Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Team Sonic Racing OST Review


Team Sonic Racing features input from a mix of new and old "Sonic" composers alike, such as old favorites Jun Senoue and Richard Jacques, and newcomers like Tee Lopes and Hyper Potions. Apparently this was Senoue's first major return to the series since Sonic Generations. Likewise the song "Green Light Ride" was the first main theme by Crush 40 since 2009's "Knight of the Wind."

"TSR" is somewhat odd, being the third "Sonic [car/kart] racing" title and yet the first (as the previous were "Sega crossover" titles). The locations are Sonic-based, but several stages have returned from the previous 2 "Sega/Sonic racing" games.  

There are several main locations (Planet Wisp, Rooftop Run, etc) and three race tracks per location. Most of the music for these stages are remixes, though not all. In some cases previous songs have been combined (such as "Super Sonic Racing" and "Sonic You Can Do Anything/Toot Toot Sonic Warrior" in returning track Ocean View). 

Several songs, ranging through Sonic CD to Sonic Forces reappear in the Ultimate mixes. "Can You Feel the Sunshine?" from Sonic R, is also remixed in the options.    



FL=Final Lap


Best Song: Bingo Highway L

Runner-Up (s): Green Light Ride, Wisp Circuit L/FL, Doctor's Mine (all), Ocean View (all), Lost Palace IF/FL, Whale Lagoon FL, Ice Mountain IF/L, Frozen Junkyard (all), Roulette Road (all), Bingo Party (all), Sand Road (all), Boos House (all), Market Street IF/L, Sky Road L, Haunted Castle (all), Thunder Deck L, Dar Arsenal (all), Turbine Loop (all), Start Screen, Ultimates: Knuckles, Shadow, Rouge, Omega, Blaze, Vector, Silver, Metal Sonic, Eggman, Maps: Planet Wisp, Seaside Hill  

I was really thinking about putting Boo's house, because a better Sandopolis remix couldn't exist. Hunted Castle? Also amazing. 

Even though it's been remixed before, Bingo Party (Bingo Highway) has the best of everything this OST offers. Flamboyant energy infused with rock and speedy encouragement. 


Worst Song: Sonic's Team Ultimate

Runner Up (s): Wisp Circuit IF, Mother's Canyon (all), Whale Lagoon In, Ice Mountain FL, Pinball Highway, Ultimates: Amy, Chao, Big, Zavok 

Should have known. Okay, "Reach for the Stars" sounded surprisingly at home mixed in with the coolness of Ice Mountain, but really? "Reach for the Stars" as Sonic's theme AGAIN? They tried to edge-it up a bit, which helps, but after 2 versions of Sonic Colors, a version in Lost World, Transformed, and several from the Olympic games, and presumably in Smash and Generations... 

I guess I'm in the "His World" or "It Doesn't Matter" club. 

TSR only has one vocal theme, "Green Light Ride," however it was remixed and several versions were created...

Best Vocal Song: Green Light Ride The Quemists Scores Remix

Runner-Up (s): Green Light Ride (Racing Mix), Green Light Ride, Green Ride Light (Tyler Smyth Remix)

The original song is okay. Good to hear Crush 40 again. 

This "Garage" music? Better than that. It's not every day that a remix surpasses the original, but this one transforms the song into something epic, intense, catchy, and memorable.  

Worst Vocal Song: Green Light Ride Wall5 Remix

Runner Up (s): Green Light Ride Intro

Actually, this is growing on me. It seems like a typical mix, then...gets odd. Remember Sonic Spinball's Options music? Kinda' reminded me of that. Worst version.  


Final Ranking: B

TSR wasn't nearly as experimental as Sonic Mania or Sonic Forces. Most of the songs will sound like the Adventure series or Heroes or Shadow or the Black Knight...but ironically that almost makes the game a better celebration of Sonic's 25th than either of those previous two. 

Like with Generations, this is a lot of nostalgia. Amazing-sounding nostalgia, but not as much new content, so I don't really feel anything higher than a B is fair. Still, this OST is perhaps the greatest example of giving old favorites new life without being too much of a copy or too different.  

Defiantly recommended for long-time fans, particularly fans 2001-2011. 

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