Thursday, July 2, 2020

Sonic Generations Review

Rank at the end!


Sega surprised fans with this cool 20th anniversary game.


  • As with most Sonic games in the "Current Era," the game mostly focuses on Sonic. I don't think Sonic acts too out of character, since both versions rely heavily on expressions and movement rather than script, even Modern Sonic. 
  • If there is one con, it's Sonic completely nonchalant attitude. He doesn't see the Time Eater as a serious threat (simply telling it "not cool" when it eats his friends) and doesn't take Eggman serious, either. I find this in-character to a point. 
    • Sonic is willing to face harm when facing his enemies...but usually if his friends are threatened, he starts to behave more serious/angry, and that is completely absent. 
  • Classic is alright, but it honestly makes no sense for him to be silent. 
  • Neither Tails does much outside of his "smart" role. 
  • Most characters feel pushed to the side and just lumped into "Sonic's friends." However, doing the challenge acts and playing more than the main story shows a bit more of them (and it's still handled a lot better than in Wii Sonic Colors).
    • This is also an acceptable introduction for the sake of new/"classic" players, as they likely don't recognize half of the characters.  


  • The main story is not too complex and isn't too impressive. Though the "Eggman is in control" twist was a nice surprise, there are not a lot of emotions or depth. The mystery of the Time Eater is never even solved, really. It's just some monster floating through space, I guess (I prefer the Mephiles theory, but Sega generally avoids characters from 06 like the plague).
  • ON THE OTHER HAND, Sonic 1 wasn't that complex, either. It was Sonic trying to defeat Robotnik (Eggman), and it works out for this game...
    • It was cool to see a time travel plot that paid so much homage to the series' past. 
    • It also attempted to appease "all" Sonic-game fans by having a bit of everything. 
  • To be honest, I think Sonic Forces has given me a dislike of the story. Mainly, "Classic Sonic" did not fit in that game. But he did in this one. Back when he was just a younger version of our Sonic, it was fine. A clever way to use familiar gameplay and to say goodbye as well. 
    • Obviously Forces undid this. "You're future's gonna' wait, you're just from another dimension. Have fun!" 

Gameplay and Controls

  • Initially it really bugged me when the Spindash was the Square Button (PS3) instead of holding down and pressing a button. 
  • There are two prominent styles, 2D.5 and 3D.
  • Modern levels: 
    • The gameplay is the same style started in Sonic Unleashed and popularized in Sonic Colors, where Sonic would transition from a 3-D point-of-view into a 2D one. This works out okay, but I think it mis-represented the "Modern Era."
    • The Boost is used again, and luckily it's not wisp-reliant like in Sonic Colors
    • There are a lot more moves for Modern Sonic (Homing attack, Boost, Slide, Stomp, etc) and though it is fine for returning players, I can see it becoming complicated for new/classic fans. The introduction to these moves should have been slower, I suppose.  
  • Classic
    • Though Modern Sonic had been in 2D before (Sonic 4, Rush, Advance, etc), this was, in many people's eyes, Sonic's return to 2D. It works well, but there are a few cases of the dreaded "Sh!!!y 2D" sections (spots with bottomless pits and small platforms that are hard to jump onto. See also: Sonic Colors).  
    • Though it's set up different (square button) the controls are simple and easy to use. 
  • The equipable skills are cool, though Super Sonic didn't exceed any expectations. I really like the shields and Time-Break.
  • The rival fights can be extremely easy for a Sonic fan, but a new player could easily get annoyed if they do not understand what to do.
  • Boss fights are more difficult and annoying. The point of view change for the final boss was disorienting.    

Graphics and Level Design

  • The graphics are one of the best examples in the Sonic series. Like Sonic Unleashed, there is a cartoonish element to a lot of the textures yet there is depth and realism as well. The characters look good and are expressive even when they aren't talking...though I guess the mouths look a little weird for some reason. 
  • It looks very glamorous compared to many previous Sonic games, and it's aged fairly well. Still, it's not as complex as other games around the time-frame (2011). 
  • I appreciate the remakes and how they've made them unique. Plus it's fun to see old stages again (and in nice graphics).     
    • However, I don't feel that this game deserves much credit for the designs. Though they expanded/improved the locations, they were already created (in some cases over 15 years) earlier. 
  • It is an anniversary game. But the only new places are a grassland, a black-hole, and "white space." I just don't feel the creativity. 

