Friday, May 28, 2021

Modern Era Wrap-up


Sonic Music from 05-09/10

Sometimes called the "dark age," the Modern Era received its share backlash. With music, though, even haters have to admit it had some of the best remembered and fan-favorite OSTs.  


  • The composer for Sonic Rush is better known for his work with Jet Set Radio (Hideki Naganuma). Despite the similar themes in Sonic Rush Adventure, it was actually a different composer.
    • The Rush series often makes use of sampling.
  • Runblebee created much of the lyrics and vocals for the games Sonic Riders, Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity, and Sonic and the Secret Rings.
    • Notably the Secret Rings had about 10 songs (because much of the stage music featured vocals)   
  • There are 3 vocal versions of "His World," and over 10 instrumental versions through Sonic 06. 
  • Lee Brotherton (also known as Bentley Jones and Phunkstar) is mostly known for singing "Dreams of Absolution." However he worked on Shadow the Hedgehog beforehand and later Sonic Rivals. Overall he created several songs/remixes for the series, such as the "Fairy Tales in Trance" version of "7 Rings in Hand."     
  • "All Hail Shadow" in 06 is actually a Crush 40 cover of Shadow's hero theme in Shadow the Hedgehog.   
  • In reference to Sonic 2, 06 had "Sweet Dream"/"Sweet Sweet Sweet" return to the series (after 14 years). 
  • Sonic Unleashed was the first "Main Console" or "big" game not to have a song by Crush 40.
    • "Endless Possibilities" is sung by Jeret Reddick from Bowling For Soup. 
  • Sonic and the Black Knight featured 4 songs by Crush 40. They also had 2 covers related to the game ("7 Rings in Hand," an unlockable; "With Me," as a part of the OST release).   
    • Black Knight would be the last game to have a new song by them until ten years later (TSR). 

Total Scoring

S: 3
A: 4
B: 2
C: 2
D: 2
E: 3

Best Soundtrack of the Era:

Sonic Unleashed may be pretty hyped up, but it deserves the credit. Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) is right there with it, and Sonic and the Black Knight may not get the same recognition but it was defiantly a contender, too. 

Best Handheld Music of the Era:

Technically, based on my ranks, I actually liked Sonic Rivals a bit better. However, Rush is just so memorable! Rush Adventure is close to being just as great, so really the only handheld game of this era that doesn't cut it is Sonic Chronicles.   

Most Underrated Console Music:

I was tempted to put Secret Rings or Black Knight. The storybook series is surprisingly on the same musical level as 06. I chose Zero Gravity, though, because it gets overshadowed by Sonic Riders, while being as good or better. 

Zero Gravity is exactly what you wan from a sequel. It has the same themes but puts its own spin on them.  

Most Overrated Console Music:

While the other choices live up to the hype, Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games is probably simply liked because it was the first crossover and the first in the "Mario and Sonic" series. It's not bad, but I hope those Mario fans realize there's a lot more to the world of Sonic music. 

Worst Music of the Era:

Gotta Go Fast Gotta' Do Math

Forgot about this one, huh? Sonic Chronicles may be torture with headphones on, but at least its memorable. Sonic X on the Leapster? Not so much. 

Mario and Sonic @ the Winter Olympic Games OST Review



The first "Winter" Olympic Games, and the second of the "Mario and Sonic" series. As such, it was fairly experimental while keeping in with its winter theme. Some of the instrumentals are beautiful, pretty arrangements, others are funky and full of the spirit of competition. The range carries from atmospheric, classical, horns, guitars--and (what I guess I'm just gonna' call:) Proto-Sonic Colors.  

There are several remixes, mostly fan favorites like Seaside Hill, Radical Highway, and Sky Sanctuary (though since this is pre-Generations, I guess they deserve more credit with Sky Sanctuary). Luckily lesser-knowns such as the bonus special stage from Heroes and Egg Factory (Riders) both get a mix, however. 

Interestingly, "Open Your Heart" seems to be a remix of the Sonic Pinball Party version. 

The DS version does a good job of replicating the Wii version's music while also having it's own time to shine. In some cases the more "limited" sound makes the music retro and appealing. While it's hard to compete with a console's quality, this DS game isn't a total waste. 

Instrumental bits of "Endless Possibilities," "Knight of the Wind," and "Sonic Heroes" get mixed in a "Sonic Melody," and parts of "New Venture" and Angel Island are mixed with Mario songs as well. 

Best Song: Egg Factory

Runner-Up (s): Title, Main Menu, Alpine Skiing Downhill, Figure Skating (all), Bobsled, Ice Hockey, Curling, Sonic Heroes/Open Your Heart, Radical Highway, Bonus Challenge Stage from Heroes 1/2, Sky Sanctuary, Speed Skating 500mm (DS), Sonic Melody (DS)  Sonic/Mario Melodies (DS), Dream Curling: Bowling (DS) 

Of the Sonic remixes, Egg Factory wins. It's great to hear a less popular track and this modernized version somehow isn't annoying: it does the original justice.   

