Friday, October 9, 2020

Sonic Chaos Review


The 8-bit games often were a lot worse than the 16-bit ones, but Chaos isn't that bad. 

Level Design and Visuals

Being at a 8-bit lost compared to the norm, Sonic doesn't look very pretty, especially that lame side view. Bit more expressive with the falling/etc views. Tails is okay/cute.    

The special stages seem very random and odd. 

The levels don't bring anything too new, borrowing looks and ideas from the past. However, compared to some of the other 8-bit games this is a creative masterpiece. Something intriguing is Mecha Green Hill Zone, which is a mechanical, taken-over version of Green Hill. It looks cool and makes way more sense that "sand hill" ever will. 

Controls, Scoring, and Gameplay

One advantage to the game is that both Sonic and Tails are playable. Though the controls are simple, at least many of their moves such as the spindash (Sonic), and flying (Tails) were not sacrificed and aid the ease of gameplay. 

Kind of a nice thought to make it "easier" for Tails (not collecting emeralds, etc). 

Like in other 8-bit games there's this weird goal plate that will often show a flicky or someone. Always seems disappointing.  


It's okay. Mecha Green Hill is yet another nice little "Toot Toot Sonic Warrior" remix (actually it's a remix of Green Hills from 8-bit Sonic 2, which shares the same tune, but--). Otherwise nothing stands out too much. It has a has that typical "8-bit"'s not terrible, but not that good either. 


Story's pretty lame. Robotnik's after the emeralds again, whoo. 

Final Thoughts

Interestingly enough, the title screen of Sonic/Tails giving a thumbs up heavily resembles the opening of AoStH:

AoStH had actually just started airing a few months before Sonic Chaos was released, so it's hard to know if one was referencing the other or if it was pure coincidence.  

Final Ranking: D

Probably the best 8-bit Sonic game, Sonic Chaos didn't feel like a lousy version of some Genesis game. For once, Sega made an 8-bit game that could stand on it's own. However, it's still held back and just isn't as creative or exciting as other titles.

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