Voice Acting (or lack there of)

  • Being the 2010 cast--in their early days--I don't have much of anything good to say about this group: 
  • Kate Higgins does a nice job as Tails, especially younger Tails. 
  • Mike Pollock does double-duty as two Eggmans (uh...again) and even makes a bit of a difference between his voices. 
  • Not pleased with anyone else. Travis Willingham (Knuckles), Karen Strassman (Rouge), Laura Bailey (Blaze), and the voices of the Chaotix all do an alright job, but I still would have preferred others in their roles. 
  • Amy still sounded like Minnie Mouse. Kirk Thornton's "smoker" Shadow combined with the script ("YOU'VE GOT THIS SONIC.") was cringe-worthy. And Roger Craig Smith showed no improvement from Colors, continuing to portray the character as a heartless, self-absorbed, snotty teen. 
    • Everyone would go on to improve, but this was not their finest hour. 
  • I really would have preferred the 4kids cast in this game, especially since they were still voicing the characters just back in 2009. 
  • I don't get silent Sonic. True, I wouldn't have wanted Smith in the role. I really would have loved to see Jaleel White voice the character. Still, it seems stupid that he doesn't talk when Tails does. I mean, I like the expressions. BUT TAILS TALKS. AND EGGMAN. SO... 


  • This was during fact, it likely started it...that terrible time when the main theme was completely instrumental. It's not memorable in the slightest, which is a real shame because Crush 40 could have made something better
  • Most of the tracks were remixes.
    • It's cool how they were able to use different effects to distinguish between "classic" and modern. 
      • For example, Green Hill now has an atmospheric, Sonic Unleashed-style while Crisis City for Classic is reminiscent of Sonic the Hedgehog's Marble Zone.
    • I like how music from lesser known games were put in at points (like the challenge acts). 
    • I can't even complain about the JP Stardust Speedway, because the US version was remixed, too.
  • I really enjoyed being able to switch music out; it's a feature I want in ALL games! 'Course, I woulda' settled for Forces, but this hasn't really made an appearance since. 
  • I'm less pleased with the un-lock order. Cringly Splash Hill (Sonic 4) is unlockable almost right away but the likes of "Knight of the Wind" and "I am...All of Me" are near last. Just because the game did bad doesn't mean the music is...ugh!  
    • Also the labels don't list if it's a remix or if it's the original, which is...kinda' misleading.  

Final Thoughts

  • When I played this as a classic fan, I was constantly annoyed and even offended ("DR. ROBOTNIK--" "NOBODY CALLS ME THAT ANYMORE!"). At the time I didn't like how they had labeled Sonic as "classic" and would have preferred "younger Sonic," "2-D Sonic" or just "Sonic." Though it was trying to appease classic fans, it's a modern game trying to squeeze in a bit of everything. Since there have been more modern games than classic, and more characters, it going to feel "biased" modern. 
    • When I returned to the game as a modern fan, I was much more satisfied. The levels seemed beautifully recreated, and they were easy to get through (but not too easy). Nothing took as long and I even wanted to do the unnecessary challenge acts.
  • Sonic's "friends" aren't playable but some "help" Sonic in some of the side missions (triangle button). I found this interesting and think it would be a good compromise between making characters useful and having Sonic as the only real playable character.  
  • I like the references, cameos, unlockables, and Easter Eggs.  
    • I really liked being able to switch the music.    
  • Why didn't the Time Eater just eat Sonic when it ate his friends? There are too many little odd continuity mistakes...especially with how Forces has brought this "dimension"explanation in. 
  • I think Sonic Generations is a fair intro from the classic games to the modern ones. As an anniversary game, though, it's better for Modern fans or people who have played at least a little beyond Sonic 1-3&K. 
    • Now, for classic fans, there's Sonic Mania. While Sonic 4 was lackluster, it's also more akin to the classic games, along with many of the handheld titles.  

Ranking (S is highest, E is lowest): B

That's a very hesitant B. The plot? Kinda' lame. The voice acting was mostly atrocious. With most levels being remade and their tracks remixed, there was not a lot "new." The gameplay was alright.

But as an anniversary game, it's spectacular.

  • It has two Sonics! Before this game, that was unthinkable. It was revolutionary, in a way; finding a way to merge different styles and return to old elements. 
  • It has fan-favorite levels, tons of unlockables and references to past games. 
  • With their challenge acts, the side-characters don't feel entirely useless. And for the first time in years, Eggman is the main villain all by himself...well, sort of.
Had this just been a normal game, it'd probably be a C, but for successfully imputing nostalgia and respect for the past, Generation earns itself an B or "slightly above average."

Enjoy you're future, it's going to be GRAYt.

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