Thursday, August 6, 2020

Cover vs Original: Free

Free Riders was a bit different from the Riders series in many ways. Different voice actors. Different cutscene style. Different consoles. Different gameplay. And no "Catch Me if You Can!" Luckily, though, it did have a main theme worthy of the futuristic series.

Free (Chris Madden)

It's distinctive speedy tone along the sung out lines "free" and "in the wind" create and a carefree, content mood. Madden has a smooth and clear tone.

Cover (Crush 40)

This version takes on a bit more of a rock tone alongside Gioeli's rougher voice. There is a lot of energy brought to the new lyrics. Also added is the repeated "Free" and "Breakin' out."

Winner: Cover

The original is good. More relaxed, it matches the tone of the Riders series well. However the Crush 40 one is much more determined and centered more on the challenge of the race. What really pushes it ahead, though, is the added lyrics and the emphasis on "Breakin' out."

A close battle, I'd like to think of Chris Madden's version as the Babylon Rogue's theme since they had none for the game. Ergo the cover would be Sonic/Team Hero's theme.

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