Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Best Villain? Part 5: Relatable?

It's been said that a great villain needs a great motive. Two characters stand out, in the Sonic series...

Professor Gerald Robotnik used to be a kind man who wanted to perfect the world through "the power of science." He wanted to help and protect the people of Earth.

That all changed with the Ark shut down and the death of Maria Robotnik. Imprisoned for a crime he did not commit, Gerald went insane and became intent on destroying the planet he once strived to protect. He was later put to death, but not before setting his revenge plan into motion...

Despite his cruel actions his reputation was later respected once again after "Project Shadow" and his Eclipse Cannon proved vital in the Black Arms Invasion. Dr. Ivo Robotnik (Eggman) always looked up to his "brilliant" grandfather and called him "a great scientist."   

Merlina was introduced as a sadder version of Sharah, but really she was behind the world's darkness. She used deceit to get her hands on the sacred scabbard of Excalibur, which would grant her the power to create an "Eternal Kingdom."

Merlina was saddened by death and endings. She knew how the Arthurian legend ended: with King Arthur killed. Life became futile to her. Even flowers were "destined to wither."

She grew to hate the idea and wanted to create a better story--one that never ended. She becomes a powerful entity that seems unstoppable. Her corruption was understandable--Sonic even admits it seems like he's the "bad guy," but he doesn't mind it.

Because Merlina was wrong. Everything has to end, and if it doesn't than it's not special. It loses what made it wonderful in the first place. After her defeat Sonic helped her understand this.

Merlina and Gerald both suffered from grief and wanted to fix the world in their corrupted eyes. For Merlina, it was making it everlasting, no matter the cost. For Gerald it was destroying it, no matter who would be destroyed with it.

Both came terrifyingly close to their goals.

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