Thursday, December 17, 2020

Underground is better than Sat Am (Part 10)

Best/Memorable Moments

The Sat Am cartoon had some good moments, but Underground fared better overall. 

Sat Am

When I think about what was good with Sat Am, Sonic and Sally immediately come to mind. Though they didn't have an entire episode focused on their relationship, it would show up from episode to episode. In one case Sonic is talking in his sleep about the love of his life, gathering Sally's attention...until she realizes he's talking about Chilidogs. In the end they take down the Doomsday machine together. Even though Sally could get annoyed with Sonic's immature attitude, they were close and hinted at their affection for each other.  

The episodes with Uncle Chuck were surprisingly emotional and memorable as well. The Void, while an odd ball, is fascinating for revealing the fate of Sally's father as well as changing Nicole's personality. The time travelling two-parter, "Blast to the Past," is always memorable, too. 



It make have had some lame episodes, but the good ones easily come to mind. 

Easily one of my favorites is an episode with Manic. After finding their birth place, he finally feels the sense of "home" he never had before and wants to stay. In the sweet end, he realizes this siblings are his home. Manic also proves his worth in episodes like "Three Hedeghogs and A Baby."

Sonia has a few memorable centric episodes herself, like when she was torn between her brothers and her old lifestyle in "The Price of Freedom" and "The Last Resort." Even Bartley became less of a dXXX after Robotnik accused him of a crime he did not commit.    

In another case the group turns a (practically E-series) robot called ARRT to their side, and ARRT saves them at personal risk. Cyrus' debut is also notable. And how about the 3-parter co-staring Knuckles?   

Who can't resist when they met their egypt-ish ancestor and find he looks like Sonic? Or when they travel dimensions and find they are their own worst enemy...

Sonic's re-occurring fear of water is something that set the show apart, as well as Manic's impulse thievery and Dingo's weird crush on Sonia. 


Sat Am's best moments revolved around it's characters and it's balance between serious and comedic. A lot of the episodes seemed too similar, though, and blur together. Parts of Underground were better than others, but it seemed like they tried to keep the plots more unique. In total, the risk was worth the reward because the moments in Underground pile up in comparison to Sat Am.  

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