Thursday, June 25, 2020

The Molly Debate (Part 3)

Before I draw any conclusions, this debate will look at both sides. In this episode, the English version.

Episode 3: Just Like in That Story, Remember? 

What the Dub did good

Being the 4kids cast, I'm generally impressed with the voice acting. As I have mentioned before, Jason Griffith does a perfect voice for Shadow. Kathleen Delaney (Rouge) did all right. Bella Hudson (also known for voicing Blaze and Wave) voiced Molly as determined but vulnerable as well.

Shadow isn't nice, but he's not as cold-hearted as in the original. Sure, Shadow's an anti-hero, but he's not complete a$$4@!*, either. "Don't cry, Molly," is probably the best moment of the episode. Overall 4kids gave the audience the same sympathy for Shadow that SA 2 did by arguably writing the character better.

Molly was also portrayed with more confidence than her Japanese version, who seemed...determined, yet doomed. Rouge is portrayed with her usual flair, and if I recall accurately, some viewers got a kick out of the line, "some boob set a booby trap."

This version also named the planet Cascade. Pretty name, plus the Wiki doesn't have to call it "Molly's planet," ha.

Update: Another name was listed in Japanese on an Eyecatch card, but it's not actually spoken, giving English viewers the impression the planet had no name.

I also think 4kids was justified in censoring Rouge appearance a bit, because in this episode...


They got a little too carried away.

lol they try.

Next up, Molly's "goodbye."

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