Friday, February 26, 2021

Future Reviews

There are still a few games I have yet to review because I'd like to play them a bit more before judging. However, for the most part I've finally finished my LONG process, writing 32 reviews for this blog. Some games were great, some weren't as great but I'm still fond of most of them. 

Now it's over, I'm going to review every game OST/all the music for the series. I'm going to be a bit harsher in my ranking for that since supposedly there is "no bad Sonic music."  

Yes, let me just reuse this Halloween thing. 

This "Sonic Prime" talk has made me nostalgic for the old cartoons, which I had also planned to review at some point, so I may do that if I can find the time, too.  

I will be listening to the music by each era, classic, transitional, modern, and current. So the first ones will be Sonic 1 (classic), Sonic Drift 2(transitional-classic), Sonic Adventure (transitional), Sonic Rush (modern), and Sonic 4 (current).  

Monday, February 22, 2021

Sonic Mania Review


THE BEST-ahem. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. 

Gameplay and Controls

The gameplay is a lot like the classic games, even with different options for spinning styles. that being said, it's easy for anyone to pick up and play (though it will make you miss the simplicity of the ABC type of controller). 

Plot and Characters

I'm not really into the whole hard-boiled heavies thing. Pretty lame, honestly. 

While it would have been nice to add Amy maybe as an Easter Egg like Sonic Advance 2, the original games basically were Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles, so I'm content. 

I thought the Phantom Ruby thing was actually kind of annoying, here. Does this have an instruction manual? Where's my backstory?!

Level Design

What is impressive: layout and gimmicks. Especially in Act 2, they try to jazz things up. I LOVED the Mean Bean part in Chemical Plant. Best surprise in the whole game, and the easiest boss by far. 

What's not: the actual locations. First, let's choose the most obvious levels possible. GREEN HILL! CHEMICAL PLANT! FLYING BATTERY UM, WHERE IS ICE CAP?! At least there's Lava Reef. 

I don't like the reusing locations thing Sega's been pulling since Generations. I don't care who made this version, that's no excuse. Maybe 1 or 2, NOT HALF THE GAME. And NO, NO, NO, not the same levels from Generations, ugh. Then stupid Forces made this even worse. 

I don't like the bosses at all. This is the classic days, so they should not take more than 3 minutes max. These are much too difficult and slow (Sonic 4 had this problem, too). Ugh, Stuidopolis is annoying. 

The original levels must be creative, then, right? Ugh. I like half of them, maybe, visually, Mirage Saloon the best (and that...was inspired from the scrapped CD level...which was inspired from the scrapped Sonic 2 level). Stuidopolis is very cool...but nothing says classic Sonic quite like a HUGE CITY. No, wait, that's Mod Sonic, ugh. Press Garden annoyed me almost as much as Marble Garden from Sonic 3. wasn't as fun to go through as anything from, say, Sonic 2. Including all 3 acts of Metropolis Zone. I think there's an identity issue and they tried to pile too many ideas up. It got cluttered.  


Mania's OST was disappointing. I would not call it bad--some of the songs are epic. But as a whole it's not deserving of it's high, HIGH praise. 

Many of the tracks, especially in the beginning, are so happy it feels forced. It can get annoying.

The biggest disappointment while playing the game was Stardust Speedway: my literal reaction was "What the FXXX?" At the time I was so excited to get to the level that I completely forgot about the original Japanese soundtrack. Foolishly I thought maybe there was some Easter Egg that would change it, or I at least expected some of the instrumentation to be similar to the US OST as a compromise, but I couldn't be more wrong. 

I told myself to get over it and enjoy the remix in Forces. Unfortunately, even now that I have a deeper respect for the JP version, I can't enjoy the Stardust Speedway mixes. 

The beautiful piano in the past--the main attraction--has been altered into something passive and the "Hues" have become cringe-worthy "Huh-UGH"s. Act 2 was an improvement, but still not as good as the original (or the US version!). 

The Metallic Madness remixes weren't as disturbing. They were fine, but not as impactful as "You Can't Do Anything, So Don't Even Try."   

