Friday, December 18, 2020

Underground is Better than Sat Am (Conclusion)

He looks like a train, lol. BTW, Kath Soucie (Sally's voice) also voiced the Little Train that Could, lol

Sat Am was good for what it was, but when it comes to which Sonic cartoon is better, Sat Am falls pretty low. Sonic X had the "closer to canon" advantage of being made past games like Sonic Adventure. AoStH had a strong Sonic/Tails bond and memorable ytp moments with Robotnik, Scratch, Grounder, and Coconuts.

A lot of people did not like Underground, though. It was close to Sat Am, but that wasn't good enough. They wanted Sat Am back, and didn't get it I guess (THE COMICS WEREN'T GOOD ENOUGH?!) 

Sonic Underground was different and complex, but it had advantages over Sat Am. Slight animations and visual improvements. The cast of characters were smaller but better and more focused. The origins were more in-depth. Bringing the show ever-so-slightly closer to the games. Having an epic intro, an improved plot, still fairing at it's worst.  It's "dark" moments out did Sat Am's "dark" tone, it had longer and superior episode arcs, and the episodes were more impactful.  

Sonic Underground the power to challenge the other cartoons, but Sat Am can't compete. It had less episodes, it was the second oldest, it had odd comedy and foolish characters. While it's large cast, relationships, and more dangerous Robotnik were admirable, the execution left much to be desired. It's disadvantages are simply not easy to ignore, especially with the praise the show receives from fans. 

I like Sat Am and would likely rate it above Boom and the OVA. However it's extremely overrated for what it is. Sonic X is probably overrated, too, but it deserves the attention. Sat Am created some memorable characters that had better lives in the comics. It is not nearly as spectacular as long-time fans say. 

Underground is similar to Sat Am, and I think there are hints it was supposed to be in the same universe (such as the absence of Tails). But Underground improved upon the former while giving itself new life. The singing may not have been the highlight, but Manic and Sonia fit the world of Sonic even better than Sally and the Freedom Fighters. It's a real shame it's never gotten the same affection.  


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