Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Underground is better than Sat Am (Part 4)

Part 4: More Accurate...? 

It's no secret neither of the series are too close to the game's canon. Back in the 90s the West developed it's own ideas, and had the freedom to expand beyond the basics. And in those classic days, that was possible.

But as "story" became more prevalent, it became harder and harder to connect the "Freedom Fighters/Resistance" and other ideas with "Team Hero" and those seen in the games. The comics bridged Sat Am and the videogames for many, but even small retcons and/or a soft reboot couldn't cover everything.  

The most accurate of the cartoons is Sonic X since it adapted several games, added many "modern" characters, and even had Sonic Team's support. Original characters Chris and Cosmo were both created by Sonic Team. The Japanese voice cast for the series were the same as in the games, and the English cast was added to the American games in 2005, while the show was still on-air. In the Japanese version, some in-game music is heard.     

Sonic Grinding, as in the games. 

Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog was also accurate for America and for its' time. Tails was described as being with Sonic since he was a "cub," seen in the series alongside his name, Miles. Dr. Robotnik also had his first name, Ivo. Scratch and Grounder were based off enemies in Sonic 2, and Sonic and Tails were designed like their box-art counter parts. Occasionally certain items would show up (versions of Rings; Chaos Emeralds), and Sonic would tap his foot often like his idle animation.

Sonic mimicing "Classic" artwork in the AoStH pilot 

That leaves Sat Am and Underground (and Boom, but I'm not bringing that one up today!). Despite the lack of Tails, though, Underground is more accurate for a few other reasons.   

The most obvious answer is Knuckles. His voice is a bit annoying, but he gets tricked similar to in Sonic 3 and fights with Sonic a bit, too. He only appears a few times--less than Tails in Sat Am, but as mentioned in Part 2, Tails didn't have a very impactful role in Sat Am anyway (being far more memorable in AoStH).

The other reason Knuckles' appearance is more important is simply since it hadn't been done in a DiC cartoon before. Tails was in AoStH and Sat Am. But Knuckles didn't make it into either! 

"Time Stones"

Sat Am also had Rings while Underground did not. But while the "Power Rings" often helped save the day, they were rarer and had more abilities than those in game. That's fine, really. But the "Time Stones" were even less accurate, used more like a plot excuse to use time travel than the mystery gems seen in Sonic CD (where the "Future" and "Past" posts along with Sonic's speed caused the time travel).  

Though it did not have those, Underground had two versions of Chaos Emeralds to level the playing field. The first took the place of the Master Emerald rather than introduce the concept all at once. Not super accurate, but it was green and emerald-like. The second proved a bit more chaotic, but similar and hinted at more to come (though the series was cancelled). There were also several jewels in the series similar to the emeralds.   


Robotnik was too cruel in Sat Am to match his egg-shaped game counter-part. Though a threat, Eggman was created to be silly. "Julian" Robotnik was nightmare-fuel instead. I discussed this in part 2, but it's not just the Robotniks...it's their reign of control, too.

In Sat Am, Robotnik has taken over Mobius. In Underground Robtnik's control is reaching farther and farther all the time, but he hasn't gotten to/robotisized everyone.

In the original games, Robotnik is trying to take over the world, but Sonic keeps wiping out his robots, beating his boss-machines, and destroying his dominating creations (Death Egg). If he already had world domination, the zones would look a lot worse (such as the bad futures of Sonic CD and later-made Eggman Land). So Undergound gets a slight edge. 

Underground also gets a point here because, like in later-made Sonic Forces, Robotnik's damage needs to be reversed little by little before a bigger attack. Though Sonic/Sally's finale-moment is similar to a Super Sonic attack, the world can't be taken back all at once, like Sat Am abrupt "end" sort of implies (the freedom fighters didn't accomplish much pre-doomsday). 

Also: while both series had characters that betrayed the heroes or Robotnik one way or another, ARRT in Underground was similar the E-series robots of Modern games. Bonus points.

The most important difference between these close series: travel. Sonic goes all over in the games, and Underground creates locations reminiscent of old zones and in a variety. Deserts, tundras, towns, cites, a resort...

NOW the scarf makes sense.

Sat Am meanwhile usually stays in Robotorpolis or around Knothole. They visit others, but it's not memorable. Usually dark and bland.

"I'm gonna fire my travel agent."

Undergound has a version of Knothole (Sanctuary), and Robotropolis, but the triplets weren't bound to those areas in the same way as Sonic, Sally, and the others were in Sat Am.

The shows are built around many of the same ideas--which contradict many of the later established game-elements--but they had creativity and used ideas where they could. Still, Underground has a slight lead in this category, making it another reason it's a better show. 

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