Green Hill's been remixed so many times that not even resurrecting Michael Jackson and asking him to compose it would make it seem any different. 

Still, a lot of the remixes are good; they just don't jump out at me as special. The exception is Lava Reef Act 2, which took a more radical change--worth the risk. I also liked Titanic Monarch Zone, but the other originals are mostly hit or miss. 

As a whole it's not bad, I'd still call it good! But it's not even close to being the best in the series. Considering Sonic titles of the 2010s, it was probably the best in a while, but Team Sonic Racing has already surpassed it as the best of that era. 


Final Thoughts

  • While I like all the little details and Easter eggs, I kinda' expected more. It almost seems like they reference the obscure stuff over the things you'd expect. 
  • Even though this is "by the fans," the game seems more biased to "Japan Sonic." They kinda' tried some things like some 90s air brushing on the art, but it does not look nearly as authentic to "American-ized Sonic" box art as the animation does to Sonic CD's cutscenes. 
    • Light Blue Sonic. Even with the original Sega CD he was not really light blue like that (the colors are washed out/not pixel-y in the rerelease). 
    • Sonic's shoes did not have gold buckles really. Just in the CD cutscenes and Mod games. 
    • There's hints of the JP CD OST all over and stuff inspired from it. The US? Some drum samples in like one level.
      • Not to mention the SegaSonic stuff in Plus
    • References to JP-exclusive stuff like Sega Popcorn Shop yet no references to the DiC cartoons? Mirage was callin' for a AoStH one?
    • I don't know, it just kinda' bothered me they couldn't make some sacrifices like calling him Robotnik. 
      • I mean, other than that nasty attempt at 90s airbrushing, only Ray's shoes (a reference to the Archie Comics) is an American thing.  
  • This is what Sonic 4 should have been. Still, Sonic never left 2-D. The Sonic Rush and Sonic Advance games are crying. 

Final Ranking: A

That's a low A, actually, I was tempted to give it a B, if not for one simple fact: this is the Sonic sequel we always wanted. I never understood it. If they had the tech in the 90s to make a Genesis game, why not just MAKE ANOTHER ONE? I've grown to love the 2000s games, but I had this thought with Sonic 4, Generations, and even Sonic Adventure. Yet now here it is, and it's not enough? 

I don't know, maybe it's all the praise the game gets. I usually end up liking the "bad" games because my expectations are so low. But I guess Mania doesn't meet the expectations because everyone says it's perfect. 

It's still the best game in a long time, though. 

Sonic Mania Plus

Ray is kinda' annoying, and I was expecting more levels, but I like the character aspect. Can I get a US Stardust Speedway DLC? Please? There's a nice version by Jun Senoue and Cash Cash!

Final Ranking: S

They changed it up with the gameplay, and somehow I ended up liking the idea. IDK, whatever. 

Friday, February 19, 2021

Sonic Unleashed Review

Rank @ End


This was bashed for its Werehog idea and stages, yet most Sonic fans enjoyed the game. Hint: I'm one of those fans.  

Gameplay and Level Design

Remember: upgrade the Werehog's attacks. Then it's no sweat.

The gameplay is split into two sections, day and night. The day stages at the time were a new idea, taking the Boost idea from rush and creating a style that switches between 2D and 3D. When I first played the game I really had a problem with pressing the buttons it asked for certain moves, and sometimes I still have trouble. Dark Gaia--60?--insane. Yet I like it in retrospect because it adds a bit of a challenge even now that the boost has become and over-used gimmick.

I also like that even though boosting through is possible, the game encourages exploration through the sun/moon medals, video tapes, records, and other items. Another likeable thing is the rings gained more of a purpose by helping fuel the boost. The trick system, while complex (^), looked cool. Overall the day stages were pretty fun, and the 2D areas weren't as bottomless-pit filled as in future games (cough, cough, SONICCOLORS). 

The Werehog stages are more complicated, but they serve the exploration idea even better. It is a forced slow down, but there are shortcuts and not every enemy needs beaten. In the beginning the game is a bit tougher in these stages, and longer. But as long as the player upgrades the moves/attacks, the gameplay will become a lot easier and smoother as a reward. Upgrade the attacks and then you can smash the buttons of your choice and defeat the enemies with ease. 

