Thursday, September 3, 2020

Emerald Coast vs Wave Ocean: Music

Emerald Coast is easily identifiable as a song of Sonic Adventure with it's rock and guitar-led tones, though it takes on a more laid back style to match the location. Might be some old Sonic 3D Blast in there a bit, too. There is "Azure Blue World," "Windy & Ripply for Emerald Coast," and, lazier, "Big fishes at Emerald Coast."

One thing that isn't criticized when it comes to 06 is the soundtrack. It's an atmospheric mix of instruments and even some simple vocals at points. The relaxed track "The Water's Edge" turns into the faster/edgier, "The Inlet."

Winner: Wave Ocean

This is certainly an example of how music can have different effects. These levels look a lot a like, but the tracks for Emerald Coast seem to mix the adventure with the feel of a hot summer day. Meanwhile Wave Ocean gives off a cooler vibe, more like a focus on the water instead. 

"Azure Blue World" helps set the pace, but the similar "Windy & Ripply" was more relaxed and better suited for the location. Big's certainly has a different rhythm, but I also think it matches the location a bit better that "Azure Blue World." 

In Wave Ocean, "The Water's Edge" is pretty stunning. It's calm yet picks up when it needs to. The mix of instruments is beautiful and it's perfect for the beach. "The Inlet" matches the sudden change in speed for Sonic and seems to catch some of his attitude with it.  

Overall there's no question. Emerald's Coast music was good, but Wave Ocean blows it out of the water. 

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