Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Underground is Better Than Sat AM (Part 6)


In Part 3, I discussed the origins of both the "triplets" of Sonic Underground and "the freedom fighters" of Sonic the Hedgehog ("Saturday Morning"). I explained that while Underground included some odd/surprising elements, it was more captivating and developed.  

The main plot, however, is a different subject. It sets the course for the series as a whole, and every episode has some kind of tie to it, big or small. 

Though it likely inspired Underground, Sat Am still is not as strong as it's successor.  

Main Plot Summaries

Sat Am Main

After the evil Dr. Robotnik took power, a group of teenagers decided to push back, called "Freedom Fighters." They use skill, sabotage, and various abilities to foil his plans and retake Robotropolis. 

Eventually they seemingly defeated Robotnik, though Snively got a way...and he wasn't alone.  

Underground Main

After the evil Dr. Robotnik took power, Sonic and his siblings became notable leaders of the "Resistance," a movement against Robotnik. They use skill, sabotage, and various abilities to foil his plans while searching for their mother.  

Had the time been right, the triplets would have reunited with their mother and full-filled their destiny by defeating Robotnik. 


As shown, the stories are quite similar. Sat Am actually has an ending, though it leaves on a mysterious cliffhanger. I like the idea of Sonic and Sally "winning," but the end bit undoes this. Even if there was a season 3, the new threat would have been Nagus--and I'm not sure that would have been a step in the right direction. 

While Sat Am does deserve credit for establishing this type of "freedom fighting" outline, Underground has improvements, such as expanding Mobius and adding a conflict of those "loyal to Robotnik." Ultimately, just as with their origins, Aleena really gives Underground a bittersweet edge over Sat Am.  

Side Plot Summaries (any notable sub-plot shown beyond 1 episode or shown to repeat)

Sat Am Sides 

  • "Sonally"/Ant: Sally and Sonic's attraction to each other/Antione's crush on Sally.
  • "Bean": Sally's search for her father.
  • "Blast to the Past" Arc: Sonic and Sally attempt to time travel to stop Robotnik from taking over. 
  •  "Doomsday" Arc: Sonic and Sally gather/use Power Stones to stop Robotnik. 
  • "Pollution"/"NotKnothole": Robotnik continually tries to destroy the environment/nature in addition to his goals of destroying Knothole.  
  • "Snively/New enemies": Snively hates his uncle and secretly wants power for himself. 
  • "New allies": finding/convincing/rescuing others to help them (notably Uncle Chuck). 

Underground Sides 

  • "Getting to Know You"/"Origins" Arc: Sonic, Manic, and Sonia's struggle to get along despite their different interests and origins. 
    • Variations of this is shown through out, though it was most obvious in the origin storyline.  
  • "Envy": One sibling (usually Manic) grows envious of another's power or childhood. 
  • "Vow": The hedgehogs' try to find more information about their mother alongside their quest to find her.  
  • "Bartlby": Sonia tries to help or get help from her ex-fiancé, who (usually) refuses to oppose Robotnik.   
  • "Knuckles"/"Chaos Emerald Crisis": the group meets Knuckles the Echidna and struggles to get along with their differing goals.
  • "Henchmen": Sleet and Dingo "rebel" and act on their own greed rather than their orders.   
  • "New allies": finding/convincing others to help them (notably Cyrus). 


Surprisingly, both shows have a fair amount of sub-plots for a long cancelled DiC cartoon. 

Of Sat Am, the "Sonally" plot is my favorite. A sharp contrast from the "girl of the week" AoStH usually had, "Sonally" had great potential, but it was constantly dampened by Antione and their own behaviors. The idea would have worked better if Antione had given up on his fixation with the princess by Season 2. Likewise, it was fairly confusing for Sally to be kissing Sonic on the cheek every episode (via intro) without having them be in a relationship (annoyingly apparent in the episode with Griff, "Warp Sonic"). Though their feelings seem clearer by the final episode, the series didn't need rivals like Antione and Griff.

The other "sides" are fair. There were some great ideas with Uncle Chuck, but the rest...What even is Sally's father's name? In the comics it was Maximillian/Nigel, but they didn't even have a name for him in Sat Am. Plus what's the point of some of Robotnik's environment-killing plans? Why create acid rain and use chemical-filled "buzz bombers" when he could just drop a bunch of bombs like he did on Angel Island (Act 2, Sonic the Hedgehog 3)?  In total, the side stories are a "start" but aren't explored very much. 

In Underground, the sibling plots are understanding and relatable. The triplets share a love of music and want to defeat Robotnik, but they don't agree on everything. Sonia's used to luxury and doesn't want to give it up while Manic's used to having nothing and steals on impulse. Though Manic can create earth-quakes with his drums, Sonic's speed is easier to access. Sonic loves Chilidogs while Sonia thinks they're gross. So on. There was plenty of material to create arguments/conflicts, but the group always resolved their problems because they were family and cared for each other. 

Underground's other "sides" probably could have benefited from more development as well, but are a bit are still more coherent. For example, the episode "To Catch a Queen" introduces a character called Argus, who used to work with Queen Aleena. This writing allowed for a bit of Aleena's past to be revealed while also creating a potential "ally" type of plot.   


Sat Am established the idea of a "fight for freedom" against Robotnik, but Underground improved it.

Shut up Tails?

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