It's the Titans that really cause all the darn trouble. They knock Sonic off his feet and sometimes off buildings. Then the wizard ones power it back up sometimes, too. Using the "doorbell" move helps a lot but it can be difficult. 

The stage desings and hub worlds are awesome. Like with Soleanna in 06, they took real life ideas and it works even better with these choices. Altering the sky and lighting was also great. It was also cool that the Tornado returned. 


Story and Characters

The story, as wacky as it may be, is really nice. Sonic befriends Chip and there's a lot of focus on that friendship that can kinda' be expanded on ( The script is pretty nice, not epically cheesy like later games or over-the-top like some games past. It seems just right. Serious moments, funny ones. I kinda' like how Amy was in this, where she was still on the hunt for Sonic but got a little more concerned later in the game. Tails was also in a good spot because he seemed smart and useful (though his introduction is not as good because he needs help...but he was even that way in the Secret Rings, so--)

As much as I love Chip, the mythology kinda' bugs me. There were fantasy-type "god" creatures in games before like Adventure and 06, but I don't know why, this one kinda' bothers me. Maybe it is because Eggman also shattered the earth in Sonic Advance 3, heh. 

This is the first game in a long time not to feature Knuckles or Shadow. In some ways, I would have rather seen them in it and have it be Sonic Adventure 3, but I'm glad they did not through the characters in just for the sake of having them there (cough, cough, Forces, Generations). And I also felt the more Sonic-focused story was worth it (unlike SONICCOLORS). 

Music and Voice Acting

The music is great. There's a lot of variety. The hub worlds are more atmospheric and the stages are faster, wilder beats. Both incorporate instruments based on the locations the worlds were inspired upon. There is also a nice contrast between day and night, and a lot of interesting jazz elements. "Endless Possibilities" has a lot of energy and confidence that really match the game's theme of exploration yet Sonic as a character as well. 

The voice acting is the best. I already like Jason Griffith's Sonic voice, but he does particularly well with this game. The hedgehog sounds a bit more mature but has not lost his attitude. The rougher Werehog voice is also awesome. Only complaint with it is that with one or 2 lines it sounds a bit like Jet the Hawk. Amy Palant has really worked on her voice for Tails, who sounds a lot more boyish. Lisa Ortiz also matured Amy's voice a bit. Chip is cute and adorable sounding. 

Overall the only one who did not quite live up to expectations was Dan Green (Professor Pickle) not because the voice was that bad, just because it sounded a lot like Knuckles to me (more so then Mephiles).     

Visuals and Graphics


The cutscenses, even the ones of lower quality, have aged GREAT. The entire game looks better than Forces, and the animation is expressive. That first cutscene! Wow. 

When playing through, the graphics are not as good as future games but still pretty good. The combination of cartoonish designs and realistic textures helped it age better, I think.  

Dark Gaia is creepy in design. I'm kinda' confused on Chip's looks, but he's cute. Yet the temple-transformation thing (kinda' anime-ish, maybe?) makes him pretty beast. Speaking of beast--

The Werehog design is not so bad. Not as sleek Sonic's usual looks, but powerful and tough. Way better than Boom Knuckles, anyway.  

Final Thoughts

  • I (...and a lot of people, surprisingly?) would have liked it if Sonic continued to wear the Chip bracelet. As a sign of character development.  
    • I guess in Black Knight it would have just gotten hidden under his armor, but WHAT'S COLORS EXCUSE?  
      • Unfortunately by 2010 Sega found the antonym of character development and used that instead. 
  • I love this game, but Sega would kinda' pluck some bad ideas out if it: 
    • Boost to win
    • Tails being a coward
    • No Crush 40
    • No Kncukles/Shadow/Rouge/Cream/etc
  • Another idea reused in the future is having the results affect the characters' stance. Here it affects what the character says (as in games past) and the music as well. 
  • This is probably the best version of hub worlds in a Sonic game to date. They were fun to explore and all looked very unique. The day/night idea was also nice visually. 
  • The idea with the humans was interesting, becuase while most were cartoony and Pixar-like, there were a few that were more anime/almost more realistic, as if to bridge the gap between this game and games past. 
    • I like all the different designs and backgrounds for them. 
      • Wentos: AKA how to score as may rings as you want. 
  • It's cool that there are optional acts and missions, I always prefer options to requirements.  
  • Would have loved to see more "extra"/easter egg scenes in future games. Oh well.  
  • HERE WE...GO!
  • Egro>Orbot 

