Monday, August 31, 2020

Shth is better than Heroes (Part 5)

This one's tough.


Sonic Heroes has good music. Shadow the Hedgehog has good music. When it comes down to it, though, one is slightly better.

Main Themes

Sonic Heroes

Sonic Heroes is confident and matches not just the game, but Team Hero itself.

I Am...All of Me

The song hits many points of the game and Shadow's character in an edgy tone that aligns with the game's tension.

I like "Sonic Heroes," but I've never been as attached to it as most Sonic fans. While it made the opening awesome, it's immediate "Sonic Heroes, Sonic Heroes," on the press start screen probably hurt it in my mind...

"I Am...All of Me" is one of my favorites. I like the way it sounds as well as the anger and confusion expressed in the vocals. The lyrics are spot-on. And the "Here we go buddy, here we go," helps break it up so that it's not too "over the edge."

What I'm Made Of

An amazing song that voices both Metal Sonic and Sonic's determination to fight against each other.

Never Turn Back

Beginning with a soft piano, the song erupts into the story of how far Shadow has come and his determination to put the past behind him.

I like both songs a lot. "What I'm Made Of" is impossible to argue against. It keeps the boss fight alive. "Never Turn Back" is a bit slower, because it's for the closing. But the lyrics and style are perfect for Shadow, and the beginning is a nice tribute for Maria. I have to call this one a tie.

Other Vocal Themes

There are still many vocal themes for each.


We Can (Sonic)
Though it's done in the same spirit as "It Doesn't Matter," it's not quite as memorable and despite the lyrics, it sounds more "Sonic" than "Sonic, Tails, & Knuckles."

Follow Me (Rose) 
It has an "Amy" feel to it but it does not stand out and seems overly girly/cheery.

This Machine (Dark)
The song is epic. It's kinda' defined as Omega's, but with the lyrics it applies to each.

Team Chaotix (Chaotix)
Catchy and humorous. "They're gonna' kick your--TEAM CHAOTIX." Applies to the detectives easily.


Almost Dead (Dark and Neutral Dark)
Often sighted as the "edgiest" Sonic song, "Almost Dead" is probably a little too over-the edge. Still, it's loud chorus is fitting. It uses life and death (which apply to Shadow because of his "death" in SA2) as an allusion to good and evil (which apply to Shadow's struggle through the game): "no more life, no more death--somewhere in between." 
Still, should have just been for the Dark endings, as originally intended.

Waking Up (Neutral)
Waking Up is more upbeat and applies to both "android" Shadow as well as Omega. The similarities to "This Machine" are welcome (both were by Julien-K).

Chosen One (Neutral Hero)
Chosen One describes Shadow very well, voicing both his regrets and his determination to become someone better. With it's more depressed/saddened tone, it matches the neutral-hero endings.

All Hail Shadow (Hero)
The original "All Hail Shadow" is a bit rougher than the Crush 40 cover, but it's notable lyrics and confidence were enough to make it a returning theme.

The songs Who I Am, Broken, and All of Me are good as well but I'm not comparing them since they did not make it into the game.  

Even though the songs in Heroes were alright, overall the Shadow the Hedgehog tracks were better and more relevant. 

Stage Music

To be honest, much of my distaste for early Heroes levels come from over-play. Seaside Hill has made almost as many appearances as Green Hill. GREEN HILL. Overall the levels have a good, fast tone such as Bullet Station, or something appropriate for the setting like Mystic Mansion. I especially like Hang Castle and how it plays backwards for when the switch makes the level upside-down.

Even though Westopolis has to be played every time a new story is started, it hasn't gotten old. It's fast tone and intensity helps keep the level fresh. Most of the time the tones are focused on speed and the panic of the situation. Notably, though, there are slower levels like Lost Impact, which is calm and a nice contrast to The Doom. I also like how the "digital" levels are given more of a electronic sound. I like the remixes such as The Ark (Lost Impact is a remix as well).

Both soundtracks are good, but since some of Heroes' can get repetitive, Shadow the Hedgehog is just a bit better.

Underground Is Better Than Sat Am (Part 5)

Part 5: Openings

Though I was content with the Sat Am version, I never considered it the best or a favorite. Still, going back to these intros it a bit of a shock.


Sat Am

Sat Am does a good job of showing off the basics of the show. Sonic is working against the dark and dangerous Robotnik, and being a bit of a smart alec, too. Sally gets quite a bit more time on-screen compared to the other freedom fighters, establishing her position as taking charge but also working closely with Sonic with a hint of romance.   


Underground likewise established the basics of the show. Time is spent focused on each siblings' growth as well as their music-fueled powers and "freedom fight." The moments slows down a bit for their mother's point of view before picking back up again with the hope that the triplets would find their mother. 

The Sat Am intro is good. I appreciate how they establish the basics of both Sally and Sonic as well as their relationship. I also like the details like an unhappy Antoine clapping. However, even just at a glance Underground seems to have more going on. 

The intro is akin to a summary of the origin episode "Beginnings," as it briefly covers the events and establishes the show's main point: find their mother, stop Robotnik. Aleena also makes it have a bit more of an emotional punch. Both openings are about a minute in length, but Underground seems to sum up the show's more complex plot in the same amount of time.      

