Monday, October 5, 2020

Sonic Spinball Review

Rank @ end!


In recent times Sonic Spinball's gotten labeled as a non-canon spin-off. A title that's not very becoming or fair to the game. It's not quite the usual genesis title, but it's a heck of a lot better than the likes of Sonic Labyrinth

Gameplay and Controls

  • Sonic Spinball features moves like the spindash, but they aren't used that often. It resembles more of a traditional pinball style game, with Sonic spinning for most of the game. 
    • The advantage this has over other, more simplistic pinball games is: you keep control over Sonic. AKA the ball. 
  • This does make it a bit easier to move...since you can. Additionally, the buttons are simple. Left, right, both. Appreciate the "C" (or both") button. 

Level Design and Music

General: the main problem is boredom. The set up requires good aiming and an idea of what to do. After missing the target, flying in the wrong direction, or just dying a few times, the stage quickly becomes tedious. 

Toxic Caves: A bit more original, Toxic Caves lives up to it's name with dangerous liquids. Has an appropriate sewer look. Meanwhile the music is one of the best in the game, having a good tempo and a catchy, unique sound. This is also probably the only likable boss of the game.  

Lava Powerhouse: Lava is nothing new, but using the steam to bounce Sonic around was a clever idea. The music is intriguing, a ominous combination.  

The Machine: The Machine resembles other levels like Metallic Madness or Metropolis. Saws, mechanical appearance. Just doesn't stand out too much. The wheels aren't too difficult and the moving platforms also distinguish it from Spinball's other locations. Wasn't too impressed with the sound of this one. 

Showdown: This one has a bit of a beat to keep the motivation going, but it doesn't seem to live up to those first too levels. Robotnik's launched off plenty of times, but at least the red/orange colors contrast it to the likes of Launch Base Zone. Boss is tedious and annoying. Would help if the hints would be more helpful ("SMELL MY SOCKS"--thanks). 

  • I've always loved the Special Stages & the little pinball table. 
    • Sonic does have his "mo-hawk" spikes, though, while in the rest of the game his "3-D" or 3-rows of spikes can be seen. 
    • Not too visually impressed with the cameos, but it was cool. There was also a Scratch-like robot.
  • Main theme kinda' fits with the snazzy-casino type of vibe the usual pinball-themed levels of Sonic have, which fits I guess. Good energy. The Options' music quality is horrendous, though. 


  • Sonic needs to climb through Dr. Robotnik's Pinball Defense system and stop his Veg-O Fortress. Why a pinball defense system? No idea, but I like it. That's the exact crazed type of thinking of Ivo Robotnik!  

Final Thoughts

  • Sat Am Cameos=overrated.
  • All the emeralds are blue and there's too many. The answer is obvious. Duplicates of the real blue emerald. This happens with the yellow one in SA2, and it happens a ton in Sonic X. Plenty of early games have some continuity errors here and there. Even later ones, too! I thought the moon got blown in half! Why people are so quick to dismiss this game is a mystery.  
  • Hints/words could be pretty funny. 

Final Ranking: C

Actually can be quite fun, and I personally like it and want to give it a bit higher ranking. But truthfully it's rather time consuming without using the level select cheats or a safe file (on a port etc). I could see it being frustrating or repetitive to a new player. 

I'd rank it above many pinball games but as a Sonic game I guess I'll have to call it average. 

8-Bit Version

The 8-bit version kinda' just seems to be a downgraded version. 
  • Toxic Caves becomes the more purple colored "Toxic Pools" but it generally similar, and the other levels are practically the same but less complex. 
    • This does have the advantage of being less difficult and theoretically less time consuming, but many features in the 16 bit are absent, replaced, or size oddly. 
  • The music is also changed, except the title. It's kinda funky but not nearly as enjoyable or as good quality as the Genesis one. 
  • The special stage is kind of confusing and time-consuming. Definitely don't like it as good. 

Final Ranking: D

It's not the worst of the 8-bit series, but it's not very creative. It's not that bad, but--especially nowadays when most would be playing a port--why play this when there is a highly superior version?  

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