Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Underground is Better the Sat Am (Part 9)

 Pilots and Multi-episodes

The pilots of these shows are not as strange as AoStH's or Sonic X's 2 pilots. They were just normal episodes ( far as we know?). They both establish the basics of the shows, but Sat Am gets a few points off because...

Sally's different appearance, which...actually may have been cuter. No explanation, though, just confusion that affected the comics and Sally's color scheme in her random AoStH Christmas Blast appearance.

Let's not forget that Rotor's look randomly changes in season 2 as well. 

Also, Nicole is a bulky as heck!    

"Blast From the Past" was an awesome 2-parter. It had time travel! Sonic and Sally facing their younger-selves! Chuck, Sal's father, the surprising origins of the robotisizer! Snively with hair?!

Still, the time stones were not accurate, or the "floating island" (where's little planet?). Plus Sonic being an adult in the opening when...well...

Small problems aside, it was still a lovable 2 episodes. 

Though there wasn't one like it again, the second season did have a bit of a story-arc as they gathered what they could to fight the Doomsday Machine.


Underground has 3-part episodes, though, that out-do all those.

The origins saga is a bit stronger in the beginning (literally) as it shows how they met each other and set out on their quest to find there mother. The first episode is strong, but the others are flat in comparison. Still, it takes the time to explain some things, like how Manic lacks his siblings quick attacks but has the more powerful instrument.   

The next is a trio of episodes featuring Knuckles, who has returned after his initial appearance. It has some bizarre twists, like Chaos-Dingo or whatever, but the addition of Knuckles makes it a better set, even if his voice isn't the best. 

It's always hilarious interesting to see Knuckles get tricked (gotta' feeling this at least partly--along with Sonic 3 obviously--influenced Sonic X). It's also nice to see them pair Sonia up with someone who isn't a rich jXXXXXX more her speed. Adding a character from the comics was a bit odd, but he's sort of like Knuckles' version of the Oracle and fits right in. 


Alone I think "Blast to the Past" might be better than one of these "sagas," but together it's defiantly a win for Underground. Combined with the funny-looking pilot, and Sat Am's at a disadvantage. 

This might have been from Underground's pilot (not that different than normal).

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