Monday, July 13, 2020

Sonic Adventure Review

Rank at the end.


Sonic Adventure took the Sonic series in a new direction.


Sonic Adventure is often misremembered as the first 3D Sonic game. It is a vast improvement over the likes of Sonic 3D Blast, though. It feels easier to control and less restricted. However, it's not as easy to adapt to as the 2D era, and is almost crude compared to the clarity of future games. The Light Dash, for example, required a charging time before use. 

The difference in speed and moves for the characters was a plus. Sonic Adventure created a different and unique style for each character, making "more" than just a Sonic game. It's a Tails game. A Knuckles game. So on.

Sonic, Tails, and Gamma are similar and work well despite the differences. Amy's would be fine if not for Zero, who is extremely distributive. Knuckles is more exploratory, which is nice yet not as speedy as the others. Big...

Big sits around and fishes (see also: Sega Bass Fishing). The slower pace did not sit well with players, permanently scarring the character. I prefer his moves in Sonic Heroes myselfThe camera angles and just the entire process made a simple task difficult, and the style does not fit with the other characters.

The Chao Gardens were a nice addition, but are not as good as their replacement in SA2. They are boring, which is a shame since the Chao have a bigger role in this game's story.    

Characters and Story


  • Sonic's story seems basic, but since this is the first of it's type I'll give it a pass. 


  • I wish future games did as much with Tails as this game. It seems like Tails struggling to save the day on his own is the most character development he'll ever get. 


  • Even though she appeared in Sonic CD, this game further cemented Amy's peppy personality as an adoring fan girl. I like "Birdie," but Zero is torturous. From a plot standpoint, (despite the ending) it seems like Amy is still a damsel in distress.


  • The main plot intertwines with Knuckles, considering the Echidna clan. It's nice to have his history expanded, but it doesn't affect him as much as expected. The story is not as memorable as it could have been. Oh, and he gets tricked...again.


  • Gamma is a rebel robot, and his journey from joining the E-series to turning on his creator and making the ultimate sacrifice is classic.   


  • Big simply wants his pal Froggy back. Fine. Simple like Big. But whole Frog eating part of Chaos or whatever? Bizarre. 

Super Sonic

  • Tikal, Chaos, the past, the present--everything comes together. Super Sonic was epic, but the beginning part with Chaos turning on Eggman was a little slow.   


There are many types of locations to explore, and the Adventure Fields added to this. Unfortunatly the graphics are clunky and have not aged well. It's hard to enjoy the small details like the ruins or the signs in Station Square when the overall set up is bulky and unappealing.

Along those lines, the cutscenes junky compared to future games. The original Dreamcast graphics are down right hideous. And the character mouth movements are very odd (and humorous).

The anime-style humans lack much detail and are bland. It maybe weird to say, but the humans in 06 were an improvement.

Voice Acting and Dialogue

Overall the voice acting was average or poor. Ryan Drummond as Sonic was fair, but defiantly not as good as Sonic's cartoon actor, Jaleel White.

Though Drummond would perfect his version by Heroes, his early Sonic (combined with some odd comments in the script) was a bit awkward. The same could be said for some of the others, like Deem Bristrow (Eggman).

However Amy's voice actor, Jennifer Douillard, was just plain bad. She improves later, but for this game Amy sounded awkward, bratty, and childish. Though the story gave her an emotional role, her portrayal didn't have such an emphasis. Tail's voice wasn't quite right, either. Pachacmac's voice is kinda' funny.

Ultimately the only Gamma's voice is perfect for the character (not as good as Omega).

The script was a bit odd with some phrases, but generally helped mold their distinct personalities.


As with all good Sonic games, there is a variety in soundtrack, though there is arguably more of an edgy rock/metal vibe than seen in the classic days. Luckily Sonic Adventure shows how both slower and more intense paces can affect how a setting is perceived.

Overall the stage music is good. In comparison to the Sonic series as a whole I'd call it a bit average, though.

Vocal themes also varied. Songs like "It Doesn't Matter" and "My Sweet Passion" fit the characters well, though personally I've never been a huge fan of "Unknown from M.E" and I think "Believe in Myself" would have better suited Tails with male vocals. "Open Your Heart" is killer and is king over all the others, which is a plus since it's also the main theme.

Final Thoughts

  • This game is overrated. SA2 is overrated, but it deserves that hype. Sonic Adventure is a fine game, but not nearly as flawless as it is remembered as. 
  • For both the characters and style, this is a good game for fans. Not sure if it's best as an "entry" title. 
  • Amy's hammer/jump move is fun. So was that Wack-A-Mole style thing she had to do. 
  • The flash backs were a very interesting element.  
  • I liked the afterward-pictures in the credits like Tikal with Chaos. 

Ranking (S is highest, E is lowest): B

It's kind of an average game. It has some great moments, and some not so great moments. Though it and inspired many subsequent titles, it's a bit bland. 

NOT Saved By Zero!

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