Friday, December 25, 2020

Sonic Rush Adventure Review

Rank @ end.


A Rush title is bound for greatness...but did it improve from the first game or drift in some other direction?

Gameplay and Controls

Like it's predecessor it has relatively simple controls. This time there's even a tutorial to help out, making it an ideal transition for classic or modern fans alike. I would appreciate it if certain moves could use the R or L button rather than just the R, though. 

The boost makes it easy to zip through, though those reliable classic moves are still present as well. 

Level Design and in-level Gimmicks

As far as looks go, it's a bit disappointing at first. It's nice and sunny, but this is another dimension. Sky Babylon was the only level that really seemed to capitalize on that. A lot of the early levels, like Plant Kingdom, are honestly kinda' bland. However the later zones like Haunted Ship are far more interesting. 

The placement allows things to run smoothly without too many bottomless pits, but they're still a bit of a nuisance (insert Blaze picture here). 

This game has some interesting parts to keep things new. Some, like the snow boarding in Blizzard Peaks, are outstanding. Others, like the minecart or the balloon (in other stages) seem fine for the first act and then are too challenging/slow in the second. Pirate Island seems too overwhelmed with it's features, though the dolphin idea was cute. 

Characters and Plot

I like Marine, which I'll cover in a moment. But I regret that Marine's character growth comes at the expense of Sonic Rush's Blaze the Cat. She doesn't show up until sometime later, and does not have her own story. Plus this is her dimension, but we don't get to see much of what makes it special or if she has any family or anything. 

Things do get better when she shows up, and there are some nice Sonic/Blaze moments as well as with Marine. Still, I think she should have been the main focus or at least been introduced quicker.  

Sonic and Tails are sucked into Blaze's dimension, a nice twist that would be great to see again. Tails kinda' goes the smart route and acts twice his age, which seems like a jerk-y thing to do since he's only a year older than Marine. Sonic also sorta' seems annoyed with taking the babysitter role, but handles it better than the others. 

Marine is annoying (but not nearly as bad as her Archie version, GAH). She's childish but has a drive for adventure and exploration, the theme of the game it seems. She takes risks but learns to listen as well, and even has a hand in the final ending. Like Blaze she's relatable, but more like someone's little sister or younger-self. 

I was really disappointed Whisker was not Nega in disguise. Johnny seems to be a SXXXXy rip off of Jet the Hawk. After the Eggmans inevitably reveal themselves, the robot-pirates don't have much dignity left. 


Music and Sound Effects

The music was a mix of mediocre/strange and awesome/amazing. Deep Core is quite addicting. The normal boss theme has voices that are catchy but weird. Plant Kingdom seems a bit odd for a first level, too. Pirates' Island is nice but not as fitting for the dangerous place it can be. Others like Coral Cave and Sky Bablyon were impressive, even some of the cutscenes' tunes, too. It's good as a whole, but some are far more suited than others. Though Act 2 is different, I miss the "Blazy Mix" idea.   

It was a bit disappointing that they reused voice clips. It would have been nice to give them some new catchphrases. Plus recording a new/separate laugh for Nega would have connected it to the Rivals series. There is new material for Whisker and Johnny, who have some amusing lines, but in contrast to her dialogue, Marine gets to be silent.   

Extras/Other Modes

The game introduced various boats and other vehicles that have to be used in different ways. The races with Johnny can be a NUISANCE (insert Blaze picture AGAIN). For things to work best, they've gotta' be upgraded with materials. If these were extra/bonus missions, it wouldn't be so bad, but a lot of this is required and ergo a pain. 

The "Southern Island" can be explored and cutscenes can be viewed. Music can be listened to, though some of it has to be unlocked through extra tasks. It's a clever way to make the game worth playing after the story has run it's course, but some of the missions are just insane. 

Final Thoughts 

  • Is it just me, or does the treasure chest make a Pacman noise at the end of every level?
  • The ending was cute. 
  • I liked that one of the Hidden Islands' layout is very similar to Leaf Storm. 
  • Even though I'd rather see Blaze, I would like to see Marine again or have her mentioned more. 
    • On the flip side, I'd like to see Blaze socialize with Cream more. 
    •  While we're at it, more Sonic-Blaze team-ups, please!
  • This is the final Rush game. Colors DS is NOT. 

Final Ranking (S-E): B

It slipped into an average ranking. While it includes many improvements, it was not as impressive. It added some unnecessary ideas that weigh it down. I like the story, but it could have been more.

It's a good sequel and DS game. Fans of the original will easily adjust to the style. However, it does not surpass the original.     

So is this like a water-power, or what?

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