Monday, May 11, 2020

Best Rouge VA

Best to Worst

Kathleen Delaney (Sonic X, 2005-2010)

I think I generally like Delaney's work in the games over her appearance in Sonic X. Might be a script difference, though, rather than voice acting...hmm...

Anyway, Delaney fit Rouge's personality very well, giving her a smooth tone. She's also able to change from that tone to a concerned or angry one with ease. I especially how she acts in 06. She's able to combine the smart GUN secret agent, the sassy jewel-obsessed bat, and the Team Dark member that's willing to show a little empathy. 

Lani Minella (2001-2004)

While showing some potential, Minella's performance in Sonic Adventure 2 wasn't the best. I think the main problem was that she couldn't imitate sarcasm well. However she did a great job in Heroes and Sonic Battle, to the point that I was considering having her as number one.

However, even though Minella's take on Rouge is likable and sounds younger, it doesn't match Rouge's situation as well as Delaney (as a spy/theif...she does the treasure hunter side great, though).

Karen Strassman (2010-now)

Strassman does a good Rouge voice that matches her age and flirty personality. But her acting doesn't really go beyond "flirty," not really even in Forces and TSR. The sneaky, ambitious Rogue who secretly cares about her team is gone. Strassman has potential, but she's needs to become the Rouge that would throw together a team with a robot and an amnesic. She needs to expand beyond "flirty."

And, to be fair, SEGA needs to write Rouge that way. 

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