Final Ranking: S

It would be better without the Titan enemies, but I'm willing to overlook that. This game is really fun to play, has great audio and visuals, and a cool script/story that is not too dark but not too silly. This very well may be the best modern Sonic game. 


Monday, February 15, 2021

Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine Reveiw

Rank @ End


Addictive music, but kinda' a weird Sonic game. 


It's a puzzle type of game like Tetris or Columns. It was originally a Japanese game with separate characters but it was morphed into the Sonic franchise for a wider release. 

It includes characters from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and Robotnik's design from that show. Sonic himself is not really in it. This might actually be the first Sonic spin-off starring another character. Huh. 

It can be an addicting game, really with the cheerful little music, but the AI is murderous. You can put in a password to try to skip to the end, but really only practice and 2-player mode are fun. 

Scratch, Grounder, and Coconuts appear as enemies to bean-fight against. 

Final Ranking: D 

It's just not really a Sonic game, so it just doesn't really fit in. I had fun with it, but there's not too much of a reason to play it/keep playing. Makes a nice bonus when given with other games I guess.  

8-Bit Version

It's pretty similar but with worse graphics and music. 

Final Ranking: E

Better to just play the 16-bit version.  

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Quote of the Month


"[Thinking]Cosmo certainly is special. I only wish I could tell her how I feel. [Aloud] You're so beauti--WAAAAH!"

"It's true, the stars are beautiful! I'm so happy right now, I feel like I could stand here starring at them forever."

"...So do I."

--Tails with Cosmo in "Mission Match-Up" (Sonic X, dub)

Friday, February 12, 2021

Sonic Heroes Review

Rank @ End


BLAST AWAY! Do more characters=a better game?

Gameplay and Level Design

The level design is fair. There are some colorful additions and new ideas, namely the haunted theme. I don't really like the "chunky" look of some of the earlier levels like [shudders] Seaside Hill and Ocean Palace. Many of the levels are pretty long in length. 

The gameplay has its heart in the right place, but is not the best. I like the idea of team work, but unlike Sonic 2 where there's sort-of an optional thing for another player, this "team" thing is forced on the 1st player. It takes a long while to get used to the different moves, switching between characters, and even just balancing while flying. It needs a "learning period." Doing the Rose missions first helps.  


Story and Characters

This is a very character-focused game. Team Sonic has a pretty simplistic story, but it is fun to see the crew getting along and hanging out. Rose's is also pretty simple, but it's humorous and the first time we see Cream outside of Sonic Advance 2. Though where did Chocola even come from? 

The Chaotix have a fun story, though I wish the conclusion was not so obvious. Notably this team dodges Team Sonic because then they'd have to decide where to risk having the group recognize Knuckles. The wording when they first cross Eggman is careful for this reason (Knuckles Chaotix). 

Team Dark gets the best story, where the group hunts Eggman for their own reasons. Unfortunately the game does not decide what to do with Shadow. Does he get his memories back? Is he an android?   

This might be because the character was originally dead and Rouge was going to be a part of Team Rose (wtf). 

The game debuted Omega, Chocola, and introduced many "less known" characters like the Chaotix and Cream. I think they handled the intro well, but I can see how it would seem overwhelming. 

The plot twist is great for the game's story and for Metal Sonic's character. Before, he basically had the OVA for personality and that was basically just that he had Sonic's. Here we as a cold, creepier version. I wish they actually used the "Neo" design a bit before transforming him for 5 minutes, though.   

