Monday, January 28, 2019

TSR: Who Got The Coolest Car?

Team Sonic Racing comes out this year, but most of the cars have already been seen through promotional and released art. Although we don't know all the names (like Tailgator, Vector's) we're ranking these cars based purely on looks because if Sonic is known for anything, it's his "way past cool" vibe.

1 Shadow

Shadow's car is looks awesome. It's better than his past vehicles, and--wow--better than Sonic's. Plus it really matches the "edgehog". 

2 Rouge

I really heart how much this matches Rouge. 

3 Silver

Futuristic, sleek. Roads? Where we're going we don't need--now wait a minute...

4 Sonic

Sonic's problem is his car looks too similar to previous titles. Honestly, I thought the one in Drift looked cooler. However, it's still pretty cool--just not "way past."

5 Blaze

I guess this is supposed to be a car fit for a princess & elegant, but its front just sorta' strikes me as ugly. Love the cat ears, though, and the colors.

6 Vector

Cool and snappy enough for even the Chaotix's head honcho.

7 Tails

It's seems a bit ugly but points for the retro look I guess? What a nerd.

8 Big

FROGGGYYYY would like this, now wouldn't he? I wouldn't exactly call it cool, but...interesting? Sure. 

9 Omega

I've got the power! It's sort of lame, but has a rough look to match it's driver. 
10 Chao

Wasn't too thrilled about the Chao in general, here. Why not Cream or Tikal or something? Anyway, this is a throwback to SA2, but no one really cares. 

11 Amy

Lame and not as cute as it's predecessors. Makes Amy look like an awkward mom or something.

12 Knuckles

Bland. A stereotypical power-type. Doesn't have much of a connection to Knux; Eggman could drive that thing and no one even would realize.

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