Sunday, March 26, 2017

The Truth! The true types of Sonic the Hedgehog...

Sonic changes, bit by bit...
It's true that all "Sonics" end up falling into "Modern" or "Classic," but those are simplified descriptions. What really annoys me is when people say there are three categories, "Classic," "Modern," and "Transitional." If you include transitional, you have to include the other two eras. "Transitional Classic" is Sonic in between the Genesis titles and the Dreamcast era. Modern Sonic is also spilt into "Modern" and "Current." Believe me, there is a difference.

Sonic CD and Sonic and the Black Knight, "Classic and Modern"
So, here are the main five...

Sonic 2 art
Classic Sonic-Often portrayed inaccurately as a very light blue (possibly thanks to the cutscenes in Sonic CD), he was often as dark blue as Modern Sonic. He was cool and edgy-but now simply seen as cute. He captured teenage attitude and impatience perfectly. In America, he was often shown with only one row of spikes. This started with box art, and then the cartoons. This was corrected in Sonic Underground, which gave him a more "3-D" look, but by then Sonic was moving into the transitional phase. The cartoons had a large impact on Sonic's attitude as we know it. Classic Sonic was humorous and impatient, but also quite clever.
Sonic R

Transitional Classic-Sonic tested his footing on 3-D ground for the first time. Often over looked and forgotten, this Sonic hardly received the attention one would expect. In addition to the lighter shade, he was a bit taller. I suppose you could say that Sonic from "the movie" would fall under this category, if you wanted him to have a voice (compare the others with).
Sonic Adventure 2

Transitional (Modern)-Forget that light color, transitional went back to dark blue. Perfecting 3-D and storylines, this was a rebirth for the entire franchise. He was taller than Classic, but really not that tall, and had green eyes* for the first time. His shoes where given gray soles (they used to be red) and a rounder appearance. He became known for sporting a pair of Soap shoes. This was Sega getting money for advertisement (posters for Soap shoes where also included), but "grinding," the main function of the shoes, became a technique still used in games to day. This was the first time Sonic was officially talking, and he had an attitude to match his old self. Sonic was always excited for the next adventure.
Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)

Modern Sonic-He lost the "awkward-ness" that he had before, and grew some-what taller. The Dreamcast era experimented with styles, but mostly with other characters. Modern Sonic experimented with Sonic. Although the creators had good intentions and only wanted to perfect the gameplay, many chose to criticize the h@$$ out of what they where doing. Heh, it may not have been "perfect" but at least it's not the same exact game copied and pasted on to a new console every three years (unlike another popular video game star). During this phase Sonic had another voice actor, and he made Sonic sound much more mature. This Sonic was still a jokester at heart, but could handle serious situations. He was thrilled with life and ready for any challenge.
Sonic Colors

Current Sonic-High quality and just slightly taller and a blue just slightly lighter, Sonic's main change was in style. Mostly known for the "Boost everywhere" gimmick (which was ironically introduced years before in 2D.5 with Sonic Rush), Current Sonic took over with Sonic Colors (or arguably Sonic Unleashed, but aside from gameplay it was still "Modern." Maybe Free Riders-I haven't played it but I heard it was different). With "Crap" Smith as Sonic's current voice actor, Sonic is less like a teen of the 90s or 2000s, and more like the teens of today; Sonic is bored with everything. Mature storylines have been replaced with comedic ones, and Sonic doesn't take anything seriously.

So there you have it, folks. Next time, either say Classic and Modern, or all five. Don't forget that there is a difference. But also remember that he is the same character, and no matter what physical or style changes happen, Sega will try to keep the same spirit-the same attitude that he's had from the beginning. Hopefully.

*Personally I love Sonic's green eyes, but many disliked this. It was like Sonic wearing a scarf. Okay, not that extreme.             

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Types of Sonic Fans-Who are you?

There are several types of Sonic fans. Fans might like a certain style, character, or continuity. I've make a list of categories based on the most common types I've seen, excluding fans of certain characters (because that would get very redundant). Most are very annoying (not annoying as Star Wars fans, though. They make Sticks look normal).
Which are you?

Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)

"The Hating Lover"-These people call themselves Sonic fans but aren't. They hate Sonic games and like to make him look bad. They might like one or two games and use that as an excuse to be a "fan," but in reality they want the poor hedgehog to die.