Music and Voice Acting

The music is pretty good. "Mystic Mansion" really got into the setting, and Bullet Station just sounds awesome. The main theme is good but tiresome. Of the team themes, only "This Machine" really works the best. "What I'm Made Of" is and always will be one of the most epic songs in the series. 

This is some of the best voice acting from the original cast, the other game probably being Sonic Battle. Ryan Drummond's voice for Sonic is happy and energetic, finally losing the sarcasm-awkwardness from the Adventure series. Just right. Jennifer Douillard has shown considerable improvement with Amy, putting a lot more into the role. Lani Minella's Rouge voice is also at it's best. 

I do have one main complaint, and it's for Charmy, who just sounds too girlish for a boy (the potato chips line still works though). 

Visuals and Graphics

The CG scenes are fair. The graphics aren't the best, but tolerable. Though do I have to sit through like 5 mintues of Metal Sonic transforming in thunder, rain, and lightning? 

Omega's design is a bit clunky for my taste, but the Chaotix redesigns are awesome. Rouge also wears a different outfit, which I might like better. Interesting to note that in the concept art her outfit was red and black, too, hm...

Final Thoughts

  • The Special stage is crap. A-the boost is NOT like the modern boost, don't use it that way or you WILL PAY. B-you can get at least 6 of them by using Big and walking on the CELLING for some reason. C-you'll do fine and then--randomly come to a halt because you somehow fell. What is this, 06? 
    • Sonic 2's is WAY WAY WAY better and it came out, you know, like 10 years before. 
  • Ultimately I am glad they brought Shadow back, even if it meant SA2 lost a little meaning. However I'm not a huge fan of the android plot. 
  • Also, the portrayal of Shadow himself in the game has been greatly exaggerated, I mean one minute he's all "space, did you say space" and the next he's all "some things never change," what the heck?! 
    • Sorry, but Shadow the Hedgehog> Heroes Shadow.  The entire game is dedicated to the character's potential. Did it 100% work? No. Did it miss some opportunities with Team Dark? Yeah. But it gives still gives a better idea of "who" he is. 
      • Plus "That way you guys can use your super powers," ugh, that's barely better than "you've got this, Sonic," ew.   
  • This is the best we see of Metal Sonic, I think, yet the whole "Neo" idea is overrated. Forces may have been an opportunity to flesh out the character's personality when working under Eggman. Too bad.   
  • Tails and Knuckles...just get bubbles...shinny little...WHY?
  • Part of this game's problem is that Sonic himself is kinda' buried in all these characters. 
    • Giving him a super transformation and no one else is NOT a solution. 
  • So I'm confused about the sunset thing... 

Final Ranking: B 

Eh. What can I say? Beating this game is great, and it's really nice to see the characters work and talk together in the level, too. But it can be long, repetitive, and at points just...boring?

WHAT IF...Silver was replaced with

Monday, February 8, 2021

Sonic Colors Review

Um, WTF?

Rank @ End



Gameplay and Level Design

Sonic Colors is creative with its levels. Neat ideas and colors really bring it all to life. Yet with the exception of the Asteroid Coaster, I don't think it lives up to Amusement Theme, falling short in comparison to Eggmanland. The numerous amount of acts makes the novelty wear off incredibly quick. The menu design and Mario-like layout is disgusting. I would like a hub world a lot better, but this is the Wii I guess! 

The gameplay, on the surface, is a rip-off from the day stages of Sonic Unleashed, where Sonic utilizes the "boost to win" formula and the camera toggles between 2-D and 3-D. HOWEVER. The CONTROLS make what should be a similar experience a horrible one. For example, the quick step (which quickly dodges Sonic to the left/right) can now only be done by tilting the Wii remote. That's supposed to move him anyway, right?! The slide is by far the worst, being the B button (which is easy to accidently hit). Furthermore, the game seems over zealous with the 2-D portions, which end up being just as difficult/bothersome (if not moreso) than the 3-D parts and an annoying (rather than natural) switch. The boss fights are repeative and a nuisance.

