Friday, September 4, 2020

Emerald Coast vs Wave Ocean: Gameplay

Sonic Adventure wasn't perfect. In this case there are some spots that aren't the best while spin dashing, and Sonic doesn't like to stay on the walls he's running on. Generally seems awkward and primitive compared to the future. 

Sonic 06 is no picnic. Sure, glitches can be exploited, but they aren't supposed to be there. As with any level, the problems can vary from lag or camera angles that should not be possible to characters not doing their moves or going where they should not be able to. 

Winner: Emerald Coast

The springs and wall jump bother me, as well as a few spots like on the wall, but it is generally smooth. Emerald Coast feels set up faster, too. 

06 is not as bad as people believe, but glitches are sadly a guarantee. One good thing is that the water won't slow the characters down as in Adventure. Sonic usually is slower in water, but since it is shallow and he's not under it I preferred it without the slow-down.  

Sonic Adventure was not perfect, but Emerald Coast was fair. Wave Ocean, meanwhile, wasn't a kind welcome to new players.  

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