Sunday, September 23, 2018

Sonic Adventure: Who has Best Gameplay?

With 6 unique characters and styles (and one Super form), which adventure-seeker is keeps players coming back (or staying away).  

Super Sonic
With incredible speed and lightning fast attacks, Sonic's transformation owns the top spot of this list.

Sonic easily picks up speed. His light dash move is a bit more time consuming then later games, but overall the spin/homing attacks were easy to control and any problems were with the level design rather than the character himself.

Amy's gameplay is cute and I love how high she can jump with her hammer. Her increase in pace and hammer attacks are great. The horrible add-on: Zero, a robot who chases her 24/7. Still, I think she's really fun to play as.

Gamma's was unique and interesting. I like the idea of a time limit instead of the time counter, and his aim seemed okay. A little slow, though, and he sucks around water. Don't take him to the Mystic Ruins Chao Garden!

Tails races Sonic for most levels, and all are pretty easy. Not a fan of the plane sub-level (same for Sonic)--mostly because of it's length. Tails was pretty fast and his flight was cool, but he was fairly basic overall.

Finding the shards was interesting, but kind of boring compared to others. In some cases, the levels can seem too long, and I thought fighting bosses with Knux was a little challenging (with gliding). Not bad, though.

Sega, if I wanted to play Sega Bass Fishing, I'd play that. Big can be very frustrating--it's a unique concept, but I usually don't have the patience for it. It would better if fishing was an optional sub-level or something, but instead that's the whole level. Add in the fact that Big is slow (in more ways than one), and he is easily the worst character to play as in perhaps the entire series. He's better in heroes, though. HOOHEE. 

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