Monday, June 7, 2021

Sonic Mania OST Review



As I mentioned in my review for the game, I was very disappointed by the acclaimed soundtrack for Sonic Mania. While I did not hate the music, I could not agree with the label "best soundtrack" or even "one of the best." Instead I labeled it "good...but extremely overrated." 

Still, I was trying to have an open mind by giving the OST a second chance, here. 

While a few songs were better than I thought, others are even worse. I didn't care for Studioplolis at all this time around.


  • Half were fairly bland remakes of the original. (Mostly Act 1s) 
  • The rest were over cluttered with mixes of sound effects and instrumentals, resulting in something crazy and over-the-top. (Act 2s) 

I was only truly impressed by Oil Ocean and Lava Reef, which were more focused. 

New Zones and Songs

  • Unimpressive as a whole, pretty different compared to the classics. 
    • Studiopolis is perhaps the most exaggerated song. 
    • The boss music is not very serious, save the final boss. 
    • The title music and other bits try too hard to make things overly fun/happy. 
  • Was interesting that Egg Reverie seemed to have a bit of "Fist Bump," though. 
    • There were lots of other hints like Metallic Madness in Chemical Plant, but that seemed excessive (Metallic Madness...was in the game!). 
  • I liked Knuckles' Mirage Saloon song--perhaps because I see hip-hop as more of a Knuckles thing. Otherwise the main appeal was Titanic Monarch.   
I heard that Tee Lopes (the composer) wanted the music to sound like a Sonic CD 2 (presumably JP)...

I don't think that was the right approach. This should have been musically more like "Sonic 4getting about Sonic 4." 

Sonic 1/2 had a pop-ish, by now retro sound that started the whole thing. While 3 had some input from MJ, it wasn't a huge genre change. It was different, but there were still those "classic" elements that would also join &Knuckles. While the music could be fun, it was never this overblown. 

Sonic Spinball and both 3D Blasts seem more apart of the main games than this.  

Ultimately, though, it doesn't out do either CD OST or Sonic 2 or 3. For me, it doesn't out do the nostalgia of any of the classics. 

Best Song: Titanic Monarch Act 1

Runner-Up (s): Comfort Zone/Main Menu, Sunshine Cassette/Save Select, Chemical Plant Act 1, Flying Battery Act 2, Hydrocity Act 2, Wildstyle Pistolero (Mirage Saloon K), Oil Ocean Act 1/2, Lava Reef Act 1/2, Titanic Monarch Act 2 

Now this sounds like a climax. Pretty/exploratory, but stressed and tense as well. Yet while dark and serious in general, there is also a sense of heroism. It keeps within this more dramatic tone, not being cheeky/brash like most of the OST.    

Oh, and a bonus? Combining some bits of the JP/US CD OSTs? As in Easter Egg for sharp ears? Exactly what I wanted (well, sort of). Epic Act 2 and steady Lava Reef Act 2 are close runner-ups. 

Worst Song: Stardust Speedway Zone Act 1

Runner Up (s): Discovery/Title, Greenhill 1/2, Studiopolis 1/2, Tabloid Jargon (Press Garden Act 1), VS Metal Sonic (Stardust Speedway Boss), Rogues Gallery (Mirage Saloon Act 3), Invincibility 

Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. Did I mention that when it comes to SDSW I'm a big US fan? Well the past was the same either way, right? So this should be just fine regardless. 

It's not. I can fully say the original was not only better, but a masterpiece in comparison. I even like Act 2 better, because at least it was respectful to the original JP song. 

The highlight of the 93' piece was a downright beautiful piano, and, if memory serves me correct, some fairly nice synth below the famous "hues." As much as I poke fun at the "hues" (really "Heys"), I would take them any day over...

HUH-UGH! HUH UGH! UGH! BREAK IT BREAK IT DOWN! Yeah break the original into a nightmare.   

Bottom line: miss the piano and hate "HUH-UGH" more than I ever have "hue." 


Final Ranking: C

For nostalgia, I think Sonic Generations was more respectful. 

  • Mania has its own theme and forcing those familiar levels in--while keeping them fresh and a part of the "happy-go-lucky" resulted in something odd. 
    • Still a fair soundtrack, Mania is a better attempt at "classic Sonic" than Sonic 4 Ep 1/2, and Forces' classic stages...but not better than the genuine games.  
  • As for the new content, it will be hit or miss. For me, it's mostly miss but it is popular, so it must hit with a lot of people. 

Mania doesn't try to be more than it is. It takes pride in simply being a video game, and for those hungry for the 90s, that'll do. 

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