Friday, June 26, 2020

The Molly Debate (Part 5)

Episode 5: The More They Stay the Same...


I like to defend the dub because sometimes people draw conclusions without even giving it a chance. It could be worse. But this is a known weak point.

They should have worked around their rules without disrupting the story. I really wish they had done the original scene and put it on DVD as a special feature or something. Except for fan edits, we'll never see Molly's death in English.

So should 4kids' have censored Molly's death? Probably not. Should they be blamed for it? The show is like, 15 years old. Complaining about 4kids won't do anything--4kids is gone.

Should the entire dub be remembered for this and this only? No. Like it or not, it was Sonic X's success in the west that even allowed the series to go on for another season. So it can't be all bad, now can it?

The Verdict: The dub did not "ruin everything," but no, they shouldn't have changed the ending.

Cersorsh*t, in the first degree.  
So is the English "A Revolutionary Tale" episode worthless? No. It has some nice qualities, and the end game is the same--Shadow leaves Eggman and goes out on his own mission. It would be a good idea for fans to see the original, but the English version serves its purpose.

Besides, much as 4kids may be criticized for censoring, Sega themselves have strayed from "darker" or "deeper" stories in favor of silly, comical ones. Sonic was supposed to be tortured yet he's acting like a clown for most of Sonic Forces. Dub or Subbed, Sonic X treated Sonic more seriously than that.

Apparently being eaten by a tree is appropriate for TV-7, though? 

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