Monday, December 28, 2020

Is IDW Amy...Amy?

Amy Rose has come along way from being chased and carried away by robots. Character development is a good thing, yet...I don't know how I feel about IDW Amy. 

Back when the series was announced I assumed Tangle would "be the new Sally," but it soon became clear that responsibility would fall upon Sonic's other main flame: Amy. 

 Though Knuckles headed the freedom fighters resistance in Sonic Forces, Flynn never bothered trying to make Knuckles into a leader. Instead Amy became the leader of the Restoration and helped keep people together during the Zombot rein of terror saga. Currently she's helping Cream out, and...let's just say her days of pulling out a hammer whenever Sonic talks to another girl are over. 

Amy's crush evolved her into a fan-girl. She did start to grow out of this once before, but then the games flipped her back where she started. Her Sonic Boom portrayal was more mature, but that was literally a whole other world. Still, it seemed to impact her in Forces. And now IDW? 

I think that might be the problem? She acts more like Boom Amy than Amy, except Sonic knows about her crush. On the other hand, Archie Amy never really hit the fan-girl faze, usually just being too young yet more mature than her game maybe it's Archie Amy without Sally around...?

I liked the crazy, angry, fan-girl Amy seen in the 2000s and maybe most famously in Sonic X.  Girlish and immature, it may she may not have had the calm of a leader, but that didn't stop Cream, Cheese, and Big from helping her. Amy's peppy and sometimes crazy attitude made her unique and memorable. 

Still, I didn't mind it when games like Sonic Unleashed tried to have her grow up a bit. I don't dislike Boom Amy, either, but she seems a bit cynical or judgmental, and that wasn't really a part of her personality before. 

If Amy had flaws, it was jealously and a quick temper--neither seem prevalent in IDW. In the comics the only problem she has is second-guessing herself. She doubts herself and then pulls herself together to get whatever she needs done...but isn't that just a bit too perfect? I'd like an outburst here or there, at least, but this version of Amy always keeps her annoyance under lock and key... 

I just don't know whether to applaud Flynn for developing Amy into a smart leader (without making her a clone of Sally), or criticize him for changing a character from the start instead of letting progress come on its own (she actually assumes this new role in her first appearance). 

Let's not get started on Blaze...

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