)

Most consider Sonic 06 the worst Sonic game. I disagree; there is one far worst. Actually a few. But in this case I'm proving 06 is better than one of the most over-praised and worthless Sonic games ever created: Sonic Colors.

Welcome to part 8: SONIC

"That was incredible!"

It's well known that Sonic's portrayal in 06 is not top-notch. Since the character remains neutral on his feelings for Elise, he doesn't show much emotion.  He acts concerned for Elise as a friend, but stays neutral. Too neutral? In Sonic and the Secret Rings, for example, Sonic spends most of the game along side the human-like genie, Shahra. And their friendship grows within the game. They have fun; they look out for each other. Meanwhile Sonic's relationship with Elise stays 1-dimensional. Unfortunately we don't get much from his friendship with long-time buds Tails and Knuckles, either. In total, Sonic's personality was rather flat. 

However, that changed when he was faced with an enemy. Be it Eggman, Solaris, or even Silver, Sonic seemed to snap back into his old self. He acts normal during the stages as well. Ultimately, the best moments for him are in the first cutscene and the boss fight with Solaris.   


Sonic turns into an axxhole. They used his personality, alright. Over-used, this time. Sonic's jokes are so bad and cringe-worthy that they pathetic, not funny. They focus more on Sonic's "brother" relationship with Tails, but I guess we'll have to credit Tails because Sonic acts like a jerk. His emotions are way off; he acts like he doesn't care about anything, let alone a race of weird aliens. Before the final boss with Eggman there's a serious moment but it doesn't last. When everything is a joke, nothing is funny. 


The point here is that even a stale Sonic is better than the jerk we get in Colors. Seriously. And, like many other parts of that crappy game, it influenced ones that followed. Sonic's still barely recovering from this personality flaw in Forces. WHY? Why did people praise "Bladly NoseHair?! That's the best thing I heard all day!" over "Nothing starts until you take action!"?
Yes. It's actually not "Mc" Nosehair at first...

Sonic is the main character of each of these games. If the main character is crap, the game is probably crap, too. 

Monday, September 2, 2019