Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Sonic 06 is Better than Colors (Part 3)

I started a list of reasons Sonic 06 is better than Colors. Surprisingly, this ended up being rather lengthy. So, I decided to make this a mini-series of sorts.

Part 3

The Controls

First off, this is not a gameplay comparison. 06 is glitched up, and I'm not challenging that fact. I'm talking about the literal buttons you press. 06 is basic, pretty much like any other Sonic game on a Playstation/Xbox/etc system. For Colors, the Wii is thrown in there.

No Sonic game on the Wii is alike in controls. Secret rings was designed to make the most of the possibilities, and relied on actions in addition to pressing buttons. Zero Gravity was mostly holding the Wii remote sideways and occasionally tilting it. Black Knight had to use the nunchuck.

Colors gave several options, but if the player has it sideways (as with a normal Wii remote, not buying/using the classic controller, etc) the controls can get quite annoying. It's easy to mis-press buttons or get it confused, but the worst dilemma comes from the B button, which is slide. On a Wii remote, the B button is right about where your left pointer finger is while holding the controller. In this Sonic Colors, it means slide. So when I play it, I end up hitting slide by accident repeatedly.

Now, combine this with what I call "sh*tty 2D" segments (I'm fine with 2D--I love 2D, but a trend in Sonic games, mainly since Sonic Unleashed, is to combine 2D and 3D. That's fine, I like that. Looks cool. Enter the "sh*tty 2D": areas with pint-sized platforms and NO BOTTOM. Bottom less pits, bottom less pits everywhere. Now imagine Sonic landing carefully on a teeny-tiny piece of land--only to immediately slide to death. A couple more times and it's GAME, OVER. uuuuugh.

Seems like a small issue. It's a HUGE issue that makes the 2D sections almost unplayable.

06 had some bottomless pits, but the platforms were gigantic compared to the spots in Colors. And the slide button was not something you hit by accident. In Unleashed, the slide button wasn't hit by accident. In any normal game, you don't accidentally hit what will result in death. UUUUUUUUGGHH.

Why does it seem like I'm the only one with this problem? Oh, who am I kidding, the world thinks sh*t Sonic Colors is good yet they hate 06.

No, it's not over yet! The story will continue in Part 4...

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