Also Sat Am once planned for Bunnie's robotization to be shown during the intro (with Sally saving her). Would have been better if they kept that in, I think.  

Continuity Errors

Just an interesting note. Doesn't really affect either too much. 

Sonic races to show Uncle Chuck about Robotnik's an adult. While this could potentially be Sonic from the future ("Blast to the Past"), it seems to imply that Robotnik's take over was recent and not when the freedom fighters were children.   

As a child Sonia's arms and legs are both tan, when normally they are hot-pink.


Lyrics and Singing

Sat Am

The Sat Am version is catchy, with an appropriate emphasis on attitude. The original season 1 version is not quite of the same quality, and maybe it's just that I'm used to the season 2 one but I find it kind of funny. Overall I don't think either have aged very well, having a pretty distinct early 90s vibe.

While I'm quite fond of the "he's got an attitude" line, when I was young "too fast for the naked eye" easily became the "hilarious" "too fast for the naked guy." Plus I didn't understand it was saying "he can really move." Overall the lyrics aren't that special.  

I kinda' think the song they planned to used before, "Burning Way Past Cool," may have been a better choice because it seems more aligned with Sonic's personality and (though pretty 90s), it's more experimental nature has helped. And it may have been more alike music from the video games. 



Underground is pretty unique compared to the other songs of the show because it is not performed "by" the hedgehogs. It has a more mystic vibe that has helped it age better, and the rock themes of the background fit well with Sonic. I think the vocals are stronger, and the lyrics are more involved, like a narration of what's happening.    

While the reception of Sonic games have been mixed, the hardly anyone complains about their soundtracks. That being said, it's hard to "go back" to simpler times of the Sonic cartoons. Neither quite has what it takes to out do the game's reputation, but each tried to start their shows with a bang. 

In the long run, I think Underground's is better, and Sat Am's is...better than the intro to Sonic Boom, but not as good. 

lol the random images I have...

Monday, August 24, 2020

Sonic Forces References

The game celebrated 25 years and also had some callbacks:

Words narrate the events, similar to the date/location given in SA2 cutscenes.

Eggman takes over the world while Sonic is away. This happened in Sonic the Comic and later in Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood.

Eggman also took over in several other continues, but while Sonic was young, not missing. 

Knuckles leads the Resistance: a "rag-tag" team of fighters to "take back the planet." This group helps rescue Sonic after his 6-month capture.

This idea may have been inspired by:

  • The (Knothole) Freedom Fighters, generally led by Sally Acorn in Sat Am and the Archie Comics. 
  • The Freedom Fighters, founded by Sonic in Sonic the Comic
  • The Resistance, the "underground" movement against Robotnik in Sonic Underground
  • Team Hero, Sonic and his close friends who often fight Eggman in the games. 
  • The Resistance, a group of humans that fought the Meterex in Sonic X

Green Hill, Chemical Plant, and the Death Egg all appear again.

This is the second anniversary game where Sonic fights Metal Sonic. 

Sonic says to Classic, "it's been generations since I've seen you," alluding to Sonic Generations.

Sonic's box artwork is similar to his art for Sonic Rivals 2.

Many trophy/achievement names are based on games/phrases.

The Avatar's clothing can reflect other characters (such as a Tails shirt with Knuckles' shoes or a chao backpack and Amy's boots).

Omega is broken down/out of commission for most of the game. Something similar happened in 06 as well as Sonic Chronicles.

Infinite refers to Sonic as a rat. This was something the Erazor Djinn often said in Sonic and the Secret Rings.

Shadow kicks Infinite in nearly the same way he kicks Silver in the head in 06.

The Shadow "replicas" mainly serve the same purpose as "Shadow Androids."

Episode Shadow has remixes from Sonic Adventure 2 and Shadow the Hedgehog. A part of "All Hail Shadow" can also be heard when he appears in the main story.

Update: How could I forget?! The US theme for Metal Sonic/Stardust Speedway Bad Future was also remixed! Sonic CD!

Rouge mentions an "intelligence division." This may implicate GUN.

Rouge tells Shadow "do it to it," which was a common phrase in the early cartoons.

Rouge indirectly mentions chilidogs.

Rouge also called Eggman "Rotton ol' Eggman." Even though she used to call him "doctor," I swear she's called him something like that before...  

Friday, August 21, 2020

Sonic Generations: Current Continuity



  • Sonic
    • Sonic mentions Yacker as an alien and that he saved them. 
  • Orbot and Cubot
    • Return via cameo from Sonic Colors.
  • Time Eater
    • Resembles the Void-wisp. 


  • Planet Wisp

Returning elements

  • Red Star Rings (First Appearance: Sonic Colors)
  • 3D Super Sonic in stages (First Appearance: Sonic Colors)


  • Standard (Remixes)
    • Planet Wisp
  • Unlockables
    • Reach for the Stars
    • Tropical Resort
    • Sweet Mountain
    • Free
    • Splash Hill

Other Similarities

  • The Egg Dragoon is fought in a similar setting to the final boss in Sonic Colors. 

