Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Emerald Coast vs Wave Ocean: Visuals

Some people are more affected by graphics than others. For the not-so realistic Sonic series, most aren't expecting the best, but having clarity and varying designs is always a plus. 

A vacation resort, Emerald Coast is just beyond Station Square's hotel. Wooden and sand paths lead past a light house and waterfall while coconut palms grow all over. Meanwhile the location is home to packs of seagulls and fish, as well as friendly dolphins and a pesky killer whale. 

Soleanna relies heavily on tourism, and "the City of Water" also has itself a nice nearby beach, Wave Ocean. It sports many of the same elements, including Seagulls, Dolphins, and more Orcas as well as similar rock formations, etc. 


Winner of this round: Wave Ocean 

I was genuinely surprised at how much of an improvement there actually was. 

I tend to remember Wave Ocean as mostly ugly rock formations, and the lighter versions in Emerald Coast are better. There is also something very likable about Emerald Coast's blue water, and I love the details like the lounge chairs and both colorful & thatch umbrellas. 

The returning elements have been improved upon in 06. The chairs are now wooden but especially the umbrellas are similar. The wood paths are more defined, and the water's hues are calmer and a bit closer to real life. There are more dolphins, but notably less birds (which is fine because Adventure may have gotten a bit carried away). The plants look a little more unique, too. 

Surprisingly the background is greatly improved. While it just looked like a picture wrapped around the level in Sonic Adventure, tricks like mist and fading gave Wave Ocean more depth. 

While Emerald Coast had little more than a piece of the hotel and a few wood platforms in the area surrounding, Wave Ocean had nice rows of colorful sailboats parked along wooden shacks. 

Wave Ocean is, visually, better than it's predecessor. 

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