Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Sonic Forces OST Review



Forces gave itself a name for its EDM inspired soundtrack. While the attempt at imitating "classic" music was notoriously bad, reception to the rest of the music was more mixed. 

Sonic Forces was the first game in 7 years (since Free Riders' "Free," I believe) to contain a main vocal theme. This game had two songs in particular that were well liked and are now fan-favorites: "Fist Bump" and "Infinite" (though it should be noted that the full version of "Infinite" was an OST-exclusive). 

Something else unique about the game is the Avatar's stages. Each contained lyrics, alternating between male and female vocals, that helped characterize the custom-character. This was the first game in 6 years to have lyrics as a part of the BMG (the last game being Sonic Generations, an example being "City Escape"). While I did not take too much interest in these in-game, they defiantly stand out more listening to the music alone. 

The cutscene music can sometimes be typical or kind of generic, but it can be also serious, dramatic, and intense. Best of the 2010 games.

Also a special shout out for the "obscure" remixes: the US Stardust Speedway Bad Future, the Shadow the Hedgehog Menu music, Westopolis, White Jungle (Rhythm and Balance), and the Biolizard (Supporing Me). I greatly enjoyed all of those.    

Best Song: Battle With Infinite (First Bout)

Runner-Up (s): Theme of Resistance, Fighting Onward/Space Port, No Where to Run/Prison Halls, Arsenal Pyramid Interior, Luminous Forest, Moonlight Battle Field/Aqua Road, Sunset Heights, Fist Bump (Piano), Virtual Enemies/Capitol City, Battle with Metal Sonic (US SDSW BF Remix), Episode Shadow (Map), Enemy Territory (Westopolis Remix),Eggman's Facility (Rhythm and Balance Remix), Virtual Reality (Supporting Me Remix), Red Gate Bridge, Metropolitan Highway, Null Space, Fading World/Imperial Tower, Action on the Rails, Mark 2 locks On

This is song is the type to just get stuck in your head after one listen. It stood out in the insanely easy battle, and within the music as a whole. It's got that funky, synthetic "Forces" sound to it--at its best, yet with guitar edgy enough to match up with Infinite's theme. In the middle is a little heroic part for Sonic to kind of "break through." 

Like I said, I really enjoyed the remixes (but I thought it best to choose something "Forces").


Worst Song: Faded Hills (Green Hill)

Runner Up (s): Lost Valley, Casino Forest, Chemical Flow, Iron Fortress, It's Good to See a Sonic, Mission Failed 

WHAT THE--I don't remember this at all, but OH MY. It's...it's...AHHHHHHHH!

While I'd like to praise them for not simply remixing Green Hill again--this is just horrible. 


Best Vocal Song: Infinite

Runner-Up (s): Fist Bump

If only the character was half of what the song is. Edgy, cool, powerful. We haven't heard something this strong in years!

I like "Fist Bump" a lot. It's fun, and generally I consider equal to "Infinite," but when forced to choose: "Infinite" is the tallest of mountains, the roughest of waves, the toughest of terrors, the darkest of days...it's the last one standing. 

Worst Vocal Song: The Light of Hope

Runner Up (s):N/a

This was in the game? Uh, when? The credits? I must have skipped it...

It's not too bad, interesting to have some female vocals in major song. I'm not the biggest fan, but it is similar to past closings like "My Dear Friend," which is a step up from games prior. 

To put it simply, it is weaker than "Fist Bump" and "Infinite."   


Final Ranking: C

Alright, Forces' music was a lot better than I remembered. I was on the fence between a C or a B, because here is the thing: when Forces is good, it is GREAT, and when it's bad, it's AWEFUL. Ep Shadow separately would be at a B. 

I like the remixes and the main themes, and honestly most of the Avatar's. Sonic's varies, and Classic Sonic's is just an insult. 

I will say after listening to Forces directly after Mania, the OST is better than Mania, which isn't something I would have thought before. It feels better focused and generally stronger [insert "I AM NOT WEAK" joke here].  

Note: The app Sonic Forces: Speed Battle mostly reuses music from this game, only having new music for "Golden Bay" (an "Escape from the City" instrumental).  

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