Friday, May 1, 2020

Sonicomics: IDW Changes...


It's been announced that Evan Stanley (Creator of the fan comic "GOTF;" writer of "The Silver Age" issues/co-writer for "Victory Garden;" and a "fan favorite" Sonic artist) will be taking over as main writer for the Sonic the Hedgehog IDW comic series starting in issue 33.

The issue also features art by "fan favorite" Gigi Dutreix ("TMOM" fan comic; co-writer for "Victory Garden"), who will assumingly start penciling for the series more often. 

Current writer Ian Flynn will still be involved; it's more of a partnership. However, it is a big step in the world of Sonic comics since there hasn't been a main comic written without Ian Flynn since 2006 (and none "main" in the IDW series).

The success of "Tangle and Whisper " apparently opened the door for more spin-off material. There will be new mini-series focusing on sub-villain Dr. Starline. Written by Ian Flynn, it's titled "Bad Guys." Also, this year's Annual has been given a new release date in June (as it and most of the issues were delayed by the REAL WORLD virus).


I'm happy with the change in writing. Though I don't hate Flynn, as some fans do, I've often felt that others should be involved for a better balance. I also believe that Stanley has a better grasp on how some of the characters act. Neither are perfect, but working together could turn out to be a great idea.

So many...

I'm less pleased with this "Bad Guys" idea. The Sonic cast is large and there are many amazing characters to base a story around. Most probably deserved a story more than Tangle/Whisper, but they were new, very popular characters. It made sense for IDW to show-off it's original characters in a original story.

But Starline? I don't think he's done anything to deserve a series. He's rather bland and lacks the popularity to support him. What's more, the series will deal with "the aftermath" of the Metal Virus saga...MORE OF THE D@^# M@%$@! F*&$!^% METAL VIRUS SAGA?!

Starline and fellow worthless characters (excluding maybe Mimic)

Look, Flynn has managed to make unique stories about villainous characters before. But it's defiantly not the angle I'd choose for the series' second spin-off, and I'm not interested.

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