That's only the first half. The second is the Wisps. They are supposed to break-up the formula. Instead they BREAK THE GAME. The Wispons in Sonic Forces were a gift! At least they were controllable: these are impossible. The drill and rocket are the worst. Often they are are a hindrance, and never a help. Yet they aren't optional: they're required, or at least some point in the game.     

It's just not fun. Unleashed, Rush--they were fun. 06 was glitch-ridden and it even it was fun! Colors was annoying and felt like a waste. 

Story and Characters

Horrible! The story is worthless. First, why should I care about the Wisps? There's no real bond, like with Chip or the people in hub-worlds. It's just expected. The Black Arms, Cosmo and the Meterex, the species from Sonic Chronicles...All had more to offer. Next, if the character focus is Sonic and Tails, how does it change them? It doesn't! They're exactly the same from start to finish, static! Eggman's a comedic hoot, and his new robots are the worst incarnation of his henchmen. I miss Scratch and Grounder! And how are the stakes raised, where's the Chaos Emeralds? They're not here, they're just for if you want to play as Super Sonic in the levels (which is NOT fun in these "modern" games). 

As bad as the story is, the script is even worse. Every thing is a cringe-worthy joke. It's lucky this game did not kill the series for good (though with the way it tainted the games to come, in a way it did).  

Music and Voice Acting

Horrible. Let's get voice acting out of the way first. Roger Craig Smith is not a good Sonic voice. As I've mentioned, he's not the right vocal type and he didn't have the same energy. He does sound like a late teen, but it's just not Sonic. He improved by Forces and by TSR I was actually impressed. But I have to wonder why they hired him originally. Here, he's at his worst. The silly script doesn't help, but that doesn't excuse the flat-ness from lines like "Tails, buddy, are you alright?" The sound effects (such as the dying one) are the worst in the entire series' run. 

I also can't stand the "wisp annoncer." Was that really necessary?! When I think of annoying voices, I usually expect someone high-pitched, but the low-pitched "Rocket!" "Laser!" "GAAME OFFER." are some of the worst, again, in the series run. At least Sonic Riders gave the option of shutting omachao up!  

Kate Higgin's Tails voice isn't bad, but it's not the best, either. Sure, he sounds boyish. No more complaints about Tails sounding like a girl. Now the problem? He sounds like he's 16! 14, at least, not 8! Not nearly as innocent or clever sounding as in previous games. Orbot and Cubot were not very robot-like, and Cubot's actual voice was the worst version. Eggman generally sounds the same as in other games, but doesn't have the same edge. His tone is more annoyed with Sonic than threatened.

The music, like the game in general, is clearly trying to rip-off of Unleashed. The "exploratory" vibe of the title screen, for example, is a generic attempt at surpassing Unleashed's world map theme. The levels are a diverse, good quality mesh, but it just falls flat compared to the games before it. It's not bad, but not very memorable. The vocal themes have aged terribly bad. They scream early 2010s more than Owl City's "Fireflies." Plus the lyrics just weren't very good to begin with.   

Visuals and Graphics

The visuals are not bad. The designs are fairly expressive and everything is colorful. Still, it's animation is shabby compared to Unleashed. Even it's best cutscenes are lacking compared to the opening of Sonic 06 (made 4 years prior).  

Final Thoughts

Tails: That mind control won't work! I can't turn against you, Sonic! 



Game animations: let's reference Sonic X 

Sega: BTW we finally replaced those stupid Sonic X voice actors


Sonic fans: boy this game is crap. 

Critics: Finally! A good Sonic game! 

Sega: Welp I guess we'll make every game like this from now on. 


Final Ranking: E 

HORRIBLE. I like that they tired to focus on the "brother" relation ship of Sonic and Tails, but it did not pay off. Maybe I'm being harsh, maybe it's more of  a D-, but it's hard to ignore it's "legacy." It's easily one of the worst Sonic games of all time, and that makes it in the E category. 

Sonic Colors DS

The wisps are still a pain to control, but staying in a whole it's a lot better game to play. It includes some higher-quality cutscenes than the DS standard but much of the plot is the same. Limited, the voice acting is not as irritating, save for a few repetitive lines (I should never have made fun of Jason Griffith's "yo"). The music is not of the same quality, but I like it because it does not seem as over-the-top. There are improvements like the added characters and the addition of Mother Wisp that help, and the gimmicks (such as the balloon) seem more creative.

