Monday, August 10, 2020

Cover vs Original: With Me

"With Me" is generally Merlina's theme--though some parts fit Sonic--and it plays in the fight against the Dark Queen.

With Me (All Ends)

This rock-backed song is notable for two rare reasons: it's a battle song other than the main theme (something that only happened once before, with "What I'm Made Of"), and it has female vocals (which was not as common in the Modern Era). It's lyrics are chillingly fitting and align with Merlina taking over to create her eternal world. 

Cover (Crush 40)

Similar in style, the obvious difference is the vocals, which are male and a bit more "familiar" since it's Crush 40. Differing with a more distorted manor, "Me" is now drawn out and the "with me" changes as it's repeated. The equal determination could just as easily fit Sonic "being the bad guy" and challenging Merlina.

Winner: TIE.

Try as I might to pick between the two, it's proved impossible. Both fit the scenario and lyrics perfectly. Both instrumentals and guitar solos are awesome. The distinct female vocals give the original an edge. However it's cancelled out by the distorted (and catchy) Crush 40 chorus.

I didn't really want to have a "tie." If forced to pick...I'd probably choose the Crush 40 version. However the All Ends version better suits Merlina. 

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