Thursday, September 10, 2020

Emerald Coast vs Wave Ocean: Conclusion

Surprisingly, Wave Ocean and Emerald Coast tied. However, as a whole there can only be one winner. After considering the different elements, a choice had to be made. 


Emerald Coast was decided better: 

  1. Gameplay
  2. Sonic's stage
  3. Story

Wave Ocean was decided better:

  1. Visuals
  2. Music
  3. Other characters' stages 

The better level is: Emerald Coast

What really gave Emerald Coast the edge in the end was creativity. Wave Ocean was a nice nod at Emerald Coast, but with the moving spikes, flying seagulls, swimming dolphins, and angry Orcas, some might call it too much of a "rip-off." 

While there had been hints of beaches in the past, Emerald Coast is the first to really focus on that type of scenery. Like Speed Highway, many remember the level fondly and it was apparently used in the DS version of Sonic Generations. It inspired many other zones other than Wave Ocean, including Neo Green Hill and Seaside Hill. 

Wave Ocean was still pretty nice. It's better visuals and music make a better atmosphere. It might be a better "tourist" location, but this is a video game, designed to be played through. In that sense, Emerald Coast makes a better level.


Sorry, but the best beach-themed level is actually Jungle Joyride. 

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