Monday, September 7, 2020

Emerald Coast vs Wave Ocean: "Story"

There has to be a reason to be in a level, even if it's just to get to the next. 

Sonic sees his bud Tails crash in Emerald Coast and runs to help. Later Big looks for Froggy and Gamma finds Froggy. 

After Elise is kidnapped, Sonic and Tails head to Wave Ocean to track her. Eggman gets away, unfortunately, and later Tails returns yet again to try to help Elise but fails. Blaze heads towards town to try and find Silver in the meantime. Omega tracks Mephiles to Wave Ocean, and Shadow rushes there to help. 

Winner: Emerald Coast  

Shadow's story in 06 is awesome and "Omega's Confession," one of my favorite cutscenes, does take place in Wave Ocean. Shadow's reason for being there also makes the most sense. Still, what's Mephiles doing in Wave Ocean, anyway? Mephiles likes the beach? And maybe Rouge should have had a playable section, too, since she's also there.

Why did Mephiles separate Silver and Blaze? It makes sense for her to want to find him, but she could have been left in any other stage and it would not have made a difference. 

As for Sonic and's bad enough to deal with the Mario/damsel-in-distress thing once, but twice in the same place? Elise shouldn't have been 'napped right away. The first Wave Ocean should have been a more relaxed, fun level for Sonic/Tails and for the player to adjust to the controls. And the second one shouldn't have been a thing. 

Sonic had a clear cut reason to be Emerald Coast, simple and short enough. And Big and Gamma's connected to the story, at least. Emerald Coast never felt forced, it just felt like a part of the game. Sonic, Big, and Gamma each went to Emerald Coast to get things done. And they did. Well...Sonic and Gamma did. But Big got some fish out of it probably.  

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