Friday, December 6, 2019

Sonic 06 vs Colors (Part 10)

Welcome to the final--and perhaps biggest--reason the hated game Sonic 06 is superior to the praised Sonic Colors.

Part 10: The Plot

Just at a glance, Sonic 06 has a very complex story. Is it confusing/flawed? Yeah. But it also has a lot of depth and exciting moments (believe it or not). Sonic Colors is the complete opposite. It's very simple. So simple it's shallow and worthless. And it has plenty of errors, too.

Sonic 06

Sonic's Story

Despite being the name of the game, Sonic ended up lamely rescuing a princess over and over again. In the first cutscene, it actually seemed like there was a lot of potential. Unfortunately, in the next Elise is taken and so begins the cycle.

Still, the ending with Sonic and Elise escaping Eggman feels like a good victory, and the cutscene looks cool. The laughing is either creepy or cute, but at least it balances the end and beginning (the "smile" thing).

Silver's Story

Silver's story is interesting. Many sci-fi elements and typical Sonic themes like friendship. I wish there was more of an explanation for Blaze's appearance, and the set-up annoyingly avoids a confrontation with Sonic. It's clear there was meant to be more with Amy, too.

There are a few other bothersome parts. Like, ok--Silver's naive--but would he really trust the creepy dude with no mouth after just meeting him? Overall Silver's side of things is all right, but it's still not the best it could be.

Shadow's Story

Shadow's story is almost perfect. It shows how Shadow has changed after Shadow the Hedgehog, it gives attention to Rouge and Omega, and it has a creepy villain.

Any problems are small continuity errors. Mostly dealing with Mephiles' time travel or powers.

Last Story

The Last Story is mostly trash. The only exception is going super and taking out Solaris. The "death" and the "kiss" were both awkward, crappy scenes. At least they tried to act serious. Unfortunately when people say the worst moment in Sonic history, it's thanks to this. It's a shame, because with a little rewriting it might have been salvageable.

There is some sad beauty in undoing the entire thing, but it also makes everything that happened worthless. Up for debate!

Sonic Colors


They drag this out, but: Sonic and Tails are here to save aliens from Eggman! Ugh. I like the Black Arms--I liked the Cosmo and the Meterex--but these guys don't do it. It can't be a character and a power up. How am I supposed to care for that? Wisps aside, annoyingly revised Orbot and *new* Cubot act like a poor villain's Scratch and Grounder. Their attempts at humor suck. I almost wish there was a "rated E-10 for everyone below ten."

Every cutscene has a joke, but none of it's funny.


The middle quickly turns repetitive. Sonic cracks a shXt joke, fights a robot. The same robots, even. Somewhere in here Eggman tries to mind-control Tails. Pretty cheap. But what makes it worse is that it fails within 2 seconds. No Sonic vs Tails here.


One good part of the plot is trying to focus on Sonic and Tails' friendship. In some ways it's there, but for the most part Sonic acts lifeless to his almost-brother while Tails treats Sonic like an idiot as he's trying to save the world. 

There is a nice moment before the boss fight that tries to make the tone more serious. Next, Colors breaks the modern tradition of a ending Super Sonic fight (although there is one on the DS). In the final cutscene Sonic is cheesily saved by the wisps. He also says goodbye to his new friend Yacker, a shXt Chip replacement that hangs out with Tails more than Sonic. Oh, and Tails finally go his hopeless translator working, too. That's. Just. Stupid.   


I never really understand why people like Sonic Colors. Maybe if your a big Tails fan (since he had a bigger role)? I think coating the story in light, silly humor was a mistake. Most of the story makes me want to cringe. It's sad.

06 had it's flaws, but it is also one of the more interesting stories overall. It had more serious stakes yet it balanced a large cast. Elements like flashbacks and timetravel gave it layers, too. Had the gameplay been perfected--even with the Elise as a main character--Sonic 06 might have been praised instead of hated.

The bottom line is that Colors had a very bad plot. 06's plot is fairly good.
Just I don't get it. How can one like that over 06?

This is actually my last major point, here. Wow, 10 big reasons 06 is better. It just is!
I'll be posting a reflection of the whole thing soon...

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