Friday, October 16, 2020

Sonic 1 Review

Rank @ end. 


Sonic the Hedgehog was a successful move by Sega to finally challenge Nintendo. 

Gameplay and Controls

Sonic 1 is lacking the "super spin" because it wasn't invented. Instead Sonic would only spin when going fast/the down button was pressed. It takes a bit more skill and can actually be faster, but it's always hard to come back to. 

Sonic spins and jump/spins to attack his enemies. Seems simple, but it makes a lot of sense. It's actually a big contrast between the classic and modern games: "Classic" Sonic uses his spin, highlighting being a hedgehog, while Modern Sonic uses his boost, highlighting his speed. Not that blue hedgehogs are realistic, but it was kinda' cool when Sega thought about which animal would fit what ability instead of...I don't know, whatever they did with the likes of Infinite.  

So Jump and Spin, that's all there is to it. Simple. Anyone can pick up a controller and figure out what to do in seconds. No tutorials, no on-screen instructions. I think it's that type of simplicity--in controls (not necessary plot or characters)--that the modern games need to learn from. 

Level Design and Music

Green Hill set the tropical/hill standard, and though it would become kind of exhaustible, this was the first. Something else important was the different pathways--up down, across. It helped keep the levels "new" and provided some nice shortcuts. The music is now a nostalgic and legendary, as is Sonic 1's main theme.  

Marble Zone is, I think, way too hard for a second level. I can handle it with ease nowadays, but as a kid I could never get past it. So the game was kinda worthless because I could only play Green Hill. I think switching it with Spring Yard or even Starlight would be fair. Music matched the creepy setting.  

Spring Yard, Starlight, and Scrap Brain are all favorites. Generally fun with a bit of a challenge. Interesting backgrounds and contrasting foregrounds. Fun music for the first too and something a bit more serious for the final level.   

Labyrinth Zone is, without a doubt, the worst level. It's long, it's boring, and it doesn't even make sense. That's right, hedgehogs can swim. I do like the water slide, and the visuals themselves are not so bad. It's just very tedious and boring. Even the color swap of it for Scrap Brain Act 3 seems a bit more eye-catching. 

Plot and Characters

Sonic may not have been talking yet, or even doing much other than tapping his foot. But the contrast with Mario was loud and clear. Youthful, Sonic was a teen and, like everything 90s, pure attitude. Was he heroic? Yeah, but he wasn't the positive smiley do-good-er that he is now that Mario was. Sonic was edgy, smriky, as cool as Sega could possibly make him as. 

Dr. Ivo Robotnik, or "Eggman" in Japan, bears more resemblance to the stocky plumber (his design was even considered for the main role). He's the opposite of Sonic in many ways, being fat and hovering around instead of moving his feet. Also a human, he represents the both the intelligent and greedy part of humanity and wants to exploit ["Mobuis/Mobians"] for personal gain. 

Both left an obvious impact...

As for the plot, it's fairly simple. Dr. Robotnik's taken over animals and it's gonna' take over, blah, blah. Sonic's super cool and wants to stop him, etc. Since it's the first of it's kind, of course, it gets a pass. 

Final Thoughts

lol in 06 there's a guy called "Sonic Man" who wears a shirt with this.

Defiantly one of my favorites. 

I've played Green Hill/versions of green hill to the point that it's kinda' ruined for me. Luckily the level select cheat is easy enough to remember so I use that a lot and just skip to Scrap Brain for more of a challenge. 

I'd like to see more of the other levels. Green Hill's been replicated a zillion times but I don't think I've seen any other version of Marble Zone. 

The special stage is one of my favorites because it's straight-forward and easy. Unfortunately it's kinda' worthless because the 6 emeralds do nothing and the "good" end really isn't that different. 

Final Ranking: A

It's legendary, but it's just a bit short of an S rank because it lacks some advancements like the super-spindash and Super Sonic. I also would recommend Sonic 2 as an entry title over this one because it's a bit easier/quicker since it only has 2 acts (zones). 

Despite that, Sonic 1 is but no means a bad game; in fact it's one of the best. 

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