Final Ranking C

While the console version is in many ways a rip-off of Sonic Unleashed, this game is a total rip of the Sonic Rush series. If it were a Rush game, with an original story and Blaze as an alternate character, I'd be more forgiving. Still, it's a lot better than the console version.  

Friday, February 5, 2021

The Potential of "Sonic Prime"

I've already discussed some of my hopes/hesitations about the new Sonic cartoon. But now there's more to it. Now it's "Sonic Prime." 

YEARS ago, I wanted to see a union of the Sonic cartoons I was watching. Basically I wanted Turtles Forever before that was a thing, but with Sonic. 

Cartoons, comics, games: there's a mountain of characters and ideas. Even if some were limited to cameos, it would still be a lot of hype for fans.     

I don't think it will happen. Sega owns Sonic, but the rights of individual creations have certain owners (for example, I think Sonic X is owned both by Sega, the Japanese company that made it, and whoever got what was left of 4kids--which made the dub). And it's safe to say anything Penders-made is long dead.  

In the back of my mind I still hoped it would happen someday. Maybe as a fan creation. Maybe since the "Sonic Movie" is about dimensions, there would be some multiverse thing and some cameos from the games or something. Now "Sonic Prime" might have a chance to do that even better. 

The plot is directly involved in other dimensions. I'm hoping to at the very least see Blaze the Cat. But will the writers take the risks and involve the hedgehog's huge past, or will they ignore it and do their own thing?

Monday, February 1, 2021

Changes: New Voice Cast

Roger Craig Smith has been Sonic's voice actor since 2010 (starting with Sonic Free Riders/Colors). He recently hinted (that after 10 years) he's departing the role. 

Sonic Colors

I've never really been a huge fan of Smith's job as Sonic. To this day he remains in the "worst voice actor" category in the left panel of this blog. In the old days I thought he just plain horrible, but the truth is he isn't a bad voice actor. Just a bad Sonic.

Still Sonic Colors

I did not like that they replaced Jason Griffith (who I've often sighted as my favorite voice for Sonic), but in retrospect I don't think that had the biggest impact. 

As I mentioned in my review for Shadow the Hedgehog, I don't think the switch from Ryan Drummond to Jason Griffith was nearly as strange as the change from Griffith to Smith. After all, part of the reason Griffith ended up voicing Sonic was because they [4kids] thought he sounded like Sonic (/presumably like Drummond). 

Smith's take did not sound like any of the previous actors in pitch or attitude/tone. When combined with the crappy scripts of the 2010s, it was hard to realize that it wasn't necessarily bad acting, but a crushing miscast.   


Despite all that, Roger Craig Smith showed real improvement over the years. Sonic Boom gave him an opportunity to work more with the character, and it showed in the transition from Lost World to Forces. 

I felt that Team Sonic Racing, apparently his last game, was his best work. Even though the voice itself was generally same, I thought he finally got Sonic's personality down pat and was acting with the right attitude. For the first time, I was content knowing Smith would be voicing the character in the next game.    

"Hey, who needs their bacon saved?" YAY! This line is somehow not cringy!

Even though part of me is celebrating, I feel bad for the fans who grew up in "this era" and got used to his voice. I've said that every time a VA seems to master the character, they get replaced (Drummond in Heroes, Griffith in Black Knight, and now Smith in TSR). But Smith got 10 years and not one but TWO anniversary games. And half the 2010 cast was replaced by TSR. It was kinda' waiting to happen. 

Sonic Generations

That opens the door: will there be an entirely new voice cast? Or just a new Sonic? I'd love to see Griffith return to the role (just as half the fan base would love to see Drummond return, too). But if the VA's going to be familiar, I have a feeling it will be Ben Schwartz, "movie" Sonic. Sega's got some weird rule about Sonic sounding the same in all media, and even if that's not the reason: the Sonic movie did good. Better than anyone probably thought, so the switch would make sense. On the other hand Sega considered Lacey Chabert* a celebrity, so who knows if they'd be willing to hire Schwartz for years to come? 

