Monday, October 26, 2020

Sonic 8-bit Review


Oh no. 


The game misleads you into thinking it's just a scaled down version of the 16-bit version we all know and love. Then....

WTF IS THE BRIDGE?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

While the visual designs of the new levels are fair--honestly haven't seen too many non-golden gate looking bridges--they just lack the detail. The reused levels are even worse because when compared to the Genesis ones, they look HORRIBLE. And WHY Labyrinth Zone?

The set-up is terrible as well. If you're patient, it's manageable. But what Sonic fan is patient?! Mario might have it faster, here! Bottomless pits, spike-filled pits, misplaced badniks, INSANELY slowing water...with the exception of the first level (since it gives invincibility), it's a frustrating disaster.

What makes this even worse is that rings are not retained. WTH?! What's the point in having rings?!

Obviously death comes a whole lot easier and the difficultly combined with the annoying, worse quality sounds/music would drive anyone batty. 

At least the cover art is decent. Can't say the same for the sprites. 

Final Ranking: E

I can't imagine how disappointing this would be to a kid expecting Sonic 1.  

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