Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Sega's Worst Decision Yet: Sonic Colors Ultimate?

So in May more details about Sonic's big 3-0 were revealed. Unfortunately, it doesn't look good. There will be a new game in 2022 (which has been teased), but there isn't a lot known about it yet. Additionally there will be a new release of Sonic 1-3&K and CD (wonder what they'll do with the double music...) as a complication game, "Sonic Origins." They also announced...


Tell me this is an April fools joke.

Ultimate is going to be a remaster of the 2010 Wii game. 

I've discussed my distaste with Colors in "Sonic 06 is Better Than Colors" and mentioned how it altered Sonic's character in "One Step Forward, Two Steps Back." Aside from a small attempt at focusing on Sonic and Tails, I found nothing appealing about the Wii version of the game and remain mystified as to how the game received such gracious reviews from critics.  


I'm sure a remake will sit well with the fans that liked the game and those that joined the series with the "current era." However to those more familiar with the games of the previous decade, Sonic Adventure through Sonic and the Black Knight, this is a slap in the face. 

Sonic Colors is the game that needed a remake the least. Not just undeserving in terms of what game is the "best" or "most popular," but it did receive those good reviews. Why would a supposed "good" game released just 10 years ago need improvement?

Actually, the game that needs help the most is Sonic 06. While other elements have been criticized, everyone agrees the glitches made the game what it is (dubbed the "worst" Sonic game by many). Fixing the glitches and improving the graphics would finally be putting to rest an old mistake. 

Actually there is a fan project, P-06 intent on creating a remake (by Chaos X).
Also there is an on-going fan comic that rewrites the story by a user on DeviantArt.
But officially Sega stays the heck away from this game.  

The game, or games, that "deserve" a remake the most are Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2. Fans have been begging for either a remake or an SA3 for years now. The games are legendary and were liked initially. However the graphics, being about 20 years old, are horrible.


The cutscenes also feature cut-off lines because they were designed for Japanese dialogue. The games were altered for the gamecube and later rereleased, but both could defiantly use visual improvements.  

Back in the day, these games did get a few official adaptations in Sonic X season 2 and (sort of?) in the Archie comics. However there hasn't been anything new for a while. 

Even "Sonic Origins" may seem annoying to fans of the handheld titles. There are fans who want the Advance series and Rush games released or remade as complication games, too. 

Rereleases of the genesis games are fairly common now, but you'll still need a Gameboy to play Sonic Advance. 

Generally the argument could be made for any game, but Sonic Colors, despite being a decade old, still feels very recent. Perhaps it's because the wisps are in all the games now, or the theme song "Reach for the Stars" is heard 24/7. Maybe it's because the "boost" style of gameplay, started with Rush (05) and Unleashed (08), has been used over and over again in every major title since. 

Regardless, the Wii version of Colors would be dead last on my list, and I hope it flops. But it will probably to do wonderful because somehow IGN loves it.   

Thank you, Sega! 
At least IDW is doing something right with a Free Comic Book Day release

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