Worst Song: Freestyle Skiing: Monguls

Runner Up (s): Festival (all except Festival), Shops, Records/Ranking, Ski Jumping: Success, Freestyle Skiing: Ski Cross/Moguls, Speed Skating: 100mm/Short Track/Relay, Luge (DS), Adventure Tours: Mini Game/Ending (DS), Awards Ceremonies

While the funky DS version is salvageable, the main version is too much...too much horn, too much everything. 


Final Ranking: D

It's okay. While it was probably pretty fancy in its time, with the games since it seems inferior. Sochi, for example, is very similar but upgraded. The remixes are cool, but the regular events are kind of lost in the shuffle. It's something nice to listen to in December, but otherwise probably not worth it.  

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Mario and Sonic at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games OST Review



Honestly I was getting sick of the Mario/Sonic series. It's good, but always has to be grand and trying to out do the next. Rio was surprisingly fresh and new. Incorporating more Brazilian themes, it's not as traditional as before. Unexpected, but when considering there had been like 4 other games that went with that more classical vibe, this one seems very upbeat. 

That's not to say there isn't some classic music, but there certainly more of updated sound to them. In addition to the more cultural themes, it can get 2010s-y. I'll admit it works well in a few cases, actually, but parts of the music will be easily reveal what decade it came from. Which will could aid the game, actually, until maybe 2026. 

Best Song:  Football

Runner-Up (s): Main theme, Copacabana Beach, Athletics 100m, 100m Freestyle Swim, Rhythmic Gymnastics (From the new world), Dedro, Barra, Road to Rio, BMX, Boxing, (Unused) Windmill Isle

This funky piece really puts it all together: vocals, percussion, really represents the themes of the game well while also being pretty catchy. 

Worst Song: Rhythmic Gymnastics: Reach For the Stars Ver 1

Runner Up (s): Athletics 4x100m, Athletic Triple Jump, Javelin Throw, Rhythmic Gymnastics: Reach for the Stars ver 2, Pocket Marathon, Equestrian, Table Tennis, Duel Football, Sticks Theme

WHAT THE WISP? At least the second version tries to add to it. The first is just another unnatural love song to Sonic Colors


Final Ranking: C

This can be a fun and appealing OST. Very memorable for being Brazilian-inspired. Still, on the Sonic side the remixes are scarce and overall disappointing. Also, while more unique then the titles previous, somehow it just doesn't seem as "Olympics." If not for that, it might be the best Mario/Sonic title yet. It depends on your point of view and tastes. For me personally? A bit too much horn.    

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing OST Review



The first All-Stars Racing title, like with Tennis, reuses music. Although Transformed would remix stage tracks, in this case certain past songs would be chosen (unaltered). As a result there is mostly just menu music.   

I was a bit surprised that the game contained a vocal theme, "So Much More," because I don't think it returned in Transformed, or if it was remixed there weren't any vocals. Pop-ish and fits the spirit of the game I guess.

The DS version included MIDI versions of songs like "Final Fortress" and "Can You Feel the Sunshine?" 

Best Song:  Windy and Ripply (DS)

Runner-Up (s): Menu, Shopping, Mission Menu, Lobby, "So Much More," EGGMAN (DS), Seaside Hill (DS), Final Fortress (DS)

Emerald Coast, Sonic Adventure's first level, is loved by fans, but I've found it exhaustible. However this peppy versions puts a retro Genesis-type of spin on it that makes it fun. 

Worst Song: Awards Ceremony

Runner Up (s): Can You Feel the Sunshine? (DS) 

With all the cheering, it's just not as enjoyable. 


Final Ranking: D

  • Even though there wasn't new music for the stages, the music created for the game is pretty cool and energetic. 
  • The DS version may seem limited, but the remixes give fan-favorite modern songs a classic spin. 

Despite a more memorable main theme (and a vocal theme), it winds up inferior compared to the many mixes in Transformed. 

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Sonic Boom: Fire and Ice OST Review



I wasn't too thrilled to move on to the next Boom game. Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal was okay, but Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric was generic and never seemed to end. 

Luckily Fire & Ice clearly heard the complaints. It has a lot more energy, while not completely alien to the "explorer" vibe the Boom verse tried to emulate.

While levels like Seaside Island offer similarities to the previous Boom, different elements give it a unique touch. Some parts of the soundtrack are atmospheric, modern-ish, rock, or even retro. "Hovercraft," for example, seems to combine some Genesis era sounds with 2016. 

Even though there were some hints of what I call "Colors" elements, it was mixed up well enough that it didn't seem overly 2010s or annoying. It was more like an enhancer this time.   