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Sonic Generations: Modern Allusions



  • Sonic
    • Sonic goes boarding in City Escape. He goes boarding in several Modren games, especially in the Riders series. 
    • Sonic mentions Sharah and the Storybook series indirectly as "genies & magic books."
    • Sonic's idle animations are similar to the ones from Sonic Unleashed
    • Sonic's favorite meal--chilidogs--appear again. The were established as such in the games in Sonic Unleashed
  • Tails
    • Tails does his 06 animation with his tails. 
  • Knuckles
    • Knuckles' second animation is also from 06. 
  • Blaze
    • Blaze can be seen talking to Cream. She made friends with the rabbit in Sonic Rush.
    • Similar yet different music plays for Blaze in Sonic Rush, just as similar-different music plays for Classic Sonic.  
    • Blaze has a move similar to one from the Rush series. 
    • Blaze refers to her home dimension. 
    • Blaze refers to being in Crisis City. She also uses the phrase "again" which was one of her sayings in Sonic Rush.  
    • Blaze helps Sonic with the flames in Crisis City, a reference to her immunity in Sky Babylon. This move may also be inspired from the planned Blaze/Silver move in Sonic 06. 
  • Shadow
    • Shadow looks around and crosses his arms; his idle animation from 06. 
    • Shadow's theme "All Hail Shadow" returns. 
  • Rouge
    • Rouge distracts the enemies in her help/challenge act by blowing them kisses. This was one of her basic attack moves in Sonic Riders. She would also "distract" in Sonic Chronicles: the Dark Brotherhood.  
    • Her heart-bombs from 06 reappear. She's used different bombs throughout the games.
    • One idle animation of Rouge is tossing her "hair" like in 06.  
    • Rouge's nickname for Sonic, "Big Blue," comes from Sonic Chronicles: the Dark Brotherhood.  
  • Silver
    • Silver messes with his gloves--and idle animation from 06. 
    • He uses his catchphrases such as "Take this" and "Give up!" (but not his famous line, "IT'S NO USE.").
  • Eggman
    • Sonic must fight two "eggmans," just as he had to fight two "eggmans" in the Rush series (the other was Eggman Nega). 
    • "Bombs away" and "Time for a change of pace" return from Sonic Unleashed.  
  • Time Eater
    • The Time Eater is similar to Solaris (Sonic 06), both in setting and concept. It's dark appearance is also similar to the Dark Queen (Sonic and the Black Knight) and the setting is similar to Exception (Sonic Rush). 
    • The Time Eater's final attack is similar to Iblis (phase 3) attack against Silver as well as Alf Layla Wa-layla's attack against Darkspine Sonic in Sonic and the Secret Rings and Perfect Dark Gaia's final attack in Sonic Unleashed
    • Latin lyrics are heard in Solaris Phase 1, and Latin words are also spoken for the Time Eater boss fight. 


  • Crisis City
  • Spagonia/Roof Top Run
  • Eggman Land (boss)

Returning Elements

  • Boost (First appearance: Sonic Rush)
  • Super combined attack (First appearance: Sonic Rush)
  • Multi-dimensional boss fight (First appearance: Sonic Rush)
  • Starting Boost (First appearance: Sonic and the Secret Rings)
  • Time Break (First appearance: Sonic and the Secret Rings)
  • Skill System (First appearance: Sonic and the Secret Rings)
  • Balloon Cluster (First appearance: Sonic Unleashed)
  • Skydiving (First appearance (as Sonic): Sonic Unleashed)
  • Wall Jump (First appearance (as Sonic, 2-D): Sonic Unleashed)
  • Stomp (First appearance: Sonic Unleashed)


  • Standard (Remixes)
    • Crisis City
    • Dreams of Absolution (when standing near Silver)
    • Vs Player music from 06
    • Roof Top Run
    • Egg Dragoon
  • Unlockables
    • His World 
    • Wave Ocean
    • Kingdom Valley
    • Endless Possiblity
    • Windmill Isle (Day)
    • Savannah Citadel (Day)
    • Right There, Ride On
    • A New Venture
    • High Flying Groove
    • Un-Gravitify
    • Quick Trip to Paradise
    • Race to Win
    • Let the Speed Mend It
    • Knight of the Wind

Level Mechanics

  • Tricks fill the boost, as in Sonic Rush.
  • The spinning tops work similar to some moving items from the Rush series. 
  • Classic Sonic grabs a balloon in a Roof Top Run mission, similar to the floating balloon in Sky Babylon. 
  • Elements of Crisis City are similar to Chaos Inferno. 
  • Elements of Sky Sanctuary are similar to Babylon Garden. 
  • A 3D slide appears in Chemical Plant, just like the one in Aquatic Capitol.  
  • The lava spewing out in Crisis City was originally in Flame Core. 
  • The giant turtles from Tropical Jungle appear in Seaside Hill (though they are also like the smaller ones of Dry Lagoon). 
  • Parts of Chemical Plant resemble Eggman Land. 
  • Roads and elements of Speed Highway are a lot like Empire City's Sky Scraper Scamper. This also includes name-cameos on street signs. 
  • The design of the saws come from levels such as Sky Scraper Scamper and Eggmanland from Sonic Unleashed. 
  • The swinging metal obstacle comes from Jungle Joyride. 

