Monday, March 23, 2020

Who Might Be in Sonic Movie 2? (Movie Characters)

I'm rating a few characters from the movie and will cover the game's "main re-occurring characters" next post.

Sonic--100% Chance

Um, duh?

Tails 100%
You can't undo the end of the movie.

Dr. Robotnik--100%

Since he is the main villain, (and Carrey already on board with the role), it's a given. Actually the question is whether he'll go insane and adopt the "Eggman" name or if he'll stick to being smart, skinny Robotnik. And if he'll be the only villain...

Tom Wachbowski--99%

Since they went to the bother of creating this new character, I doubt the plan won't include him. However, he might have less of a role depending on how the story progresses. Besides, it's be hard to write him out now.

Dr. Maddie Wachbowski--95%

Once again, since Sonic is linked to these new characters, I doubt they won't be in it. Still, since she doesn't have as close a relationship to Sonic (yet?), so there's a little doubt.

Commander Walters--60%

Since he had a smaller role in the first movie, it's hard to say. Likewise, the setting of the next movie (if it's still on earth or hopping dimensions) will have a big impact on whether he returns.

As I have previously mentioned, he bares a resemblance to the game's "Commander" (sometimes called "Abraham Tower"), but I'm not sure if this was a hint at a future plot, fan service, or even just a coincidence. If they do decide to adapt Sonic Adventure 2 and/or (parts of?) Shadow the Hedgehog, he could end up in a bigger role. 

Agent Stone--40%

Since Robotnik was separated from Stone, and Stone presumably worked for the military under Robotnik rather than for him directly, I'm not as confident he'll be back. He might get replaced by a robot, who knows? On the other hand, it's possible there is more to this character that meets the eye.


I think there could be more explored with Longclaw...who is she? She was defiantly a weird addition. While the movie (kinda?) implied she died, I'd never rule out an unseen death. What makes me doubt this, though, is that she never found a way to contact Sonic. Her "death" just seems like a strange set up to build Sonic's background that they didn't plan to expand further. I could be totally wrong! The next movie could be: "Sonic 2: The Search for Longclaw," but I feel she's more likely to be mentioned than seen.

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