In this part we're hitting Colors in one of it's weakest points.
The Characters
So one of the reasons Colors lacks much of Sonic's cast is because "fans" wanted a story focusing more on Sonic. When I say fans I mean ***holes.
There are games, like Sonic and the Secret Rings, that focus more on Sonic, but even then versions of Tails and Knuckles appeared. Sonic Unleashed was the first game in years to exclude both Knuckles and Shadow. In that case, both characters originally were planned for the story ("Sonic Adventure 3" at the time), but with the Werehog transformation, the story was shifted to focus on Sonic (and Chip). This worked for Unleashed, but did "we" (we meaning real fans) want that every game? No.
Regardless, Colors featured Sonic, Tails, and barley anyone else. Why? Did so they could focus on a strong bond between Sonic, Tails, and Yacker? Because the story was crap. CRAP. So if that was their idea, their idea sucked.
So lets sort out the characters and see how they do (Colors).
Sonic--Colors Sonic is a jerk. He tries to be funny, ends up being awkward. Even ignoring his disgraceful voice acting, every word written for the character seems to be some kind of joke. Yeah, Sonic's a smart-alec, but it's never been taken to this extreme. And all that stretching. Ugh.
Score: E
Tails--Tails acts smart, gives techno-babble. That's who he is. He does nothing to really stand out from any other games and is mostly just a plot device. However if the game does one thing right, it's his relationship with Sonic. Not the "older bro" feeling from Sonic, but definitely the "kid brother" from Tails.
Score: B
Eggman--Eggman is on point, and acts like his usual "take over everything" self. His personality is well balanced between "funny" and "evil" though the situations typically tilt to the "funny" side. However, as announcer ("Next Stop...Let's mention Ulala" ;>), he can get annoying, and with the plot it's not easy to take him serious.
Score: A
Yacker--Bad jokes (intentional or not), does nothing to make me like him. And he looks like spXrm.
Score: E
Orbot--Why did they change Ergo? I liked Egro better. Ergo was funny, Orbot (and Cubot) make me cringe.
Score: D
Cubot--Why????????????? I appreciate the homage to past cartoons by having the "two-villain side kick," but the voice/accent thing was just stupid. And Scratch and Grounder? SUPERIOR.
Score: D
it's Breezie all over again. |
So in the DS version, which I'm not really going off of, but...they gave a small role to everyone else. Now it wasn't great--all they did was give Sonic worthless missions--but it was a nice addition. It also tried to give a bit of a twist in the form of "Mother Wisp," but honestly it's name and appearance are funnier than any humor in the game.
Meanwhile Sonic 06 had a large cast--not quite as much as Sonic Heroes, but 3 in a main role and 6 in supporting. So at least 9 playable characters, already giving the game more variety than Colors' ("Just Keep Boosting"). It also features some main-06 exclusive characters, including villains.
Unfortunately the game didn't work out for everyone, but at least the creators put some effort to grow the cast instead of assuming everyone would be pleased with just Sonic.
Sonic--Sonic really acts like himself twice in this game: in the first cutscene, and in the final fight. Well, maybe I'll give him the smile thing. That was kind of nice. But unfortunately Sonic acts kind of "neutral" since his plot centered around Elise, and his feelings were up to the player (hmm...or so we thought, huh?). Despite this he still pulls together his attitude when the time is right.
Score: B
Tails--Tails is very annoying and his role is pretty pointless. He has one or two cute moments but mostly wastes time.
Score: E
Knuckles--Knuckles is the tough guy, and the way he acts is fine. The down part here is that his role is so small. I mean, this is team hero. Come on.
Score: B
Shadow--Shadow's pretty spot on. What's really highlighted is his change since we last saw him. He knows who he is, he put the past behind him, and he won't let other people control him anymore.
Score: S
Rouge--Rouge is there for Shadow, both in gameplay and in cutscenes. Her attacks can be kind of annoying but that's getting into gameplay...yeah overall Rouge acted like herself.
Score: A
Omega--most of the problems I have with Omega in this game come from his attacks and voice work. In the story, though, there's a fairly interesting plot that he is included in, so points for not just being thrown into the game (just to be there).
Score: B
Silver--ah, Silver. On one hand, he's this cute kid from the future who's just trying to make things right. On the other he's an obnoxious slow-mo. For the most part Silver brings a fresh story and a unique personality to the Story, though.
Score: B
Blaze--Blaze is here with no explanation. Sol Emerald? Nope! She's just there. And "sure, Silver, go kill one of my few friends in the world." Ack! So there's points off for that, but she plays her part just as she would have in Rush. Reserved, a little judging, but doing whatever it takes to save the world.
Score: B
Amy--Amy's delightful in the cutscenes but a waste in play. Turing invisible? WTF? A she just kind of disappears from the plot, too, for both Sonic and Silver (until the end of the game). And she has no problem with Elise? Such a waste.
Score: C
Elise--Elise is a mildly interesting character. Strip away what happens in last story (the...kiss) and the damsel-in-distress plot, and she's actually interesting. The princess of this huge place, Soleanna, who lost her parents long ago, who keeps a fire monster inside of her. Who has fantasies about the apocalypse and isn't allowed to cry. BUT. Then there's getting captured every 5 seconds, and the...kisssssssss. Eck.
Score: C
Eggman--He's a bit more to the "evil" side. He's got a plan...he's pretty much his usual self. BUT his appearance...AHHHHHHHHHHH.
Score: B
Iblis--He's a giant, lame monster. Lamer than Chaos.
Score: D
Mephiles--A creepy, calculating villain. Always one step ahead, always with a trick up his sleeve. Er...glove? But then he's a re-skin of Shadow for 1/2 the game and he has some continuity errors he never resolves. Still one of the best villains in Sonic history.
Score: A
Solaris--A gaint, lame, confusing monster. I don't understand, ARE YOU EVIL OR NOT? WTF IS THE "TRUE SOLARIS" UUUGH.
Score: C
So 06 had some more, smaller characters but those are the important ones. So from the rankings, Colors has a few good scores, but mostly bad or REALLY BAD. 06 had mostly average characters with a few outstanding ones. So ignoring the amount, the better portrayals/new additions go to those in 06.
And then there is the amount. Some people think that it should be Sonic, maybe Tails, and that's it. To be honest, there was a time when I had similar thinking. But that was because I did not know the characters (like I do now). And it seems the gameplay is a lot more fun--and the plot a lot richer--with more characters. Sonic himself raved about the "Super Power of Teamwork!"
I'm not saying a solo-Sonic game is terrible (because...Sonic 1). But now that Sega has built up these characters, it makes much more sense to use them than to forget they exist.
What really annoys me about Colors' lack in characters is that the ones they did have (Sonic, Tails, etc) did not make up for it. Unleashed confiscated, but Colors fell flat.
Meanwhile 06 gave over 10 characters a chance to be introduced to new players. They didn't do it perfect, but like most notable Sonic games, they brought in the new and the old for an adventure together.
All Colors gave us was a bunch of emotionless Wisps. Man, I miss the Black Arms.
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