Other Similarities

  • The rival races are similar in gameplay to the Rivals series. 
  • Cream's race to find the Chao is similar to the Capture the Chao levels in Sonic Rivals 2 as well as a mission in Sonic Unleashed
  • Many rivals in Sonic Rivals are rivals in this game. 
  • Metal Sonic just makes sound effects, like in the Rivals series. 
  • The rival races are sort-of similar to the Johnny races of Sonic Rush Adventure. 
  • The Crisis City "Red Star Ring Shortcut" (Act 1, Ring # 2) is a reference to the shortcut in Silver's level as well as the location of the first Chaos Emerald in End of the World.   
  • The skill equip is like the Gem/shoes from 06. 
  • Upgrading weapons in Sonic and the black Knight is also similar to the skill system. 
  • There is a small flame in front of the entrance, which must light the entrance. Darkness is also shown as a black/purple color. These two combined may be a reference to Iblis/Mephiles, or to Solaris.  
  • The entrance to the Time Eater boss looks like an Eye of Solaris from End of the World and the Solaris fight. 
  • In Sonic and the Black Knight, the Medal of Sonic is "What 'm Made of" and the Medal of Lancelot (Shadow) is "All Hail Shadow"--these play for their respective attacks during the Final Rush (Shadow) Rival Battle. 
  • The Skill Shop has Wentos' chao puppets and Chaos Cola (from Sonic Unleashed). 
  • The world flags from Unleashed are all visible in Roof Top Run.  

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Sonic Generations: Transitional Recollections



  • Sonic
    • Sonic does poses similar to art of the early 2000s. 
    • Sonic gets help in the challenge acts, sometimes in a way similar to Sonic Advance 3
    • Classic Sonic's Treasure Scanner is similar to Rouge's Treasure Scope or Knuckles' Sunglasses. 
    • Sonic goes boarding in City Escape...once again. 
  • Amy
    • Amy's hammer moves are similar to those from Sonic Adventure/Sonic Battle/ Sonic Heroes. 
    • Amy's move with Sonic from Advance 3 is similar to what she does in a challenge act. 
  • Knuckles
    • Knuckles' treasure hunter status is recalled. 
  • Shadow
    • Shadow crosses paths with Sonic like he does in Sonic Adventure 2: Battle's opening.
    • Shadow's Chaos Spear move returns. 
    • In the Shadow rival battle, Sonic races forward--getting 10 rings--before the level actually starts. This is a reference to Shadow having 10 rings at the start of each battle (in Shadow the Hedgehog).
    • Shadow is can be the 3rd or 4th Chaos Emerald to get. In his own game he searches for "that DAMN 4th CHAOS EMERALD."
    • Shadow's Chaos Control usage in Shadow the Hedgehog boss battles slowed time, similar to Time Break. Team Dark's move in Sonic Heroes also resembled this (though it froze time).   
    • When fighting Shadow, the character's music may change when attacking, like it does when using Chaos powers in Shadow the Hedgehog. The song itself is a version of "All Hail Shadow," which debuted in Shadow the Hedgehog
  • Vector
    • Vector's detective skills are referenced. 
  • Cream
    • Cream tries to find chao before Sonic. This is inspired from "Find the Lost Chao" of Sonic Adventure 2 and to Cream's search for Chocola in Sonic Heroes
  • Eggman
    • "Prepare to be skewer-ed" is said in Egg Dragoon--a reference to Pawn Fever (Shadow the Hedgehog). 
  • Chaos
    • The different Perfect Chaos design is what the monster was supposed to look like in Sonic Adventure (but didn't due to the technology of the time).  
  • Omachao
    • Returns to give hints like his debut in Sonic Adventure 2.


  • Speed Highway
  • Station Square (boss)
  • City Escape
  • Final Rush (rival)
  • Seaside Hill

Returning Elements

  • Orca (First appeared: Sonic Adventure)
  • Ring the Bell (First appeared: Sonic Adventure)
  • Chao in Space (First appeared: Sonic Adventure)
  • Helicopter (First appeared: Sonic Adventure)
  • "Buy" Stuff (First appeared: Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut)
  • Super Fight--Tag out/in (First appeared: Sonic Adventure 2)
  • Floating Level Debris in Final Boss (First appeared: Sonic Heroes)


  • Standard (Remixes)
    • The Settings is Heroes' Character Select music. 
    • Challenge Act "Mission 3" was remixed music from Sonic Battle
    • Speed Highway
    • Vs Perfect Chaos
    • City Escape
    • Throw It All Away (when standing near Shadow)
    • Final Rush
    • What I'm Made Of (Sonic's theme in Vs Shadow)
    • Seaside Hill
    • E.G.G.M.A.N. (Outside of boss area)
  • Unlockables
    • Open Your Heart
    • It Doesn't Matter
    • Metal Harbor
    • Live and Learn
    • Green Forest
    • Sonic Heroes
    • Sonic Heroes Special Stage
    • What I'm Made Of
    • Neo Green Hill
    • Leaf Forest
    • Route 99
    • I am...All of Me

Level Mechanics

  • The Homing Attack is prominent in Modern stages. This began to become standard after Sonic Adventure.
  • There are three paths in Seaside Hill, just as in the original (as there were 3 characters).   
  • In Seaside Hill, the Egg Pawns wield their Egg Guns, as in Sonic Heroes. However the weapons look more like their Shadow the Hedgehog versions.  

