Friday, December 31, 2021

Top Ten Sonic OSTs/This Year (2021)

Most of this year's events either have to do with "Sonic Colors Ultimate" or rumors about what next year has to offer (a second movie, a new show, a new game, etc). Instead of a look back on that, I'm listing the top ten soundtracks, having listened to all of what the series had to offer, all this year.  

Top OSTs: 

The fan hype over Unleashed's music is justified. The music is a rich combination and the unique day/night split is well heard along with the settings and Sonic's speed.  

If it wasn't for Unleashed, 06 would win. With movie-like quality the mix is unforgettable.  

Adventure 2
SA2's unique character-inspired music makes it # 3. 

Black Knight
Almost a tie with SA2, S&tBK has rich and beautiful music. And Crush 40. Lots of Crush 40. 

Shadow is a bit of a hidden gem as the OST is somewhat forgotten or misjudged due to other factors. The edgy rock and reflective vocal songs are just right. 

Zero Grav
This fun and energetic music also adds a grand, cinematic tone that turns defying gravity into something new. 

Secret Rings
While infamous due to its many vocals, the wide range of songs is as unique as the world rings themselves.   

Upbeat and fast-paced, the tracks are exactly what to expect from the Sonic series. 

Sonic's first brush with rock worked fantastically well and defined the settings. 


This classic time-themed techno shouldn't be ignored. 

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