Monday, April 17, 2017

"The Super Sonic Search and Smash Squad!"-Who's best side villain?

In each cartoon, have been side-villains working directly under Robotnik/Eggman. This is a trend that has drifted in to the game series.
In this post, I'll be ranking them from best to worst. Post in the comments your reaction/opinion.

So, who do I think's best?

1. Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog-Scratch, Grounder, Coconuts

 These guys where the original. and they were actually funny. Scratch and Grounder had an almost sibling rivalry with one another, and Coconuts was desperate to get off sewer duty (keep in  mind that this is Robotnik he's working for-I wound's want that job, either). They were based off robots in Sonic 2, and were essential to the show.

2. Sonic Underground-Sleet, Dingo

Ok, I'm going to be honest, here, compared to Scratch and Grounder, these guys were not only ugly, but cheap. Why Robotnik had to hire bounty hunters instead of getting robots to hunt down Sonic is beyond me-maybe he was just lazy. Still, the two had their moments (Sonia freaking out because she "took Dingo to dinner?!!!"). Sleet was less likeable, and always planning to take things into his own hands (um, literally), while Dingo was an unintelligent shape shifter who always got stuck doing the dirty work. Dingo has a crush on Sonia-weird but humorous ("I was so sorry when you died").

3. Sonic X-Decoe, Bocoe, Bokkun

Obviously inspired from Adventures, these have similar roles, despite clearly different looks. Decoe and Bocoe were #s 2 and 3, always right behind Eggman. Bokunn was the messenger-the armed messenger. The TVs he had to display the messages would explode! Bokunn was the most interesting, he was funny and added a child-like tone to the group (not that Eggman wasn't childish enough for them). As for the other two...I don't even know which is which. They had good supporting roles, but didn't really stand out. At all.

4. Sonic the Hedgehog-Snivley, Cluck

Snivley is the main one, here, being bullied by his uncle, doing everything he says, but secretly hating him. He added to the darker tone. Cluck didn't really talk and just seemed to please Robotnik (somehow). Cluck was pretty pointless, not super interesting. As for Sinvley, he was on the annoying side, and who could actually take that guy seriously as a villain. Still, a fair representation of that guy who pretends his job is everything and honestly hates it.

5.  Sonic Boom-Orbot, Cubot

One word: boring. These two try two be amusing they try too had? I don't know what it is, but they don't seem to serve any real purpose. At least, thanks to their designs, I can tell them apart. Orbot is more logic and understanding, while Cubot just throws out what he's thinking.
Note: This is just Sonic Boom Orbot and Cubot-this not based their main game appearances.

Well, there you have it. Is this biased? Completely. I grew up with one through three, and I don't care for Orbot & Cubot in game, either (expect Orbot in Sonic Unleashed). Hey, at least I admit it. But I truly do think that this is the order in which they be long; these characters were designed as comic relief, and it takes a lot to top Adventures when it comes to that category.

This "trend" of  sick kicks is important to Sonic's world. It is a form of humor, and a form of pity. Most of these characters starred in Archie comics (although usually drastically different), and some of them were in video games, even if in small roles (Mean Bean, anyone?). The current stars are Orbot and Cubot, and even if they are on the bottom of my list, it's a relief to see that type of character alive and well.     

If I get to a post on the in game appearances of Orbot and Cubot (not to mention Min, Mum, and other villainous side characters), I will add it to this post.

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