Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Sonic's Halloween Playlist

Sonic seems to really enjoy Halloween. I've been meaning to post about music in the games, and this seems like a good starting point: here are some of the creepiest and haunted tracks the Sonic franchise has to offer...

UPDATE: Here's an updated Halloween Playlist (100 tracks!)

Cryptic Castle

To match the level design, it has a spooky ring to it.

A Ghost's Pumpkin Soup...For Pumpkin Hill

This Jack-O-Lantern filled level is Knuckles, so don't be surprised at the style.

Metallic Madness Bad Future--JPN

The fast/panic sounding tone is interrupted by laughing, cruel voices. YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING SO DON'T EVEN TRY.

Hang Castle (normal, up-side-down/inverted)

Explore ghostly fears with the mysterious and funky Hang Castle.
Note: there are two versions, as it changes when the player hits a switch and is taken to the roof/floor. 

Haunted Ship (Act 1, Act 2)

The ghost/robots/pirates were enough to scare Marine!
Note: Act 2 is a slightly more fast-paced version of Act 1.

Red Hot Skull...for Red Mountain

A level with skeletons and lava? Have to add in sound effects of someone yelling...

Sonic CD Boss--USA (normal, Final Fever/Boss)

You remember our dear friend FUN IS INFINITE, right? Careful, though. What sounds like creepy laughing to one person sounds like Santa to another.
Note: The "final" version is pretty much the same as the normal version.

Almost Dead

Shadow's Dark theme is here because, well, it's dark (for a Sonic game/spin-off). And this playlist needed something with lyrics...

Mystic Mansion

Some fine haunted house music. Keep an eye out for Jack-O-Lantern ghosts! They are merciless!

Mephiles (normal, Phase One, Phase Two

It's only natural that one of the creepiest and most ruthless Sonic-villains has an equally chilling theme. TAKE THIS UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH!!!!!!!!
Note: There are two fights, so there's Phase one and Phase two. His normal theme, known as "Mephiles' Whisper," is played during the cutscenes.

Although not all were intended for Halloween, these really add to the holiday spirit, huh? Keep it coming, Sega. 

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