Friday, January 8, 2021

Sonic Rivals 2 Reveiw

Rank @ End


The more things change, the more they stay the same...

Visuals, Level Design, and Graphics

The graphics are horrible. The game art/card art or whatever is fine, but other than that...visually, this handheld game may be one of the worst. As far as setting, they try to do new things, but the graphics are just so bad they are barely salvageable.  

On the other hand I liked the different "racer"/etc outfits. Looked neat/funny. 


The idea of racing the other characters is a clever way to capitalize on the idea of speed. This type of gameplay, where almost every level is a race where the players also attack each other, likely inspired many of Sega's future apps. It's a neat idea, and if it worked as well as the Metal Sonic race of Sonic CD or a 2-D version of the Sonic/Shadow race in SA2, it would be awesome. Unfortunately it's not at the same quality. 

Even though the controls should be simple, they can get confusing. Press this button, press that button! I liked the special moves, but some work better in this case than others. For example, Tails' flight is virtually useless because of the level design--not a good choice. If the "rush" boost wasn't used so much nowadays, "Sonic Boom" might not bother me, but this version of the boost seems so inferior. I think Shadow's "Chaos Control" as well as Silver's "Psychic Control" are the best. 

Even though it's 2-D, it does not play out nearly as smoothly as the classic games or the Advance or Rush series. There are also rival fights/challenges that would be nice as a bonus mission but are instead required and therefore unwelcome. The boss fights varied from being what I'd expect to something more frustrating.     

Story and Characters

Each character is linked to another. Playing Sonic's story, for example, also means playing as Tails, even though Tails has a separate story. This is a little excessive--maybe it should have been one story per pair rather than per character. 

Sonic and Tails have a pretty basic story, but the character interactions are funny. This game is kind of like Heroes in that sense, driven by the characters involved. Only instead of all working together, the different pairs turn on each other, ha ha. 

The plot involving Rouge and Knuckles is like SA2, and though they are allies it works just as well. Silver and Espio seem like and odd combination, but it was a smart way to include the two. Shadow and Metal Sonic may be Sonic's biggest rivals, but it's still odd to see them together. Since Metal doesn't talk, it's more of Shadow's story (which is fine by me!) but Metal proves he isn't totally worthless in the end. 

Like with the first one, it would be nice if there was more of an explanation with Nega. Also, while I like that some characters get "the full story" and others think it's just Eggman, I think Sonic should have at least been suspicious. Considering Heroes and the first Rivals, being fooled a 3rd time makes the Sonic seem like an idiot. 

Music and Sound Effects

The music is pretty harsh and not very memorable. The Mystic Haunt one was okay. "Race to Win" is awesome/impressive for a handheld, but it could get annoying being in the first level. 

One of the main advantages in comparison to the last Rivals game and the Rush series is that the cutscene audio is not as limited. Whereas previous games just had small clips ("getreadytobeschooled," etc), every character had several sayings and spoke during the cutscenes. Though the cutscenes were still limited, it was nice to actually hear the characters talk.    

Mike Pollock handles the shift between Eggmans with ease. Pete Capella seemed to perfect his version of Silver, which wasn't that bad to begin with. I've begun to wonder if it was maybe a script issue rather than voice acting, but this is another case where Kathleen Delaney's Rouge voice better than in Sonic X. Amy Palant's Tails has the opposite effect, though. Her voice for him was great in season 3 but seemed higher-pitched in the games for some reason. Most of the voice acting was perfect, and the cast did a good job. 

Metal Sonic had no voice, so he was basically voiced by Eggman, lol. 

Final Thoughts

  • This is a good game for those who like the characters and their various personalities and abilities. However, Sonic's own role isn't the biggest.
  • I liked that even though, for example, Shadow and Rouge were not allies in this game, they weren't at each others' throats, either. The same could be said for Knuckles among Sonic/Tails.    
  • It would have been interesting to see a Rivals 3 (---with Blaze the Cat). Maybe they could have upgraded things. 
  • The races in Sonic Generations were inspired from these.   
  • Silver calling Tails HALF-PINT is the best Silver quote. "It's no use" is nothing. 


Final Ranking: C 

This is another case where the characters make the game very enjoyable, but eliminating that does not leave much behind. Barfy graphics, cute plot. 

Okay, I guess he noticed the laugh was off...

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