Monday, January 25, 2021

Sonic Riders Review

Rank @ End



Gameplay and Level Design

Riders introduced a new and exciting style of racing: Extreme Gear. Hover boards, skates, bikes--it was a futuristic and epic spin that made Mario Kart look like shXX! Unfortunately the item capsules and other things still make it similar enough to be called a rip.

Quickly two elements become a constant bother. Turning and running out of air. The boost is a nice idea, but what's the point if it results in an annoying beeping sound and having to go to a "pit-stop?" Turning takes some skill, but its hard to turn properly when falling in and out of turbulence (most annoying near the end of the game).  With practice, a player will be able to win races with ease...but it's not so simple at first (needs an "adjustment" or "learning" period). 

The locations are futuristic and cleverly add in elements like a pic of Sonic (from Sonic Heroes). Even the more "primitive" spots include something advanced to keep with the theme. In play, there are some spots where falling/dying is easy, as well as spots to become "stuck" in (/fall behind). There are different routes that will be more advantageous, but sometimes it's riskier to get to them/pointless.  

Story and Characters

This game introduced some of my favorite characters, the Babylon Rogues. Jet is hilariously immature but is skilled and demonstrates some leadership qualities. At some points he acts like an extreme (no pun intended) version of Sonic and in others simply greedy. Wave is intelligent and planning, but has some ruthlessness to her (--she did plant a bomb on Sonic's board, after all). Storm is the weaker of the bunch because he's mostly just an idiot, but like the others he serves as a contrast (in his case to Knuckles). 

They make good rivals because they have their own motivations. They aren't evil, but they are out for their own interests first. Unlike Team Dark, though, they are less serious. More lighthearted, for them its mostly about winning. It's also good that they set themselves apart from past rivals: it's not about who's faster on the ground, but in the air. It's about skill rather than natural ability.  

Sonic is tested because he has to learn something new. He's always been the fastest, but Jet's challenging that. Team Hero has to adapt to the races while the Rogues have to face the fact that they aren't as good as they think. 

This game is likeable for having a comedic, character driven plot but also having something more serious to face towards the end. 

Music and Voice Acting

The music is energetic and uses electronic themes to focus on the future-set and speedy aspects of the game. Sand Ruins and Digital Dimension both stand out, and "Sonic Speed Riders" is perfect for the game. "Catch Me If You Can" is in the right place but a little random (like it says "Hawk Wild"...I think..,and "hawk" sounds like the F-word).  

The voice acting is fair. It know back in the day people did not like Jet's voice because (I assume) they excepted Jet to sound cool. Here's the thing: Sonic did not need another "cooler" rival. They wrote Jet in a way that wasn't meant to be taken very seriously--quite the opposite of Shadow or Metal Sonic (writing Silver to be another rival of this type was part of the character's initial problem). 

Either way, Jet's voice was just what the character needed. Higher, "bird-like" with energy and confidence, it was clear this was not a new Shadow or Metal Sonic, but an entirely new and hilarious addition to the cast. The only criticism I have for it is that at some points, he sounds too much like Darkspine Sonic or Werehog Sonic (as a result of sharing Sonic's voice actor, Jason Griffith). As a whole it helped make the game and a lot of the quotes memorable, though.

The actors did a fair job with the other characters like Eggman and Amy. Bella Hudson's voice for Wave is sassy and girlish, but more mature than Jet's--just as it should be (Wave is 4 years older). Dan Green does a lower take for Storm but also throws some power into the role. Maybe it's because of the sound effects rather than dialogue, but Tails is a bit more annoying (than in Sonic X)   

Visuals and Graphics

The epic opening cutscene is a legend rivalling that of Sonic CD. It's easily one of the most memorable parts of the game, if not one of it's best qualities. It makes me wish all the cutscenes were animated. 

Unfortunately the actual 3-D cutscenes haven't aged that well, or the graphics in general. Say what you will about 06, it did have better visuals for being released within the same year. 

Final Thoughts

  • Jet is a unique and underappreciated rival. In many ways, I can't help but feel TSR should have been another Riders game.  
    • Then I remind myself of his new voice...
      • Of course, how could the guy improve after only having like one chance to voice the character? 
        • On the other hand Griffith only had 1-2 chances to voice Jet and his version is still superior... 
  • The opening is 100% AWESOME.
  • Omachao narration=annoying
  • Focusing on the two teams rather than clutting the game up with many others (*cough*cough*FREE RIDERS*ahek*Heroes*grum*Rivals 2) helped balance the game's different characters without reducing Sonic's role in the process.  

Final Ranking: B

The opening alone is worth an S rank. The music and characters are great. But the plot (while not bad) is more average, and then the gameplay is too complex/annoying in some parts. And the graphics are crap. So it levels out into an average B.  


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