Friday, May 22, 2020

Best Charmy VA

Charmy Bee is the Chaotix youngest member. Despite being a boy, all of his voice actors have been female.

Best to Worst

Amy Birnbaum (Sonic X, 2005-2010)

Birnbaum does a perfect job off keeping the character young, boyish, and energetic. A few line of Charmy's lines in Shadow the Hedgehog make me burst out laughing ("Look. It's a WARZONE.")

Emily Corkery (2003)

At a high pitch, her version of Charmy is funny and has a lot of energy, but doesn't sound very boyish. I generally think her performance in Heroes is why some people mistake Charmy for a girl.

Colleen O'Shaughnessey (2010-present)

O'Shaughnessey has Charmy sound young and boyish as well, but in a way a bit too similar to to her Tails voice (though she did not start voicing Tails until 2014). Her voice for Charmy generally seems more annoying than the others.

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