*Chabert did voice work for The Wild Thornberrys, The Spectacular Spiderman, Family Guy, and other shows while also appearing in movies (such as Mean Girls). I mean, I guess she's more famous than most Sonic VA's, but if asked to name "celebrities" (and I don't mean this as an insult, just a fact) she's not the first name that comes to mind. Or the second. Or the third. Chabert voiced Princess Elise in Sonic 06.  

Sonic Forces

With a new game for the series' 30th anniversary bound to become a reality, I'm sure we'll find out if its someone old or new in the near future. But what of the game itself? Is this the end of the "current" era? Is the style going to be changed into something new...the "next level?" Will the scripts be any better?!

Regardless of my thoughts on his voice-work, Roger Craig Smith contributed 10 years to the franchise, and for that he deserves respect.

SAYONARA Roger Crap Smith! I'm sorry

Changes: New Sonic Cartoon


Rumors have been buzzing around the idea of a new Sonic cartoon. According to a deleted tweet from a while back, there will be a new 3-D animated Sonic TV show exclusive to Netflix in 2022 (same year as the Sonic movie 2).  


Sat Am

Since it's arriving the same year as the Sonic movie, it's possible it will follow the tone, or possibly incorporate the same elements (humans, etc). Maybe it's even an extension of the movie-universe, but at this point there is so little information it's anyone's guess. 




I'm not looking forward to seeing another 3-D cartoon because it feels cheaper. Even the low-budget 90s DiC animation seemed livelier than Boom (which was--facially--expressive, but not much else). Sonic X seemed ideal at the time, but in retrospect it seems shabby to the modern shorts like Team Sonic Racing Overdrive (though those shorts were minutes long, and Sonic X--and the other cartoons--had to be hours). 

When I was younger I especially hated the idea of CGI Sonic. Even before the design changes, I already had it out for Sonic Boom because of this (and the Sonic Movie). My exploration of the modern games changed my mind...a bit: 

If the show sticks to Sonic's modern design and presents itself like the various openings of Sonic 06 and/or ANY cutscene of Sonic Unleashed, it will work. Night of the Werehog is proof.  



Every show has it's original characters. Scratch and Grounder! Sally Acorn! Sonia and Manic Hedgehog! Chris and Cosmo! Sticks! The "movie" has Sara, the movie has Tom Whashisname, and the comics have Sally and the free Tangle and Whisper. This show is bound to create a "mascot" for itself. 

The truth is, though, I hope they don't. Or at least not for the first season. The Sonic series has a HUGE cast. In the 90s, there wasn't many "well known" characters so they created their own. In the 2000s, the cast was growing while Sonic X was still being translated over! New characters will be fine, so long as they don't take away from the old ones. 

There are plenty of games to adapt and characters to introduce to new audiences (Blaze, Jet, Omega...even Silver).    



I'd like to see them adapt games again. It would be okay if they took a "loose" route for some (such as the Sonic X version of Sonic Battle or Archie's drawn out version of Unleashed, the "Shattered World Crisis"), but it would be nice to "re-introduce" or "remake" some of those storylines. 

Otherwise I'm pretty indifferent. I don't want it to be a comedy like Boom, where Eggman was not even a threat. At the same time, I don't want them to go "too dark" because it's going to be about a talking hedgehog (and that's what fan comics are for, right Evan Stanley and Gigi-D?).


These are the ideal take-always from the cartoons past: 

Adventure of Sonic the Hedgehog: comedy without undermining the conflict

Sonic the Hedgehog: showing differences between characters but giving them reason to work together 

Sonic Underground: keeping a strong bond between main characters and a goal for the season/series

Sonic X: balancing a large cast while introducing more characters and elements from the games

Sonic Boom: referencing modern memes and "in-jokes" that appeal to the fans   

Not fond of the idea of Sonic being a "streaming" type of show, either. Sonic X was one of the few "non-cable cartoons" in it's day (not on Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, Disney, etc), and say what you will about 4kids, but I respected them for that.