"Sonic Project 2017" Trailer

"The Hard-core Gamer"-If it's Sonic, you play it. There may be the occasional odd ball that you don't like or a certain style, but when it comes down to it you play it because it's fast, it's fun, and it's Sonic.

Sonic Colors

"The Roger 'Crap' Smith Era"-This has little to do with RCS (FYI, I don't care for his voice acting) but with the style of gaming that came to be during his "reign of terror". It's like in Sonic Colors; using boosting and power-ups...and stuff.

Sonic Riders Opening

"The Modern Era"-A fan of the modern games, including spin-off games like Sonic Riders and Sonic and the Secret Rings.

Sonic Adventure 2

"The Dreamcast Era"-They love the Adventure series. That's pretty much it. Maybe Sonic Heroes.

Greenhill Zone

"The Classic fans"-Genesis only. These fans care for 1-3 & Knuckles. That's it. Possibly CD or Chaotix, but the likely hood of "lesser known" games (The Fighters, R, etc.) is rare.

Sonic Underground

"The Cartoonist"-They love the cartoons, and have trouble excepting what happens in the games as main canon. There are some hostile feelings between certain cartoons, but thanks to similarities (like the use of chilidogs), most Cartoonists get along. Please note that this includes Sonic X even though some people prefer it in an "anime" section.
Archie Comics

"The Archie Freaks"-These guys love the comics and will mention Sally Acorn as much as possible.

Archie Comics

"The Archie Freaks: Pre-Super Genesis Wave"-These ones are like the previous but they like their echidnas and criticize Ian Fleming or Flynn or whatever his name is.

Sonic the Comic 

"The Brits"-Sonic the Comic fans. They like evil Super Sonic and think Amy should have a crossbow. Take that, Sticks.

Sonic X

"The Anime Freaks"-You usually only find these guys stalking Sonic X or Sonic CD. They think the Japanese version of everything is better. Most fans agree that all versions have something to offer, but "Anime Freaks" don't like anything past the Pacific Ocean.

Sonic Drift Art

"And...Everyone else."-Fans who like rare subjects (manga or "the movie"/OVA) or prefer specific types of Sonic (like if some one only liked one game or one type of cartoon). This also includes whoever I failed to mention (please comment if you have another category).

Sonic X
I hope you understand I was joking a bit-I wasn't trying to be offense (except to the Star Wars fans-those annoying ones). Personally I'm a hybrid of a few. Modern, Classic, Cartoonist. Maybe Hard-core. I'm okay with most of the others but don't really identify with them.

Okay, your turn, which are you? (Be honest!)

Seriously-comment-it's not that hard!           

Friday, March 10, 2017

Obsessed with Sonic....

I've been nuts about Sonic since I was a kid. As I grew up, I "grew into" the modern games.
I was originally a classic* fan who pretty much hated anyone outside of the cartoons**
But now? I'm probably the one person who loves Sonic 06.
I think one of the reasons modern games get so much hate is because people don't play them. If you ask me, people who only know, for example, that Sonic 06 is a hated game, shouldn't be able to say that "it sucked."
But enough with "people", this post is about me. I love characters like Shadow and Blaze, they all have so much to add to the adventure. All Sonic games have unique stories, music, and settings***, and that's more than I can say for most videogames out there.    

I got sick of listening to other people's opinions. It's not exactly what they say that hurts (everybody's entitled to their own opinion), it's that I could say nothing back. And there were other cases, too, in which I felt I wanted to share "Sonic stuff" with people, but I don't know many Sonic fans in person.
So I decided to make a YouTube Account. I made a couple of videos, and to this day would like to make more, but I just don't have the time or motivation for that sort of thing.
→Enter Blogger
YouTube just doesn't seem right for me, and I like to write, so I'm hoping that this works out better.

I like art, so expect to see drawings on this blog 😀

(A sketch based off a scene in Sonic 06) 

*I refused to call him "classic".
**That being said, I was a fan of Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Underground, and Sonic X; I only played Genesis games like Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic the Hedgehog 2.
***By settings I mean locations.

Share your story in the comments, or name some Sonic games you like.

Come on, I know you're there...

Sonic Obsessed

Hello. If you don't like Sonic, than get lost.