Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The Maria Mystery Q&A

Maria-related Questions and Answers

Why does Maria's appearance change?
  • Shadow's memories are inconstant do to interference from Black Doom, possibly Gerald, and possibly himself (blocking it out).
    • Also, in the real world, 4 years passed between SA2 and Shth, allowing new tech or designs. 
      • Since Sonic X was an Anime and comics have different artists, she's had different styles.

How did Maria get Shadow in that tube thing?
  • It's never shown. In the games I'd assume she tricked him (like Eggman tricking Sonic but less menacing). Not sure how she did with the setting in Sonic X.
Why couldn't Maria go too?
  • From the way it looks, someone had to release the escape pod from the outside. Perhaps there was an auto mode but GUN shut it down. 
    • Also, if Maria did have NIDS, she may have had trouble surviving on the planet.
When/how did Maria really die?
  • The hallway scene seems fishy. Maria's promise in SthH and Sonic X imply she was shot during/before that scene. SA2 might suggest after, though it's hard to tell. 
  • The only real fact is that she died in the "accident," likely killed by a GUN soldier. 
Why isn't Maria mentioned as much?
  • Shadow accepted his past and has decided to live in the present.
  • Also, in the real word, the games have generally taken a "less serious" turn.

In Sonic 06 why doesn't Shadow time travel back and save Maria? 
  • As mentioned, Shadow accepted what happened and decided to lay the issue to rest. 
  • He was also too busy tracking/dodging Mephiles to further explore this Time Travel version of Chaos Control.

Why does Amy/Chris/Molly/Hope remind Shadow of Maria?
  • All these characters display some innocence or youth. 
    • Amy is the same age and wears a dress and headband. Her positive personality also seemed similar to Maria.
    • Molly and Chris are both humans (Chris being the same age as Maria, Molly the same gender). All have similar blue eyes. 
    • Hope is related to Maria and looks almost identical, but is obviously not the same person.
Is Maria a playable character?
  • In the PS2 and Gamecube versions of Shadow the Hedgehog, the character can be controlled with a second controller, similar to Tails' role in Sonic 2. 
    • Maria is the first playable human female character. 
  • Otherwise, no.

Who voiced Maria?
  • Moriah Angeline voiced the character in Sonic Adventure 2
  • Rebecca Honig (known for voicing Cream the Rabbit) voiced the character in Sonic X and Shadow the Hedgehog. 
    • Bella Hudson (known for voicing Blaze the Cat) is sometimes mistaken as her voice actor in Sonic X, but it was Rebecca Honig (she just did a slightly different take between the appearances).
      • Ironically, Hudson did voice Molly.  
What's Maria the Hedgehog?
  • A fan creation where she came back as a hedgehog (not canon).
Is Maria Shadow's girlfriend?
  • That's up to interpretation, but the main opinion is that she was like a sister to him.
Is Maria in Sonic Boom?
  • Nope!

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