Other Similarities

  • The limit on the skills is similar to Ermel's customization limit in Sonic Battle
  • Neo Metal Sonic using Chaos Control to stop time is similar to a move by the Time Eater. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Sonic Generations: Classic Callbacks



  • Sonic
    • Classic Sonic's idle animations such as tapping his foot, crossing his arms, and laying down all originated in the classic games. 
      • Sonic 1 started the foot-tappping, Sonic 2 started the laid down one, Sonic 3 had the "shooter" pose, and Sonic 3D blast had the arms crossed. 
    • He'll also pose in the same way as many of the 90s art, such as with a pointer finger or in an almost running position. 
  • Tails
    • Tails' animation likewise comes from Sonic 2.   
  • Metal Sonic
    • Sonic has to fight a metal version of himself, as he does in many classic games. 
  • Amy
    • Amy was saved by Sonic...once again. 
  • Knuckles
    • Knuckles likes grapes (according to the old manual).
    • Knuckles was the 3rd character to appear. 
    • Knuckles races Sonic; Knuckles is a long-time rival. 
    • Knuckles' first idle animation with his fists is from Sonic and Knuckles and his other playable appearances. 
  • Eggman
    • He is called "Robotnik" for the first time in about 10 years. 
    • He tries to use time travel to his advantage, as he did in Sonic CD. 

Level Appearances

  • Green Hill
  • Chemical Plant
  • Death Egg (boss)
  • Stardust Speedway (rival)
  • Sky Sanctuary

Returning elements

  • Lives (first appeared: Sonic 1)
  • Basic Shield (first appeared: Sonic 1)
  • Elemental Shields (first appeared: Sonic 3)
  • Power Sneakers (first appeared: Sonic 1)
  • Invincibility (first appeared: Sonic 1)
  • TV Box (Challenge Act/Skills; first appeared: Sonic 1)
  • 7 Chaos Emeralds (first appeared: Sonic 2)
  • Super Sonic (first appeared: Sonic 2)
  • Super Sonic in a final fight (first appeared: Sonic and Knuckles)
  • Moving Goal Sign (Challenge Act; first appeared: Sonic 3)
  • Homing Attack (first appeared: Sonic 3D blast--as a shield) 
  • Drowning (first appeared: Sonic 1)


  • Standard (Remixes)
    • Super Sonic Racing (theme of Sonic R) plays during some challenge acts.
    • Green Hill
    • Chemical Plant
    • Death Egg (Sonic 2)
    • Stardust Speedway Bad Future (JPN)
    • Sky Sanctuary
    • Sonic 2 2-Player (heard at store)
  • Unlockables (some remixed)
    • Green Hill Zone
    • Marble Zone
    • Starlight Zone
    • Emerald Hill Zone
    • Chemical Plant
    • Sonic 2 Specail Stage
    • Angel Island
    • Hyrdocity
    • Marble Garden
    • Mushroom Hill
    • Flying Battery
    • Toxic Caves
    • Sonic Boom (US)
    • Stardust Speedway Bad Future (US)
    • Palm Tree Present (JPN)
    • Diamond Dust 
    • Super Sonic Racing 

Level Mechanics

  • Saws appear like in Scrap Brain Zone
  • There is the see-saw element from levels like Star Light Zone
  • The Spinning Tops are based on the ones from Marble Garden
  • Underwater: 
    • Spikes such as in Labyrinth, Hydrocity, Tidal Tempest, etc
    • Water current/flow such as in Labyrinth and others
    • Slide such as in Labyrinth and others  

Other Similarities

  • Green Hill
  • The "corkscrew" path is based off the ones in Emerald Hill. 
  • Sky Sanctuary
    • The spinning tops resemble the UFOs of Marble Zone.
    • The insides of Sky Sanctuary resemble Hidden Palace.
  • City Escape
    • City Escape's crushers are similar to the finale of Sonic 1. 
  • Seaside Hill
    • There is an angel statue; it is a reference to the Wacky Workbench Easter Egg. 
  • Crisis City
    • Some of the set-up resembles Marble Zone as well as Laval Reef.
    • Sonic runs upward, like he does in Palm Tree Panic. 
  • Roof Top Run
    • Roof Top Run's moving platforms are similar to the ones in Hill Top Zone. 
    • Sonic skateboards in City Escape like he snowboards in Ice Cap.
    • The Eggman ship in Roof Top Run resembles the Flying Battery ship. 

Monday, August 17, 2020

Sonic Generation References

There are many references in Sonic Generations that paid respect to the then 20-year anniversary.


