Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Who Might Be in Sonic Movie 2? (Game Characters)

Last time I went over who from the movie may come back. This time, I'm reviewing the "main" character's of the Sonic video game series and seeing who's more likely to show up. Note that because they were already in the movie, I'm excluding Sonic and Tails.


While I am worried the movie will slow down and just focus on introducing Tails (in order to avoid the dreaded "CONFUSING NEW VEIWERS?!"), I wouldn't be surprised to see Knux showing up, too. For one thing, Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles are a tight combination--"Team Hero." Knuckles is pretty recognizable, appearing in nearly every game (and, yes, in some...internet memes...).

The Sonic Movie increased his chances even more be showing some Echindas' in the "Baby Sonic" flashback. This could mean some origin changes for "movie Knuckles." One the other hand, Knuckles has been tricked over 7 times across different incarnations, so it's just as likely he'll be very similar to the Knuckles who debuted in Sonic 3. 

Metal Sonic--60%

It's hard for me to say this, (because I have no desire to see this as a reality) but there is a good chance Metal could be in the next sequel.

I'd say it's either going to be Metal Sonic, or Shadow. I don't think there's room for both.

A classic fan will recognize Metal from Sonic CD, or the "old" movie (OVA). A modern fan will sight Heroes and possibly Rivals 2. A version also made it into Sonic Boom. Usually, he's simply Eggman's robot.

Still, since the character doesn't have a real personality (aside from in Heroes and beyond the games), his purpose could be swapped for any robot. The "unique" thing about Metal is that he's literally a copy off of Sonic...and there are a lot of in-game robots that are "copies."

Then again, having little to no details to explain could work in the robot's favor. He would not need an introduction besides a few words from Robotnik, saving time for focusing on the other characters.

Oh no...what if he uses Sonic's quill as a power source...DON'T DO IT PARAMOUNT!


Before actually seeing the movie, I would have ranked Shadow much higher. Although he's less familiar to non-Sonic fans, he's been in almost every "main console game" and a few handheld ones, too. He also appeared in several comics and the shows Sonic X and Sonic Boom. He's the second most popular character in the series (second to Sonic himself). He is often considered Sonic's greatest rival.

Shadow's popularity not only caused the character to return to the series (after his "death") but earned him his own spin-off. Shadow the Hedgehog is the only spin-off starring another character released in the 2000s (in the 90s there was Knuckles' Chaotix and two Tails-related 8-bit games). Although Shadow the Hedgehog was his only game, Shadow would go on to co-star in his own "story" or "episode" within other Sonic games.

Shadow's background features humans, mainly Gerald and Maria Robotnik, rather than "Mobians." This also makes him a prime candidate for the Earth-bound Sonic Movie.

However, the Sonic Movie wasn't Earth-bound. Sonic apparently has rings that can go wherever. The movie also showed Tails and echidnas, meaning Tails and Knuckles are more likely to have a big role. With that in mind, it's hard to imagine they'll have enough time for Shadow's complex story.


Amy has appeared in over 15 games, two TV shows, and all the comics. And she is certainly popular among Sonic fans.

Still, I'm not sure what purpose Amy would serve. Although she's Sonic's main love interest, Sonic usually goes out of his way to avoid her...something that might seem out of character for "movie" Sonic. I'm also assuming Sega's rule would limit how far they could pursue the "movie Sonamy" relationship. If Metal Sonic does appear, she might be taken hostage, but that role could be swapped for any other character important to Sonic.

It'd be nice to see her peppy attitude and huge hammer on the big screen. But considering the amount of other characters (and the times she's been excluded in the the old "movie" where they had a human/cat-girl instead) I'm not sure if she'll make it in.

EDIT: I have seen an article since writing this that claims Amy will be in the movie. But I'm not sure if this will be accurate. 


Blaze has two things going for her. Maybe three. For one, she's from another dimension, fitting in with the "dimension" plot. For another, she has "special powers" as well (pyrokinesis). She also lived an "isolated" life (in-part) because of her powers. Plus, she's a princess--what else could a movie ask for?

Unfortunately, Blaze is even less known than characters like Shadow and Silver. She's never managed to make it onto television, either. Though Sonic-fans generally adore her, she doesn't get as much attention. A new fan would likely call Blaze "obscure" despite being a re-occurring character.

Also--like Shadow--she'd need more time to explain her background...time that's being used by Tails and probably Knuckles.


Wherever Shadow goes, Rouge seems to follow. But if Shadow's not in the movie, Rouge doesn't have as good a chance. Even an introduction just with Knuckles seems unlikely since (so far) there is no Master Emerald.

Rouge's main problem is that she can't work for the government. Maybe she could in a Sonic X fashion...when the "aliens" become more common place, but if/when would that be?

While it would be weird, perhaps she would appear as a human...[shudders]. Then she could work as a spy for the government without complications.

To keep her the same, they might instead only focus on her as a treasure hunter. But how would that fit into the story?

Add in the fact that Rouge's appearance might not sit well with those unfamiliar with her, and Rouge's chances become even thinner.


While the character does achieve a fair amount of attention, it's within the Sonic community. Recently he's been given more opportunities than Blaze, but he's received some criticism for being "another rival hedgehog" and debuting in the (over) hated game, Sonic the Hedgehog (2006).

He, like Blaze, does share some similarities with Sonic: powers and isolation. However, Silver has a complex background that would be hard to fit into the movie. Especially since there is more of a "dimension" angle than time travel.  Perhaps his "future" could be re-worked into a dimension, but I still don't think his chances are very likely.

Chaos or other villains--10%

With both the possibility of an adaption and the limitless creations other worlds could spawn, an alternate conflict could be possible. I'd say the "monster" villains are more likely than the calculating ones because they would be easier to explain (and it's hard enough to get Mephiles or Eggman Nega around as it is). Still, they might just make up their own creature, or rely on Robotnik and his robotic skills.

Cream, Big, The Choatix, Babylon Rogues, other game characters--1%

While a cameo or small reference may come to be, I don't see any of these characters having a big role. It's not that I don't want them in. But the amount of characters and backstories that would accompany them is too complex (even if that backstory is simply "polite" or "likes frogs and fishing"). And the characters don't have the same popularity or occurrences as those mentioned.

Obviously if a certain game is adapted, the chances increase. But it's not looking like "Sonic Riders: the Movie," it's looking like "Sonic 2" (better hope it's at least "Sonic 2: & Knuckles"). 

Non-game Characters (Comics, Cartoons, etc) .01%

It's harder to allow this for copy-right issues. I'd like to see a "Turtles Forever" multiverse...thing...but the chances are very small, even for a cameo.

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