No doubt thanks to the same composer, there are similarities to some levels of the Saturn version of 3D Blast. 

Sunset Town, a scrapped level (/scrapped track) for Sonic the Fighters has also been remixed as Ragana Rock. 

Best Song:  Kodiak Frontier

Runner-Up (s): Kodiak Frontier (all), Seaside Island (all except Map), Paleo Tarpits (all), Gothic Gardens (Spooky Hedge/Gargoyle's Patch, Challenge), Ragana Rock (World Map), Thunder Island (Map), Hovercraft

Relaxed, this chill addition to the series could be a distant cousin of Ice Cap.

Worst Song: Cutthroat Cave Swamp/Treetop Marsh

Runner Up (s): Cutthroat Cave (all except boss), Gothic Gardens (map), Thunder Island (bot Race 1), Main Title, Stinger Victories, Most of the Cutscene Music 

Am I in the Tiny Chao Garden? Cutttroat in general seemed out of place, but this funky bit is an even stranger dive from that. 


Final Ranking: C

This is quite a step up from the other Boom titles and will have that "Sonic" appeal that fans missed before. While a gem in the Boom verse, it's more average in the series as a whole.  

Monday, May 24, 2021

Sonic and the Black Knight OST Review



Possibly due to its poor reception, the music of Sonic and the Black Knight sadly hasn't gotten as much attention despite its mix of "veteran" Sonic composers (including--among others--Jun Senoue, Richard Jacques, Fumie Kumatani, and Howard Drossin). 

The game's "otherwordly" setting proved an able excuse for themes of the past such as "Throw it All Away" and even "My Sweet Passion" to return. Unlike games such as Sonic Generations, however, this fan service isn't the entire OST. Actually, most of the music is new and takes on theme of its own. 

This game would be the last to feature "the Sonic band" Crush 40 for a long time, but they did make quite a few themes this time around, including both the opening and closing theme, as well as a cover of "Seven Rings in Hand" (the main theme of Sonic and the Secret Rings).     

I would also like to mention that the cutscene music is pretty epic and dramatic rather than filler like in some of the games. "Merlina: Queen of the Underworld" is one of my favorites. Interestingly a few scenes seem to be inspired by the "World Adventure" theme of Sonic Unleashed.   

There are also some very addictive alternatives, like the acoustic version of "Knight of the Wind" and the "Fan Art" version of "It Doesn't Matter."  

Best Song: Dragon's Lair

Runner-Up (s): Misty Lake, Deep Woods, Molten Mine, Crystal Cave, Titanic Plain, Knight's Passage, Shrouded Forest, The Caudron, Dragon Slayer, Far Away Avalon, Battle Menu, 5 Stars, Name Entry, Gallery, Blacksmith, Fan Art, Theme of Merlina, Calm After the Battle: Arondight, Showdown with King Arthur, Merlina: Her Wicked Smile, End of the World, Escape from Destruction, Into the Dark Hallow, Excalibur Sonic, Live Life Merlina and Sonic, all rival characters appearance music  

There were plenty of good options, and Molten Mine and Shrouded Forest were certainly fair possibilities. Even though it's cutscene music, I was even considering Merlina's theme, because I love the piano. Sometimes, though, epic guitar and drums just win out. 

Dragon's Lair is similar to its nearby stage, Crystal Cave, but more intense. The song starts edgy, a classic Sonic song. Then heightened up with drama, it becomes the mix of speed, tension, and heroism that matches the game so perfectly. 

Worst Song: Great Megalith

Runner Up (s): 

It's not that bad, and it gets better as it goes on. Still strong but repetitive and gets old fast.  

Best Vocal Song: Live Life

Runner-Up (s): With Me (Both Versions), Knight of the Wind, 7 Rings in Hand (Crush 40), Through the Fire, Fight the Night

100% convinced this is the best closing theme in any game. Probably the best Crush 40 song, too. As its title suggest, it's a reflective song about having potential and living life despite its inevitable end. While done in a happy tone, it can be quite sad. The other options were great, too, but "Live Life" remains my favorite. 

Worst Vocal Song: 7 Rings in Hand (Fairytales in Trance) 

Runner Up (s):N/a

I always forget about this one. It's a more relaxed, chill version of the song that really isn't bad, but not as good. For whatever reason, it strikes me more as "Silver and the Secret Rings." 

Final Ranking: S

Like with Sonic and the Secret Rings, this music is stunning. This title, however, is more serious and generally a step above. Like with Sonic Unleashed, it goes beyond even Sonic standards.

Its game exclusive Celtic influences make it unique and memorable, but at the same time I think that being so tied to "the Black Knight" type of sound rather than just the "Sonic" type of sound keeps it from being the best OST (yet between the BMG and various vocal themes, it seems pretty close).