  • Stances similar art to box art and Sonic Channel through out the game
  • Characters who do not appear have cameos such as Omega
  • Gen uses the ranking system to S-rank, a modern trait. 
  • The different poses for ranks originates from Sonic Unleashed. Previously it would just be the same pose and a differing phrase said by the character. 
  • Sonic's "running pose" on the cover resembles 06, Rivals, etc
  • The player earns "points" instead of rings, something unique. 

Next Up: 90s Nostalgia--the classics. Then Traditional, Modern, and Current.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Sonic 06 References/Easter Eggs

Despite being planned as a soft-reboot and wanting to bring Sonic back to his "roots," Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) was a complete failure among fans and new players a like. Though it may not be the horrendous monster everyone seems to call it, it was not the promised "Sonic-Next Gen." 

As a constellation prize, the 15th anniversary game still holds many hints at other games, even though it was supposed to be a "reboot." 

Notable Reoccurring Elements

  • Invincibility
  • 0 being a life
  • Super Sonic
  • Super Shadow
  • Spindash
  • Chaos Spear (modified)
  • Flying
  • Gliding
  • Grinding
  • Amy's Hammer

Sonic 1

  • The platforms in Spring Yard Zone's boss fight are taken out by Robotnik, and the floor is also targeted in the Egg Wyvern boss fight. 
  • The idea of Sonic having a having a human girlfriend originates here; in early plans Sonic had a girlfriend named Madonna. 

Sonic CD

  • Time Travel is once again an important element.
  • Crisis City revives the idea of a "bad future." 
  • With the purple gem, Sonic can shrink and jump high. This idea is directly from Sonic CD's Metallic Madness, where Sonic is scaled down by a laser. 

Sonic 2

  • The main theme "Sweet Dreams" is remixed and put at the credits in Sonic's story. 
  • Aside from the game's new characters (such as Elise and Silver), Tails appears 3rd (after Sonic and Eggman), as he did in real life.  

Sonic 3

  • Sonic snow boards in White Acropolis, as he originally did in Ice Cap. 

Sonic and Knuckles

  • Lava Reef's fiery outside and darker inside may have inspired Flame Core. 

Sonic X-treme

  • At one point Sonic's love interest--Tiara--was to be a princess, but that was later changed and the game was scrapped. This may have impacted the ideas for Sonic's new love interest, though.  

Sonic Adventure

  • Both games are divided into "stories" revolving around different characters. 
  • Wave Ocean closely resembles Emerald Coast. 
    • The Orca reappears in Wave Ocean. 
  • Once again there are chatty humans in hub worlds. 
  • After meeting up with Sonic, Tails says "Long time no see, huh?" while after finding Tails in 06 Sonic says "Long time no see!"
  • Iblis may have been inspired by Chaos, being an element-powered monster that transforms.
  • Knuckles' treasure hunting skills are mentioned.
  • Crisis City includes worn Chao in Space 3 signs; Sonic Adventure started the "Chao in Space" gag.   
    • Adventure also had the first Chao Gardens, and there are signs in Crisis City mentioning a Chao garden.
  • Eggman's "battleship" is another version of the Egg Carrier.  

Like in Station Square, New City was supposed to have cars. These can be found with the "Shadow New Town" glitch, but they crash into everything.  

Sonic Shuffle

  • The theme of Light and Dark originated in this game. 

Sonic Adventure 2

  • The "Solairs Project" was mostly likely intended as 06's "Project: Shadow."
  • Flashbacks are used again. 
  • Amy mistakes Silver for Sonic, just like she mistook Shadow for him. 
  • GUN is present. 
  • The president is mentioned.
  • Rouge's treasure hunting skills are mentioned as well as used (in Kingdom Valley). 
    • Rouge finds keys to move on; she hunted keys before in Egg Quarters. 
  • Sonic rides a metal board in Crisis City, like in City Escape. 
  • Sonic can preform a wind move with a gem. Sonic's first wind attack was from this game. 
  • Eggman tricks Sonic into giving him the (fake) emerald with Amy as a hostage but traps him. He does the same with Elise except the emerald was real. 
  • Canon's Core uses all playable characters except Shadow. End of the World uses all playable characters except Sonic and Blaze.

Sonic Heroes

  • Eggman leaves Sonic a recording, similar to the beginning of Team Hero's story. 
  • Amy turns invisible, something previously exclusive to Espio.
  • Sonic "shares" his super state in both games.
  • The version of the wind move for Sonic came from this game.
  • Tails says "My head's spinning!" while going through loops in both games.  

Sonic Rush

  • Inclusion of "new" character, Blaze the Cat.
  • Blaze calling Silver naive is similar to her initial opinion on Cream.
  • At the end of Blaze's story, she asks Cream, "We-We're friends, right?" Meanwhile in 06 Silver asks Blaze, "You're my friend, right?"
  • The background for Princess Elise may be a nod to Blaze's fire/princess backstory. 
  • One gem includes the "boost," though it does not work the same way as in Rush. 

Although there was not explanation for her presence, some unused voice clips suggest Blaze would have mentioned Sonic and talked to Amy.

