Friday, January 25, 2019

Sonic 06 is Better Than Colors (Part 1)

I started a list of reasons Sonic 06 is better than Colors. Surprisingly, this ended up being rather lengthy. So, I decided to make this a mini-series of sorts.

In my past posts I've made it obvious that I like Sonic 06 but hate Sonic Colors. I thought I'd prove it this time. Please note this is mostly referencing the Wii version of Colors. The DS ones a bit better. Though I still firmly believe 06 is supreme between the two.

Part 1
The Main Screen/menu/Level Navigation/GAME OVER

Okay, so this one's a bit nit-picky. Colors is space-y, then has planets. 06 is like it's level, Kingdom Valley, and has a menu blue.

Colors is a little hard to navigate, and annoying because instead of having labels it has Eggman narrating every single choice. It's fine the first time playing the game, but soon it sounds like this: "Next Stop--Next Stop-Next--Next Stop, the--Next Stop..." 06 is straight forward, simple. Primitive, but it's not possible to get the location of the cutscenes/theater confused with the two-player mode. 

What's more, each planet has a little "map" for Sonic to go through to each level. But it's not a hub world/adventure stage like, for example, Sonic Unleashed, it's a restricted line to follow, much like in a Mario game. Let me write that again. Like a Mario game. The idea of Sonic copying off of that 8-bit plumber (anymore than he already had to back in the 90s) makes me sick.

Sonic 06 only has hub worlds in Story Mode (which admittedly becomes fairly worthless after completing the episode). However, as bad as the loading times are, I'd much rather be able to run around a town, interact with random (limited) people/AI, and pick up sliver coins (or whatever), over being stuck in an atrocious path that looks like it belongs on a handheld.

Can I be your apprentice

One of the most infuriating things about Colors is that if you die, some dude says "Gayme. Ovfer." Sonic 06, you die, that's that. I'm okay with a game over screen, after all, it's been plaguing Sonic since 1991. But I'd rather have it with depressed music or silent or Shadow saying "Damn, not here." Not some random, annoying, "Game Over." I'd like to strangle the "Game Over" announcer. Why couldn't Eggman do it or something? Ugh.

Still not convinced? The story will continue in Part 2...

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