Shadow the Hedgehog

  • While fighting Mephiles, Shadow says, "I know who I am," directly referring to his repeated line, "this is who I am."  
    • He also repeats the phrase "Who are you?! And how do you know my name...?"
  • Shadow chases Eggman's train in Radical Train like with the Black Arms' tank in Lethal Highway's hero mission. 
  • The Shadow/Sonic banter before Flame Core is not unlike the scene after Lethal Highway. 
  • The punch/kick move preformed when without a gun is an early version of the move Shadow primarily uses in 06; he uses a version of Chaos Blast. 
  • Shadow can/has to drive vehicles in some of the stages.
  • Shadow drives through/destroys falling walls in both the GUN Fortress and later in Aquatic Base.
  • Westopolis being a distressed city as the first level was echoed with Silver (Crisis City).    
  • There is a fire tornado in Crisis City and a dusty one in Glyphic Canyon. 
  • The tornado section of Crisis City for Sonic plays a lot like Cosmic Fall, including floating/moving/spinning platforms.  
  • Shadow can get past a secret door after collecting 5 keys in each level. These keys resemble the ones Rouge has to find in Kingdom Valley. 
  • Rouge comments on Death Ruins, expressing the desire to treasure hunt there some other time. In a similar way, she calls Tropical Jungle "Charming." 
  • Shadow's theme is "All Hail Shadow." The original version was his hero-ending theme. 

Expert Mode implies that the Commander wanted to make amends with Shadow; Shadow works for GUN in 06. 

Sonic Riders

  • While boarding the player must hold X before lifting off. This is how the jumps were handled in Sonic Riders (though control over tricks are not possible in 06). 

("Early") Sonic Cartoons/comics/etc

  •  Sonic would often carry his love interest in a similar way to Elise (also present in Sonic CD).
  • When Sara from the OVA wears her "wedding" dress, she and Elise visually look alike (pun intended). 
  • Sally Acorn and Sonia the Hedgehog are both princesses, which may have inspired the title for Elise. 
    • Despite the Mobian/tomboyish appearance, Sonic's (long-time) Western love interest, Sally, had reddish/brown hair and blue eyes, which may have influenced Elise to have those traits. 
    • In the US, Amy was originally named Princess Sally, which again may have some influence on title. 
  • Sonic introduces himself as "Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog." He often did the same in Sonic X
  • Shadow takes off his rings, something originating from Sonic X.
  • There is a girl in the hub world who wears a shirt similar to Chris.
  • The scene where Eggman sends Sonic & co to the future is similar to the 1st episode of Sonic X were he send them to another dimension (though it was not intentional in that case). 

Similarities to Sonic and the Secret Rings

The game was originally going to be a Wii version of 06 and was made at the same time.

  • Sand Oasis is a level in Sonic and the Secret Rings. Two "secret" oasis-es can be found in Dusty Desert.  
  • Sonic goes on an adventure with a human-like girl character, though just as a friend. 
    • He tells both girls to smile. 
  • Sonic is called a rat several times; Eggman calls him a rat in 06. 
  • The Erazor mentions "Iblis."
  • A character is killed and brought back to life. 
  • The events of 06 are un-done by time travel and are forgotten or only partially remembered--as if it never happened. Since only he journeyed to the world, the events of Secret Rings are only remembered by Sonic, almost as if they never happened. 
  • Both have a generally "darker" tone.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Quote of the Month

--The Commander, Shadow the Hedgehog (while piloting Diablon--how ironic fate can be--)  

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Cover vs Original: 7 Rings In Hand

"7 Rings in Hand" was the main theme of Sonic and the Secret Rings, appearing in the menu and in the final boss fight. The Crush 40 version was unlocakble after completing the Secret Rings inspired "legend" missions and collecting the World Rings in Sonic and the Black Knight.

Original (Steve Conte)

It's guitar has as significant presence through out. The echo-y intro and vocals allude to the game's situation and setting. The line "7 rings in hand" is repeated often. 

Cover (Crush 40)

Though it bares a resemblance, the lyrics are sung in a new way and the instruments are more akin to that of the Black Knight. In contrast to the first version, there is more of an emphasis on ending words ("Seven Rings in Hand.")

Winner: Tie

I hate to do this again. The original better matches the scenario. Memorable, it immediately catches attention and reinforces the tones of the game. Crush 40's version sounds different, but that is by no means a deal-breaker. The vocals are a bit clearer/easier to understand and the song seems more stable/has better closure. Each guitar solo is epic in their own way.   

If I really had to narrow it down...the original is best for Sonic and the Secret Rings, but the cover is better as a song alone.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Cover vs Original: With Me

"With Me" is generally Merlina's theme--though some parts fit Sonic--and it plays in the fight against the Dark Queen.

With Me (All Ends)

This rock-backed song is notable for two rare reasons: it's a battle song other than the main theme (something that only happened once before, with "What I'm Made Of"), and it has female vocals (which was not as common in the Modern Era). It's lyrics are chillingly fitting and align with Merlina taking over to create her eternal world. 

Cover (Crush 40)

Similar in style, the obvious difference is the vocals, which are male and a bit more "familiar" since it's Crush 40. Differing with a more distorted manor, "Me" is now drawn out and the "with me" changes as it's repeated. The equal determination could just as easily fit Sonic "being the bad guy" and challenging Merlina.

Winner: TIE.

Try as I might to pick between the two, it's proved impossible. Both fit the scenario and lyrics perfectly. Both instrumentals and guitar solos are awesome. The distinct female vocals give the original an edge. However it's cancelled out by the distorted (and catchy) Crush 40 chorus.

I didn't really want to have a "tie." If forced to pick...I'd probably choose the Crush 40 version. However the All Ends version better suits Merlina. 

Friday, August 7, 2020

Cover vs Original: Sonic Boom

Sonic Boom was the notable theme of Sonic CD. Despite the "soundtrack wars," even those who prefer the Japanese soundtrack seem to have a bit of a soft spot for the song.

Sonic Boom/Closing (Pastiche)

Upbeat, the song's rock vibe is aided by encouraging lyrics that narrate the situation. For the closing, everything's a bit slower and more gentle.

Cover (Crush 40/Cash Cash)

Clearly with a more modern vibe, the vocals are backed by a more robot-like tone. The combination of Crush 40's more traditional, natural rock along with Cash Cash's more futuristic, experimental effects is a unique and memorable performance.

Winner: Original

While the remade version is likable, the original is better balanced and inseparable from both "classic" Sonic and Sonic CD. The more recent sound of the cover actually works against it, a bit, though it certainly has its' moments.

I really wish they had made "Sonic Boom" the theme of the Sonic Boom the TV Show. Would have been a lot better than what we got.   

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Cover vs Original: Free

Free Riders was a bit different from the Riders series in many ways. Different voice actors. Different cutscene style. Different consoles. Different gameplay. And no "Catch Me if You Can!" Luckily, though, it did have a main theme worthy of the futuristic series.

Free (Chris Madden)

It's distinctive speedy tone along the sung out lines "free" and "in the wind" create and a carefree, content mood. Madden has a smooth and clear tone.

Cover (Crush 40)

This version takes on a bit more of a rock tone alongside Gioeli's rougher voice. There is a lot of energy brought to the new lyrics. Also added is the repeated "Free" and "Breakin' out."

Winner: Cover

The original is good. More relaxed, it matches the tone of the Riders series well. However the Crush 40 one is much more determined and centered more on the challenge of the race. What really pushes it ahead, though, is the added lyrics and the emphasis on "Breakin' out."

A close battle, I'd like to think of Chris Madden's version as the Babylon Rogue's theme since they had none for the game. Ergo the cover would be Sonic/Team Hero's theme.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Cover vs Original: Ungravityfy

Ungravityfy was the theme of Sonic Riders Zero Gravity.

Original (Cashell)

Going back and forth between a fast and slower pace, the song is a perfectly matches the futuristic and intense setting the game takes pace in.

Cover (Crush 40)

This slower version has more rock tones and clearer vocals.

Winner: Original

While I wouldn't call the Crush 40 version bad, the original is king. It fits the game and situation better, and the background providing a stunning effect alongside the lyrics.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Cover vs Original: All Hail Shadow

"All Hail Shadow" was Shadow's True Hero theme in Shadow the Hedgehog. It returned as a cover in Sonic 06. Since then, the song has become Shadow's main theme.

Original (Magna-Fi)

Rough vocals narrate Shadow's situation while the instruments create an air of confidence. Together, they create a theme of finding ones' self and achieving victory.

Crush 40 version

The cover adds in a new portion in the beginning featuring a intense bit from "I am...All of Me." This version seems more focused on determination and Shadow overcoming his past.

Winner: Cover

Adding the that edgy begging was a plus, and generally I think the vocals the are better, too. In the original I like the whispery "all hail Shadow" and think the part "nothing ever fills this hole inside your heart" is amazing. However when compared with Crush 40, Johnny Gioeli's voice combined with Jun Senoue's guitar proves unbeatable.

The original is underrated, but Crush 40 did a better job.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Cover vs Original: His World

His World, the theme of Sonic 06, is unique as there are three versions (actually there are instrumental versions, too, but...). Zebrahead remade the song at a faster pace and "Sonic" band Crush 40 also covered it.

Original Version

The song starts atmospheric and settles into a rap about Sonic. The chorus goes on to describe "his world." The song highlights what makes Sonic unique and leads into an epic guitar solo.

Zebrahead Version

An intense, fast version that combines different genres for an edgy unique sound. It's focus on speed and building momentum from beginning to end is awesome.

Crush 40 version 

Though slower than the other versions, the song is fantastic. The vocals are strong and carry a different feeling than that of the other two, more like an emphasis on Sonic's world and 06 as a whole rather than just Sonic.

Winner: Cover(s) I don't think I could choose between either of the covers. They're too dang good. I guess I'd say the Zebrahead one is better for Sonic, and the Crush 40 one better for the 06/the Sonic series.

While the original was good, it doesn't come close to either of the covers.